Information compiled by Duane Alan Hahn, a.k.a. Random Terrain.
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Journey Escape BG ✔
Gamma-Attack SEBG ☹ ✔
Tron Deadly Discs BG ✔
Eggomania BG ???
Gopher BG ???
M.A.D. BG ???
Name This Game BG ???
Picnic BG ???
Squeeze Box BG ???
Crazy Climber ☹ ✔
Bermuda Triangle BG ≈ ✔
Flash Gordon BG ✔
Beefsteak Tomatoes BG ✔
Killer Satellites BG ≈ ✔
Entombed BG ???
Piece O’ Cake BG ???
Raft Rider BG ???
Dolphin ✔
Oink! ≈ ✔
Smurf: RIGC ≈ ✔
Zaxxon ≈ ✔
Frankenstein’s M. BG ☹ ✔
M*A*S*H BG ✔
No Escape! BG ✔
Shootin’ Gallery BG ✔
Strawberry Shortcake BG ✔
Sub-Scan BG ≈ ✔
Tac-Scan BG ≈ ✔
Polaris BG ✔
Cosmic Corridor BG ✳
Dishaster BG ✳
I Want My Mommy BG ✳
Tanks But No Tanks BG ✳
Atari Video Cube BG ☹ ✔
Enduro ✔
Demolition Herby BG ≈ ✔
Ram It BG ≈ ✔
Stargunner BG ≈ ✔
Miner 2049er BG ✔
Jungle Hunt ≈ ✔
Kangaroo ≈ ✔
Robot Tank BG ✔
Death Trap BG ???
Blueprint BG ✔
Solar Fox BG ✔
Stronghold BG ???
Bank Heist BG ✔
Earth Dies Screaming BG ✔
Porky’s BG ✔
Spacemaster X-7 BG ✔
BurgerTime BG ✔
Kool-Aid Man BG ✔
Q*bert ✔
X-Man BG ✔
Mr. Do! BG ✔
GameLine ≈ ✔
Crash Dive BG ???
Death Star Battle BG ✔
Thunderground BG ✔
Rabbit Transit BG ???
Ghost Manor BG ✔
Spike’s Peak BG ✔
Dig Dug ✔
Gravitar ✔
Krull ≈ ✔
WaterWorld ☹ ✔
Donkey Kong Jr BG ✔
Red Sea Crossing SEBG ???
Spitfire Attack BG ✔
Survival Run BG ✔
Fire Fly EBG ✔
Sorcerer EBG ✔
Star Fox EBG ✔
Popeye BG ✔
Super Cobra BG ✔
Chase The Chuck BG ✔
Star Trek BG ✔
Glib SEBG ???
Frogger BG ???
Party Mix BG ???
Springer BG ???
Joust ≈ ✔
Moon Patrol ≈ ✔
Pigs in Space BG ✔
Snoopy BG ✔
Pressure Cooker BG ✔
Mountain King BG ✔
Omega Race BG ✔
Tunnel Runner BG ✔
Kid Vid Smurfs BG ✔
Time Pilot BG ✔
Boing! EBG ???
Laser Gates BG ✔
Quick Step BG ≈ ✔
Buck Rogers BG ✔
Congo Bongo BG ✔
The Music Machine BG ≈ ✔
Survival Island BG ???
Sword of Saros BG ???
Artillery Duel BG ✔
Chuck Norris BG ✔
Obelix ???
Quadrun ???
Gauntlet ???
Malagai ???
Assault ???
Great Escape ???
Wall-Defender ???
Video Jogger ???
Video Reflex ???
Marine Wars ???
Pooyan ???
Strategy X ???
Dice Puzzle ???
Exocet ???
Scuba Diver ???
Seahawk ???
Stuntman ???
Burning Desire ???
Cathouse Blues ???
Gigolo ???
Jungle Fever ???
Philly Flasher ???
Lady in Wading ???
Philly Flasher ???
Bumper Bash ???
Mangia’ ???
Master Builder ???
Pages in this Subsection
Page last updated on: 2024y_12m_31d_2153t
Below is an incomplete list of Atari 2600 video game release dates by month in the USA for the year 1983 along with lists of top 100 music (selected hits in the order they charted), new movies at the theater, and new TV shows to help summon your treasured memories of the Atari 2600 years with the bonus of recreating the magical feelings of that special time.
If you were too young or not even born yet, play the songs in the order they are listed and watch video clips or commercials for the movies and TV shows (in order) and you might get a sense of what it was like living from month to month back in 1983. There were no smartphones with an Internet full of knowledge and entertainment at your fingertips. If you wanted to know something, you had to go to the library and try to find the information in a book. If you were lucky, you had an encyclopedia set at home, but it would probably be many decades out of date.
Links that jump to other places on this page are blue. Links that lead to other pages online are red.
For those who only want release dates and nothing else, the game entries are listed in the Page Table of Contents. This page also has an Index to help you find a specific game. There's also an Atari 2600 NTSC Game Index for 1977 to 1991.
Most of the release dates below are not set in stone. Games will be moved as better information is found, so be sure to check back once in a while.
Many games are marked as a best guess. Some guesses are worse than others. Below is a list of the types of guesses that might be on this page.
Best Guess (BG): At least one magazine or newsletter mentioned the month a game was released or supposed to be released or newspaper ads have been found.
Extreme Best Guess (EBG): A vague mention of the release month in a magazine, newsletter, or newspaper.
Super Extreme Best Guess (SEBG): The Video Game Update newsletter only had a review for the game (no release month mentioned), so it's a semi-educated wild guess. The review could have happened the same month the game was released or the review could have been published a month or more later.
Desperate Super Extreme Best Guess (DSEBG): There might be an ad in a magazine or newspaper to go on if we're lucky. It's a desperate semi-educated wild guess.
I signed up for the most expensive subscription option at in November of 2020 so I could finally look up games for myself. As I find the earliest newspaper ads for a game, I'll add a green check mark for that entry to indicate that the definitive release date has probably been found for that game.
≈ ✔ An almost equal symbol with a green check mark means that the game might have been available in some areas in the previous month. The entry is close enough.
☹ ✔ A sad face with a green check mark means that I couldn't find any useful newspaper ads, but there is enough evidence showing that the entry probably belongs in that month.
✳ A green eight spoked asterisk means that the entry might need to be moved if more information is found, but ads or news items suggest that the entry might be close enough to the correct month.
??? Three orange question marks indicate that I searched the newspapers and couldn't find anything helpful, so a more accurate release date for that game still needs to be found.
Remember, the date on the box, cartridge, manual, and copyright screen can be different from the actual release date. For example, Atari 2600 Pac-Man was released in March/April of 1982, but the box, cart, manual, and copyright screen have 1981 as the copyright date. It usually took around 6 months for a programmer to make an Atari VCS game back then and that’s not counting the time it took to make the manuals, boxes, and cartridges.
To help make your experience more enjoyable, most items listed on this page have a link to related search results at YouTube (YT) where you can watch music videos, scenes from movies, or clips from TV shows. The movies and TV shows listed on this page also have links to web sites such as the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) and Wikipedia (WP).
If you find a mistake, or have more information to add, such as month/year release dates for games, please contact me. Every little bit of credible information helps, no matter how insignificant you think it might be. Thanks for your help.
January 1983
January release according to Catalog, Arcade Express, and The Video Game Update. Going by newspaper ads, it looks like Spider Fighter was in stores by late January 1983.
[Spider Fighter was reviewed in the January 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
New Products - Electronic Fun (Mar 83 p11)
Practice Pays - Video Games (Jun 83 p15)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 9, 83)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Apr 14, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Jun 4, 83)
Conquering Spider Fighter - Videogaming (Jun 83 p28)
[3/19/83] Video Games (Jun 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter IN STOCK (Jan 20, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter $28.99 (Jan 21, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter $22 (Jan 21, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter $22.50 (Jan 22, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter JUST ARRIVED! (Jan 22, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter NEW (Jan 23, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter NEW AND IN STOCK (Jan 23, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter $21.95 (Jan 24, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter $23.95 (Jan 27, 83)
Newspaper: Spіder Fіghter $24.95 (Jan 27, 83)
January 1983
Best Guess using info from Billboard, Vidiot, and Video Games. Going by newspaper ads, it looks like Journey Escape was in stores by late January 1983.
114-006 — December 1982 — SPC Shorewood Packaging
Newspaper: E.T. and rock 'n' roll (Nov 02, 82)
[Journey Escape], Data Age's sixth, will appear in stores in January.
Newspaper: Alfred Carl (Jan 28, 83)
A new video game hitting the market this month is called “Journey Escape,” a tie-in with the album “Escape” by the rock group Journey.
Electronic Fun (May 83 p91)
Depending on the success or failure of Journey Escape, we could see a number of rock & roll video games in the near future. According to Data Age, groups such as the Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac and Styx have already approached the firm with proposals for games. As yet, no deals have been signed.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Feb 5, 83)
Rock Video Games the Next Trend? - Electronic Fun (Feb 83 p16)
Journey Escapes Into Data Age - Electronic Games (Mar 83 p8)
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Jan 22, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 2, 83)
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Apr 29, 83)
Electronic Games 1983 Software Encyclopedia (83 p26)
J. Ray Dettling’s Journey Escape Game - Electronic Fun (Jul 83 p83)
Can Video Games Save the Radio Star? - Video Games (Feb 83 p12)
Faded Glory - Video Games (Sep 83 p18)
Newspaper: Jоurney Escаpe 20% off (Jan 16, 83)
Newspaper: Jоurney Escаpe $20.95 (Jan 28, 83)
Newspaper: Jоurney Escаpe $24.99 (Jan 28, 83)
Newspaper: Jоurney Escаpe $23.95 (Feb 04, 83)
Newspaper: Jоurney Escаpe $24.99 (Feb 09, 83)
Newspaper: Jоurney Escаpe $22.99 (Feb 13, 83)
Are You Hot Enough? - Video Games (Jan 83)
Are You Hot Enough? - Electronic Games (Feb 83)
Are You Hot Enough? - Video Games (Feb 83)
Are You Hot Enough? - Electronic Games (Mar 83)
Are You Hot Enough? - Video Games (Mar 83)
Are You Hot Enough? - Video Games (Apr 83)
Newspaper: Jоurney Escаpe $5.99 (Jul 16, 83)
January 1983
Gamma-Attack (Gammation) ☹ ✔
Super Extreme Best Guess. This game could be purchased by mail order from an ad in Electronic Games (Jan 83 p120). Gamma-Attack does not seem to be in any newspapers.
Electronic Games (Jan 83 p120)
“Gamma Attack” Game Cartridge $24.95+1.50 or $14.95 with order of “FP-1” units.
January 1983
Tron Deadly Discs (M Network) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Promised ‘coming soon’ from October through December of 1982, then it finally arrived in January 1983.
Newspaper: Rick Vogt (Mar 11, 83)
Newspaper: Trоn Deаdly Dіscs COMING SOON (Oct 31, 82)
Newspaper: Trоn Deаdly Dіscs COMING SOON (Dec 17, 1982)
Newspaper: Trоn Deаdly Dіscs $19.95 (Jan 9, 83)
Newspaper: Trоn Deаdly Dіscs $24.46 (Jan 13, 83)
Newspaper: Trоn Deаdly Dіscs $22.50 (Jan 22, 83)
Newspaper: Trоn Deаdly Dіscs $21.99 (Jan 30, 83)
Newspaper: Trоn Deаdly Dіscs $22.99 (Feb 13, 83)
January 1983
Eggomania (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
[Eggomania was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Formerly titled Weird Bird.
The Video Game Update (Dec 82)
U.S. GAMES will announce approximately 8 new Atari 2600-compatible cartridges at the show. Included will be EGGOMANIA (formerly Wierd Bird), GOPHER and SQEEZE BOX.
Faded Glory - Video Games (Sep 83 p18)
Its principles and a huge, apparently unwanted inventory, which includes such retail bombs as Squeeze Box, Commando Raid, Towering Inferno and Eggomania, are all that remain.
Announcing the decision to discontinue operations last April, Smithburg said. “We did not foresee the rapid over-saturation in the market and have decided that without making major investments, continuing the business was not viable.” The parent company took a $1.9 million write-off on the subsidiary, which had sales of $6 million in calendar year 1982. At its lowest point last spring, U.S. Games cartridges were being discounted by stores—some selling for as little as five dollars.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Mar 19, 83)
Radio Electronics (Jul 83 p12)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p53)
Video & Arcade Games (Fall 83 p53)
Faded Glory - Video Games (Sep 83 p18)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4 83)
Newspaper: Eggоmania NEW (Mar 10, 83)
Newspaper: Eggоmania $4.98 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Eggоmania $23.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Eggоmania $5.99 (Jun 9, 83)
Newspaper: Eggоmania $7.99 (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Eggоmania $5.99 (Jul 16, 83)
Newspaper: Eggоmania $7.90 (Jul 27, 83)
January 1983
Gopher (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
[Gopher was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Formerly titled Gopher Attack.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Mar 19, 83)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Apr 14, 83)
Arcade Express (Oct 24, 83 p7)
Electronic Games 1983 Software Encyclopedia (83 p24)
Newspaper: Gоpher $4.98 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Gоpher $5.99 (Jun 9, 83)
Newspaper: Gоpher $7.99 (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Gоpher $5.88 (Jul 8, 83)
Newspaper: Gоpher $5.99 (Jul 16, 83)
Newspaper: Gоpher $7.90 (Jul 27, 83)
January 1983
M.A.D. (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
[M.A.D. was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Mar 19, 83)
Newspaper: MАD $9.95 (May 12, 83)
Go M.A.D. - Electronic Games (Apr 83)
Go M.A.D. - Electronic Games (May 83)
Go M.A.D. - Video Games (May 83)
Newspaper: MАD $5.99 (Jun 9, 83)
Newspaper: MАD $9.98 (Jun 10, 83)
Newspaper: MАD $7.99 (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: MАD $5.88 (Jul 8, 83)
Newspaper: MАD $5.99 (Jul 16, 83)
January 1983
Name This Game (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
[Name This Game was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Electronic Fun (May 83 p82)
Treasures of the Deep was the first name used on the story scenarios. That changed to Guardians of the Deep, but we were advised not to use the words ‘The Deep’ in the title. When it was submitted to U.S. Games they changed it to Guardians of Treasure. But I think when they all took a good look at the history of the name changes, the marketing people came up with the contest idea, calling the cartridge Name This Game and challenging the public to do just that.
Newspaper: Video Game Revenge (Jan 23, 83)
The other two cartridges feature an action game called “M.A.D.” (an acronym for Missile Attack & Defense) and a deep sea adventure dubbed “Name This Game” The latter cartridge will be the focus of a $50,000 promotional contest that requires consumers to come up with a title for the game The contest which runs from Feb. 1 to April 30 will be run at the store level.
Newspaper: “Name This Game” Official Winners (Aug 3, 83)
Name This Gamer: Ron Dubren, of the Name This Game Team - Electronic Fun (May 83 p80)
Newspaper: Nаme Thіs Gаme (Mar 10, 83)
Newspaper: Nаme Thіs Gаme $4.98 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Nаme Thіs Gаme $5.99 (Jun 9, 83)
Newspaper: Nаme Thіs Gаme $29.98 (Jun 10, 83)
Newspaper: Nаme Thіs Gаme $5.88 (Jul 8, 83)
Newspaper: Nаme Thіs Gаme $5.99 (Jul 16, 83)
January 1983
Picnic (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
[Picnic was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Mar 19, 83)
Newspaper: Pіcnic $5.90 (Nov 2, 83)
Newspaper: Pіcnic $5.99 (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: Pіcnic $4.98 (Dec 18, 83)
January 1983
Squeeze Box (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
[Squeeze Box was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Mar 19, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx (Mar 10, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx $4.98 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx $23.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx $9.95 (May 12, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx $5.99 (Jun 9, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx $29.98 (Jun 10, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx $7.99 (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx $5.88 (Jul 8, 83)
Newspaper: Squеeze Bоx $5.99 (Jul 16, 83)
January 1983
“Feet Don’t Fail Me Now” by Utopia (Jan 8) YT
“You Are” by Lionel Richie (Jan 15) YT
“Breaking Us In Two” by Joe Jackson (Jan 15) YT 60%
“Dreamin’ Is Easy” by Steel Breeze (Jan 15) YT
“I’m Alive” by Neil Diamond (Jan 15) YT
“Windows” by Missing Persons (Jan 15) YT
“Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson (Jan 22) YT 80%
“Come On Eileen” by Dexy’s Midnight Runners (Jan 22) YT 80%
“All Right” by Christopher Cross (Jan 22) YT
“Lies” by Thompson Twins (Jan 22) YT
“It’s Raining Men” by Weather Girls (Jan 22) YT
“Jeopardy” by Greg Kihn Band (Jan 29) YT
“We’ve Got Tonight” by Kenny Rogers & Sheena Easton (Jan 29) YT
“One On One” by Hall & Oates (Jan 29) YT
“Poison Arrow” by ABC (Jan 29) YT
“It Might Be You” by Stephen Bishop (Jan 29) YT 70%
“My Kind Of Lady” by Supertramp (Jan 29) YT
“New Frontier” by Donald Fagen (Jan 29) YT 80%
January 1983
January 1983
Text from The Video Game Update (Jan 83)
Nine titles are promised for the Show with the first 7 falling into their new FAMILY FUN SERIES being touted as fast action games that are fun to watch too. The 7 tltles are GOPHER, EGGOMANIA, PICNIC, PIECE O’ CAKE, SQUEEZE BOX, RAFT RIDER and ENTOMBED. In GOPHER the farmer must keep the Gophers from eating his crops. EGGOMANIA (formerly titled Weird Bird) features a Weird Bird dropping eggs from the top of the screen. Blue Bear must attempt to catch the eggs in his hat. If the bear misses, egg yolk is the result. Blue Bear dances the “Eggomania Waltz” when he tosses the eggs back up and manages to hit Weird Bird. When the bear is successful, Weird Bird's feathers fly and he flys off the edge of the screen. PICNIC, which uses your paddle controllers, has you defending two hamburgers from flies. The paddle controller acts as a flyswatter you use your fire button as the fly attacks. If you hit the fly, it bounces off the side of the screen (ala Pong) and bounces into a jar. The flies come in wave of 8 at a time, and when you get rid of the flies, you have to contend with Superbug who has two attack prongs. In PIECE O’ CAKE, you're a baker at the top of the screen with a conveyor belt with plates scrolling across the bottom. You must get the cake from the left (if you're real fast, get two cakes and make it a two-layer cake) and then go to the right and get a cherry to drop on the cake. This game also utilizes the paddle controllers. In SQUEEZE BOX you are a convict with bars on either side of you closing you in. You shoot out the bars—shoot out 4 bars and you can exit—into another room. The play gets faster and faster and if you touch three bars, you go to hell and meet the devil. RAFT RIDER has trappers in the Northwest Territory poling a raft upriver. There are obstacles such as rocks, a moose in the river, etc. There are also gold bars along the way. Pick them up and get extra rafts. ENTOMBED (formerly entitled Maze Chase) scrolls vertically. Getting your man into the maze is difficult enough but you can't see once you're in the maze and can easily end up in a dead end and scroll off the top (the game scrolls from bottom to top).
The other two games being introduced at the show fall into their Action/Adventure Series. First M.A.D. (Missile Attack and Defense) has you manning a photon cannon. There are missiles above trying to shoot out your 3 energy stations. In the 2-player version, you and your opponent take turns being the attacker and the defender! The last game [Name This Game] (formerly entitled GUARDIANS OF TREASURE) is UNTITLED! Scheduled to ship around February 1, a major contest is planned to Name The Cartridge! The game is a deep-sea adventure where you must protect a treasure and, of course, run into all sorts of problems along the way. In the Sweepstakes running from February 1 through April 30, several names will be drawn. First prize is $10,000, second place is $3,500, third place $1 ,500. They will choose the winning game title from those chosen in the Sweepstakes, starting with the first name drawn. The winning title will win an additional $10,000!
Text from The Video Game Update (Feb 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
January [compiled from Feb 83 and Jan 83 availability updates]
Demolition Herbie (Telesys) [Demolition Herby]
Entity (Fox) [unreleased]
x - Gopher (U.S. Games)
High Seas (M Network) [unreleased]
x - M.A.D. (U.S. Games)
Mission Omega (CommaVid) [unreleased]
x - Name That Game (U.S. Games) [Name This Game]
x - Picnic (U.S. Games)
Ram It (Telesys)
x - Reactor (Parker Bros)
Spider Fighter (Activision)
x - Squeezebox (U.S. Games) [Squeeze Box]
Stargunner (Telesys)
Surfing (Fox) [unreleased]
Tron Deadly Discs (M Network)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from Arcade Express (Dec 5, 82)
Activision will ship three titles in the next quarter that should follow their established route of whimsy combined with action-adventure, a formula that has proved successfulfor that company in the past. “River Raid”, the first game designed by Carol Shaw, requiresthe gamer to pilot an assault jet over a constantly changing river course, destroying gunships, helicopters, jets, bridges and oil depots. The course features 48 different river sections, sometimes clear and wide, and then so choked with islands that flight corridors shrink to a single wing span. “Spider Fighter” is another first game, this time from designer Larry Miller. A single player uses a bug blaster to dodge hostile arachnids before they steal his crop of fruit. Described as frenetic, a whorl of on-screen activity uses arcade-like features such as bonus points for surviving an insect wave with no loses, and a demonstration mode when the game ends. The third Activision release, “Sea Quest”, was designed by veteran programmer Steve Cartwright, who also gave us “Barnstorming” and “MegaMania”. The player controls a submarine to locate his team of scuba divers with their treasures. Then the arcader must rescue the divers from man-eating sharks and pirate subs, getting them to surface before the air supply runs out.
“River Raid” will be shipped in December, “Spider Fighter” in January, and “Sea Quest” will follow in February.
Text from Arcade Express (Dec 19, 82)
Data Age will introduce three new cartridges for the Atari VCS at the Winter Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas, in January 1983. They will be shipped during the first quarter of the year, together with the previously announced rock ‘n roll game, “Journey Escape”.
Data Age has continued to examine popular culture for inspiration for their games. “Bermuda Triangle” takes the gamer aboard a mini-sub on the ocean’s floor, to locate and loot a mysterious lost city. In “Frankenstein’s Monster”, arcaders gather stones from Dr. Frankenstein’s dungeon and carry them to the tower, to build a barrier around the monster before he’s completed. Finally, pit your agent against enemy spies, pursued and threatened, as he tries to recover top secret military documents and other prizes. Data Age has picked “Secret Agent” as a tentative title for this thriller based in the Swiss Alps.
Text from STARLOG (Dec 82, page 13)
In addition to Frogger, Empire Strikes Back and Amadar [Amidar], Parker will be releasing Reactor (this fall) [wrong], Super Cobra (January) [delayed], Star Wars (January) [possibly delayed by a month], Tutankham (April) [delayed] and Sky Skipper (April) [correct].
Text from Electronic Fun (Dec 82, page 27)
Following the incredible success of Frogger and The Empire Strikes Back, Parker Brothers has several new titles planned for your Atari VCS. Keep your eyes open for these . . .
January—Super Cobra [delayed], Star Wars [seems to have been delayed until Feb]
February—Reactor [seems to be correct]
April—Sky Skipper [correct], Tutankham [delayed]
June—Revenge of the Jedi [delayed]
Text from Arcade Express (Jan 2, 83)
Atari has filed suit against Imagic, in what could be the hottest videogame battle of the Winter. Atari claims that Imagic infringed a copyright in the Intellivision version of Imagic’s Arkie-Award winning hit, “Demon Attack”.
The folks in Sunnyvale are up in arms because Atari holds the home rights to “Phoenix”, the Centuri coin-op, and says that “Demon Attack” is an unauthorized plagiarism of that game. However, the VCS-compatible version of “Demon Attack” has not been sued up to this point.
A spokesman for Imagic expressed confidence that Atari’s case will not stand up, and denies the charges as “completely without merit”.
U.S. Games is sponsoring a contest/sweepstakes to find the best name for a new deep sea adventure. A joystick-controller diver gathers treasure from the ocean floor, while constantly threatened by an octopus whose tentacles draw ever closer. A spear gun drives the octopus back, but the diver has other problems. There’s a man-eating shark that must be dealt with. The gamer has to watch the undersea denizens, gather treasure, and also keep an eye on the dwindling air supplies.
Get a look at the cartridge at your local dealer in mid-January, and pick up entry blanks, for the U.S. Games sweepstakes drawing. The first name out of the hopper wins $10,000 regardless of the title he submits, and $3500 and $1500 go to the next two winners. One hundred people will get libraries of six U.S. Games cartridges, and 1000 will receive one game each. And, the person sending in the best, most creative name for the game will win a special award of $10,000, even if he’s already won one of the other prizes.
Text from Arcade Express (Jan 16, 83)
Early figures released by ABC Television rate the new cartoon show “Pac-Man” almost as big a hit on TV as it was in the arcades. The Saturday morning children’s cartoon series is tops in its time slot, beating out last year’s big winner, “Smurfs”, for the number one position.
The Atari VCS version of the climbing contest “Miner 2049er” will be one of five new cartridges introduced for the popular standard programmable videogame system by Tigervision during the first four months of 1983. January’s release, “River Patrol”, asks the arcaders to steer a leaky boat up a river and reach the dam before the vessel sinks. February will see the multiple scenario climbing game “Springer” in which the hero (a rabbit) hops from cloud to cloud on a journey to the sun. March is the month for the three-screen “Miner 2049er” as well as “Intuition”, the first videogame created by world-famous artist Agam. The latter is a quasi-educational cartridge that attempts to stimulate use of the left side of the brain to heighten creativity(!). “Polaris”, a submarine warfare simulation, will be the Tigervision offering for April.
Text from Video Games (Jan 83, page 56)
Between now and June, expect about eight cartridges from Parker Brothers. Amidar and Spiderman, a climbing game with some neat tricks, should be in the stores already; Super Cobra [delayed] and a second Star Wars game called Jedi Arena, which is based on the jousting scene in the original movie, are scheduled for January; Sky Skipper, Tutankham [delayed], Reactor [possibly released in Feb] and the Strawberry Shortcake game, which is being specifically geared toward the “little sisters who aren’t into Demon Attack” and is moderately educational, should be out by April; and The Revenge of the Jedi cartridge will appear shortly after the film’s May release [delayed].
Text from Arcade Express (Jan 30, 83)
Family fun is the main theme of a new series of cartridges from U.S. Games. Jack Dews, company Executive Vice Pres. explains, “It’s no secret that home videogames are a male-oriented youth market, but our research indicates there is a great potential for producing home videogames that appeal to all members of the family.” Even while continuing to support U.S. Games Action Adventure Series, the company has introduced the Family Fun Series that Dews describes as “fast, but somewhat lighthearted”, that will not involve space or shooting action.
“Gopher” has a farmer battling marauding rodents in his carrot patch. “Squeeze Box” has a jailbird shooting his way through fast-closing walls “Eggomania” has a circus bear catching eggs and pitching them back “Picnic” makes you use a flyswatter to get rid of a swarm of insects “Bakery” needs a deft- handed cook to drop cakes onto a conveyor belt “Raft Rider” has you maneuvering a raft through a treacherous river, and “Entombed” lets you explore an ancient tomb.
And there’s not a shoot-em-up in the whole batch of them!
Starpath Corporation has dramatically reduced the price of its Supercharger, the device that enhances the powers of the Atari VCS. The Supercharger had originally been marketed for $69.95, but now will be retailed at $45.
The Supercharger expands the RAM of the Atari VCS from 128 to 6,272 bytes. This increase in memory makes possible high resolution graphics and lengthened game playing time. The unit comes packed with “Phaser Patrol”, a game utilizing the additional power of the Supercharger that plugs into the cartridge slot of the VCS, and into the earphone jack of any cassette player. Starpath games are recorded on audio cassette and average $15 to $18 each.
Imagic has developed a table-top display unit that allows the retailer to display up to 26 videogames, giving the prospective customer the chance to view any or all of the games prior to purchase. It uses the Atari VCS system, and a customer merely presses a button to call up any game, which will then play for only a predetermined length of time to discourage overuse. The games work by remote control and are never touched by the customer, and the joysticks and paddles are attached to the rear of the Previewer. This should certainly help stores needing a way to demonstrate games, while keeping the valuable carts safely out of reach until the purchase is made.
Entex, a company best-known for its handheld and tabletop games, wants to turn every VCS unit into a full-function computer with the Entex 2000 Piggyback.
The full-sized keyboard plugs into an Atari 2600 and has a built-in 8K-byte Basic and 3K bytes of RAM that can be further enhanced with a 16K RAM memory expansion cartridge. Gamers can attain computer literacy and create their own programs, or use software cartridges in the VCS-styled cartridge portal. Entex will also market a wide variety of non-game software, ranging from home finance to beginning algebra, speed reading, and a variety of other useful subjects.
The Entex 2000 Piggyback will sell for less than $130 and will be available in the Spring.
Atari and Imagic have come to a meeting of the minds and laid to rest their battle over “Demon Attack”. Atari had claimed that the Arkie-Award hit, in its Intellivision version, infringed the copyright Atari held for “Phoenix”. The two companies declined to say how the agreement was reached, but Atari has dropped the suit against Imagic. Intellivision owners are the real winners since they will be able to continue enjoying the hit game with no objections from the boys in Sunnyvale.
Text from Billboard (Nov 6, 82, page 3)
The home video game industry directly pursues the rock music market in January. with the release of “Journey’s Escape,” a tie-in between the platinum-level Columbia recording act and Data Age, a fledgling games software firm.
The Atari-compatible cartridge. listing at $34.95. will reportedly be supported by a $4.5 million national ad campaign (the sum includes co-op dollars) funded by Data Age. The Campbell, Calif.-based company introduced its first five game cartridges Oct. 1.
Text from Vidiot (Feb/Mar 83, page 8)
The world’s first rock ‘n’ roll video game, featuring the members of Journey, ships on Jan. 1, ‘83.
Name of the game is Journey’s Escape. It goes something like this: You, the player, gets to be one of the guys in the group. Sorry, but somebody has to be the duck. To get the bug points, the musicianly blip has eight minutes to go from concert stage to a scarab limo parked nearby.
The catch? First, you have to navigate a mass of groupies, promo flaks, promoters, roadies, paternity lawyers and even some plain-old fans to reach the Escape. We can’t wait to see a teeny-weeny electronic groupie. A big red 0, right?
Snatches of two popular Journey tracks, “Escape” and “Don’t Stop Believing,” are also Included to open and close the contest. So you Journey fans will want the game to be over with, pronto.
Text from Video Games (Feb 83, page 12)
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. That’s the philosophy of Herbie Herbert, the astute manager of Journey, the San Francisco-based rock group whose latest album, Escape, has sold more than five-and-a-half million copies. So Journey has linked up with Data Age, a recent entry in the TV-game software circus, to create what is being billed as “the world’s first rock ‘n’ roll video game.” Says Herbert: “To stay on top of the youth market, you have to establish broad appeal. Video games are becoming as much a part of kids’ lives as rock ‘n’ roll has been for decades.”
Or as Data Age’s Vice-President of Marketing Robert Rice puts it: “The youth of America know exactly what they want—and today that means video games and rock ‘n’ roll.”
In the game—Journey Escape—you start on a concert stage and maneuver up a scrolling screen to Journey’s trademark scarab escape vehicle at the very top. The object: avoid a procession of heart-shaped groupies, flashing paparazzi, money-grubbing promoters, and autograph-seeking fans. You do get some help: When touched, a rock manager and a group of roadies will literally clear your way to the chauffeured limo. Besides being rewarded with a portion of the night’s take (what, no royalty points?), you get to hear a computerized version of the group’s latest hit, “Don’t Stop Believin,” following the getaway.
How did Data Age hook up with Journey? It seems the band’s management had been thinking about launching a video game when Rice, a music industry veteran and former Activision sales manager, contacted them with the same idea. It took less than an hour for the group and the company to reach an agreement. “We couldn’t believe someone else was thinking the way we were,” Herbert explained. The game is scheduled to be released in January and will be playable only on the Atari VCS. . . .
Text from Video Games (Mar 84, page 71)
The first Journey game was from Data Age. It came out just after Christmas, 1982.
Text from Billboard (Dec 11, 82, page 8)
Parker Brothers, the General Mills toy and game manufacturer which successfully launched a video game line in June [1982], plans the release of 16 new cartridges in 1983.
Keyed to movie, comic and arcade licenses, they will be supported with a major advertising program that will reportedly cost the company about $30 million.
In another 1983 direction, Parker will enter the computer software market, hoping to capture a market that is expected to double in size to about $500 million next year, with an anticipated 4.5 million personal computer homes. Parker will offer game cartridges compatible with such computer systems as Atari, Commodore, Texas Instruments and, possibly, IBM and Apple.
Following the introduction of four games since June [1982]—expected to generate about $75 million in sales by Christmas—Parker plans a January release of a second “Star Wars” cartridge, “Jedi Arena,” followed by “Revenge Of The Jedi”—the next “Star Wars” film—in May and a fourth cartridge based on a similar theme in late summer.
Also due in January is “Super Cobra” [delayed] and, during the year, such other arcade games as “Reactor,” “Sky Skipper” and “Tutankham.”
In March, the company will attempt to reach boys and girls ages four and eight with two entries, “Strawberry Shortcake” [possibly delayed until Apr] and “G.I. Joe.” . . .
Text from Billboard (Jan 8, 83, page 32)
In addition, Parker Bros. will introduce “Strawberry Shortcake Musical Match-Ups,” a video game designed for girls between the ages of four and eight.
. . . .
The Parker Bros. video game, to be introduced in March, was designed to develop color and tune recognition in youngsters. It will be compatible with the Atari VCS and Sears Video Arcade, as well as the Intellivision system later in the year.
Text from Electronics For Kids (Jan/Feb 83, page S19)
Parker Brothers plans to introduce 16 new video game cartridges in 1983 including three new games based on the upcoming Star Wars film, tentatively titled Return of the Jedi.
Company president Randolph P. Barton said that the new cartridges will be backed with a $30 million advertising budget. He also predicted that Parker Bros.’ new games, combined with its initial computer software offerings, would help the company triple its video software sales in 1983.
Star Wars Jedi Arena, first of three Star Wars cartridges planned for ‘83, is being released in January for play on the Atari VCS [possibly delayed until Feb]. The game will be compatible with the Atari 5200 and Intellivision systems later this year. The second Jedi game will hit the stores when the film is released in May [delayed] and the third is set for late summer release.
Several of the new games will feature movie and comic book characters for which Parker Bros. has obtained exclusive game cartridge licenses. Among them are James Bond, G.l. Joe, The Incredible Hulk, and Strawberry Shortcake. Both the G.I. Joe and Strawberry Shortcake games have been designed for young children ages 4-10.
Four new cartridges based on popular arcade games will debut in 1983. Home video versions of Reactor, Sky Skipper, Super Cobra, and Tutankham are scheduled for release this year. A fifth arcade-based game, Amidar, was shipped in November [correct]. Also scheduled for 1983 is a game based on the Lord of the Rings fantasy novels by J.R. Tolkien.
Text from Electronics For Kids (Jan/Feb 83, page S22)
Journey Escape has a suggested retail price of $34.95.
Along with Journey Escape, Data Age will be introducing three other Atari VCS-compatible video games at the Winter CES.
Bermuda Triangle, Frankenstein’s Monster and another game tentatively-titled Secret Agent will be shipped during the first quarter. All three games have a suggested retail price of $31.95.
Text from Book & Video Update (Vol. 1, No. 4 Jan/Feb 83, p. 12)
Whether you own an Atari 2600 or lntellivision game system, Parker Brothers has the games for 1983. The best of the arcade games, and innovative creations from books and movies, these exciting new releases are coming soon—
[Anything not for Atari VCS has been removed from their list.]
Super Cobra [delayed until Oct]
Jedi Arena [released in Feb]
Strawberry Shortcake [released in Apr]
Sky Skipper [correct]
Tutankham [delayed until Jun]
G.I. Joe [released in Mar]
Reactor [released in Feb]
Revenge of the Jedi I [canceled or renamed]
James Bond 007 [train version canceled & new game released May 84]
Incredible Hulk [canceled]
Revenge of the Jedi II [canceled or renamed]
Lord of the Rings [canceled]
February 1983
Ms. Pac-Man (Atari) ✔
February release according to Atari Age order form, catalog, page 7 of V1n5, an Atari newspaper ad, The Video Game Update, and Arcade Express.
[Ms. Pac-Man was reviewed in the March 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Arcade Express (Feb 13, 83 p7)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 2, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (May 14, 83)
Radio Electronics (Aug 83 p14)
Video & Arcade Games (Fall 83 p65)
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p38)
Staying Power - Radio Electronics (Nov 83 p12)
[3/19/83] Video Games (Jun 83)
[4/16/83] Video Games (Jul 83)
[5/28/83] Video Games (Aug 83)
[6/25/83] Video Games (Sep 83)
[7/23/83] Video Games (Oct 83)
[8/20/83] Video Games (Nov 83)
[9/17/83] Video Games (Dec 83)
[10/17/83] Video Games (Jan 84)
[11/12/83] Video Games (Feb 84)
[11/26/83] Video Games (Mar 83)
[1/21/84] Video Games (Apr 83)
Newspaper: Nobody Brightens (Dec 10, 82)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn COMING SOON. (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $29.95 (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $29.99 (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $29.95 (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $39.95 (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $24.47 (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $27.88 (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn BRAND NEW (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $28.99 (Feb 24, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $29.88 (Feb 24, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn NOW IN STOCK (Feb 24, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $27.95 (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $29.75 (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $26.95 (Feb 26, 83)
Newspaper: Mѕ Pаc-Mаn $23.95 (Mar 5, 83)
Here Comes Mѕ. Pаc-Mаn - Electronic Games (May 83)
Here Comes Mѕ. Pаc-Mаn - Electronic Fun (May 83)
February 1983
January release according to Atari Age order form, page 16 of V1N5, and an Atari newspaper ad from 1982. The Video Game Update said that Phoenix was shipped in February. Another newspaper ad from Feb 6, 83 said that Phoenix would not be available until late February. Going by the 1983 newspaper ads, it looks like Phoenix was not in most stores until the middle of February.
[Phoenix was reviewed in the January 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
G-CO19743-73 REV. 1 — December 1982 — SPC Shorewood Packaging — There is a 2 on a tiny flap by itself.
Newspaper: Atari Sues Imagic Over Game (Dec 1, 82)
Newspaper: Imagic, Atari settle copyright lawsuit (Jan 5, 83)
Conquering Phoenix - Videogaming (Jun 83 p32)
[3/19/83] Video Games (Jun 83)
[4/16/83] Video Games (Jul 83)
[5/28/83] Video Games (Aug 83)
[6/25/83] Video Games (Sep 83)
Newspaper: Nobody Brightens (Dec 10, 82)
Newspaper: Phoеnix not available until late Feb (Feb 6, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $24.99 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $19.95 IN STOCK (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $29.95 (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $24.95 (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $29.95 IN STOCK! (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $20.97 NEW! (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix BRAND NEW (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $22.99 (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $22.95 (Feb 23, 83)
Newspaper: Phoеnix $24.95 (Feb 25, 83)
Here Comes Phoеnix - Electronic Games (Apr 83)
February 1983
SwordQuest FireWorld (Atari) ✔
February release according to Atari Age order form, catalog, page 10 of V1n5, The Video Game Update, and newspaper ads.
G-CO19743-57 REV. 1 — October 1982 — — There is a 2 on a tiny flap by itself.
Newspaper: FіreWorld $26.97 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: FіreWorld $26.95 (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: FіreWorld $36 (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: FіreWorld $24.47 (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: FіreWorld $22.99 (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: FіreWorld $28.99 (Feb 24, 83)
Newspaper: FіreWorld $27.95 (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: FіreWorld $29.75 (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: FіreWorld $31.95 (Feb 26, 83)
February 1983
Seaquest (Activision) ✔
February release according to catalog, Activisions: Rumors, The Video Game Update, Arcade Express, and newspaper ads.
[Seaquest was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Activision Expands Library to 23 Titles - Arcade Express (March 27, 83 p4)
Electronic Fun (Oct 83 p98)
And there’s this team of treasure hunters who tried to dig up a Spanish galleon a few years ago. They called themselves Seaquest International, and they’re suing Activision over the title of guess which VCS cart. As your lawyer, I advise you to swallow the cartridge and deny everything...
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 2, 83)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p55)
Newspaper: Sеaquest $24.95 (Feb 18, 83)
Newspaper: Sеaquest $24.66 (Feb 19, 83)
Newspaper: Sеaquest $23.80 (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Sеaquest HAS ARRIVED (Feb 24, 83)
Newspaper: Sеaquest $28.99 (Feb 24, 83)
Newspaper: Sеaquest $24.95 (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: Sеaquest $24.88 (Feb 28, 83)
You’re in Deep Trouble - Electronic Fun (Mar 83)
You’re in Deep Trouble - Video Games (Apr 83)
February 1983
Crypts Of Chaos (Fox, 20th Century) ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Crypts Of Chaos was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Moving Toward the 21st Century with Fox Video Games - Video Games (Aug 83 p24)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $21.95 (Feb 06, 83)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $23.96 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $21.95 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $19.88 (Feb 14, 83)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $23.96 (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $24.95 (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $22.95 (Feb 27, 83)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $24.99 (Mar 18, 83)
Newspaper: Crуpts Chаos $18.99 (Mar 24, 83)
If Strategy - Electronic Games (Apr 83)
If Strategy - Video Games (Apr 83)
If Strategy - Electronic Fun (Apr 83)
If Strategy - Electronic Games (May 83)
If Strategy - Electronic Fun (May 83)
February 1983
Adventures of Tron (M Network) ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Adventures of Tron was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 9, 1983)
Newspaper: Advеntures Trоn $29.99 (Feb 9, 83)
Newspaper: Advеntures Trоn $22.99 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Advеntures Trоn $24 (Feb 13, 1983)
Newspaper: Advеntures Trоn IN STOCK (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: Advеntures Trоn $22,99 (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Advеntures Trоn $19.88 (Feb 24, 83)
Newspaper: Advеntures Trоn $23.95 (Mar 6, 83)
February 1983
Air Raiders (M Network) ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Air Raiders was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 2, 83)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p55)
Newspaper: Aіr Raіders $18.95 (Feb 6, 83)
Newspaper: Aіr Raіders $24.99 (Feb 9, 83)
Newspaper: Aіr Raіders $21.50 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Aіr Raіders $24 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Aіr Raіders IN STOCK (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: Aіr Raіders $21.50 (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Aіr Raіders $23.95 (Mar 6, 83)
February 1983
Using info from Book & Video Update, Videogaming, Video Games, The Video Game Update, and newspaper ads. According to newspaper ads, it appears that Reactor was in stores in February.
[Reactor was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 9, 1983)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Apr 14, 83)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4 83)
Parker Brothers presents - TV Guide (Dec 4-10, 82)
Newspaper: Rеactor $25.95 (Jan 27, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $28.88 (Feb 1, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $22.99 (Feb 2, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor IN STOCK! (Feb 3, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor NEW! IN STOCK! (Feb 04, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $25.95 (Feb 4, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $25.60 (Feb 5, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $24.55 (Feb 6, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $24.50 (Feb 10, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $24.94 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $29.99 (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $24.94 (Feb 20, 83)
Coming Soon - Electronic Games (Feb 83)
Coming Soon - Electronic Fun (Feb 83)
Coming Soon - Electronic Fun (Mar 83)
Coming Soon - Electronic Games (Mar 83)
Coming Soon - Electronic Fun (Apr 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $29.98 (Jun 10, 83)
Newspaper: Rеactor $7.95 (Aug 14, 83)
February 1983
Star Wars: Jedi Arena (Parker Brothers) ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update, Billboard, Electronics For Kids, Video Games, Videogaming, Book & Video Update, Electronic Fun, STARLOG, and newspaper ads.
[Jedi Arena was reviewed in the March 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
A Long Time Ago... - Computer and Video Games (Apr 97 p54)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p54)
Video & Arcade Games (Fall 83 p42)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p78)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4, N5, N6, N7 83)
Parker Brothers presents - TV Guide (Dec 4-10, 82)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna IN STOCK! (Feb 03, 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna NEW! IN STOCK! (Feb 04, 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna $27.95 (Feb 04, 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna $24.95 (Feb 06, 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna $24.50 (Feb 10, 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna $24.94 (Feb 13, 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna $30.95 NEW! (Feb 14, 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna $34.99 (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna $24.94 (Feb 20, 83)
Become a Jedi Master - Video Games (Feb 83)
Become a Jedi Master - Electronic Fun (Feb 83)
Become a Jedi Master - Electronic Games (Feb 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna (Mar 10, 83)
Become a Jedi Master - Electronic Games (Apr 83)
Newspaper: SW Jеdi Arеna $12.95 (Aug 14, 83)
February 1983
“Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” by Journey (Feb 5) YT
“Little Too Late” by Pat Benatar (Feb 5) YT
“I Like It” by DeBarge (Feb 5) YT
“Nice Girls” by Melissa Manchester (Feb 5) YT
“Mr. Roboto” by Styx (Feb 12) YT 75%
“Der Kommissar” by After The Fire (Feb 12) YT 70%
“I Don’t Care Anymore” by Phil Collins (Feb 12) YT
“The Fanatic” by Felony (Feb 12) YT
“She Blinded Me With Science” by Thomas Dolby (Feb 19) YT 80%
“Whirly Girl” by Oxo (Feb 19) YT
“Should I Stay Or Should I Go” by The Clash (Feb 19) YT
“Beat It” by Michael Jackson (Feb 26) YT 80%
“Little Red Corvette” by Prince (Feb 26) YT
“Change Of Heart” by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (Feb 26) YT
“Some Kind Of Friend” by Barry Manilow (Feb 26) YT
“Take The Short Way Home” by Dionne Warwick (Feb 26) YT
“Shoppin’ From A To Z” by Toni Basil (Feb 26) YT
February 1983
February 1983
Text from The Video Game Update (Mar 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
February [compiled from Mar 83, Feb 83, and Jan 83 availability updates]
x - Advs Of Tron (M Network)
x - Air Raiders (M Network)
Cosmic Corridor (Zimag)
x - Crypts Of Chaos (Fox)
Dishaster (Zimag)
x - G.I. Joe (Parker Bros)
I Want My Mommy (Zimag)
x - Jedi Arena (Parker Bros)
x - Ms. Pac-Man (Atari)
x - Phoenix (Atari)
x - Realsports Football (Atari) [Released in Dec 1982, so I don’t know why this is here.]
Revenge Beefstk Tom. (Fox) [Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes]
x - Seaquest (Activision)
Stomp It (CBS) [unreleased]
Swordquest Fireworld (Atari)
Tanks But No Tanks (Zimag)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from Arcade Express (Feb 13, 83)
U.S. Games has new packaging graphics for its library of Atari 2600-compatible cartridges. Each box has the new U.S. Games logo across the top against a light blue strip with a thin red line below. A cartoon drawing with a white background depicting the game scenario illustrates the box front, and the back of the container has a playscreen plus a written description of the play action. Jack Dews, Executive Vice President of the company, had this to say about the changes: “Our games are designed for family play and the graphics give them a friendly look that invites people to play.”
Coleco plans seven new Atari VCS-compatible cartridges during the first half of the year, including “Donkey Kong Junior”, “Looping”, “Mr. Do”, “Zaxxon” and “Turbo”, all licensed versions of coin-op hits; “Rocky Battles the Champ” and “Smurf Rescue in Gargamel’s Castle”, licensed from the popular movie and T.V. show, respectively.
Atari spokesmen say the company wants the consumer to get even greater values for their money, and this is the reason they are giving an “Accessory Test Console” to qualifying dealers at no charge. The consumer can take his suffering equipment to the test console at his favorite videogame store to learn what, if anything, is wrong with the ailing machine. This should save time and effort in obtaining repairs for any equipment problems that might arise.
In another bid to help the gamer, Atari recognizes that joysticks do sometimes break, so introduced the “Atari Joystick Repair Kit”. It contains all the necessary replacement parts and easy instructions, so that arcaders can repair the damaged controller rather than buying a new one.
Text from Arcade Express (Feb 27, 83)
“Ms. Pac-Man” came to the home screen in February. It features multiple mazes and graphics that far outshine last year’s “Pac-Man”. Best of all, “Ms. Pac-Man” is essentially flicker-free; this is a great adaptation of the coin-op hit that all gobble fans will appreciate. “Centipede”, the garden-insect-hunt coin-op hit, will be released for the home in March. “Dig Dug”, the popular mining game, is scheduled for second quarter release.
Other titles for the first half of this year include “Kangaroo” [Jul] with 4 skill levels for the gamer to battle through to save the kidnapped baby hopper. “Jungle Hunt” [Jul], licensed from Taito, forces the on-screen hero to swing from vines, swim shark-infested rivers, and brave avalanche and cannibals to save his lady love. “Phoenix” [Feb] features waves of warbirds that swoop down on the laser cannon, followed by an attack by the alien ship. “Vanguard” [Dec 82], already available in most cities, flies the gamer through nine different tunnels as he battles 11 waves of enemies. “Galaxian”, the familiar invasion game, will be available for the VCS for the first time in March. [Wrong. Galaxian was released in Jun.] “RealSports Football”, “RealSports Tennis” and “RealSports Soccer” complete the roster of games planned for immediate release by Atari. [Tennis & Soccer could be orderd by Atari Club members in Apr, but they weren't in stores until Jun. Football was released in Dec 82.]
“Gemini” is a new videogame system from Coleco that’s fully compatible with all games designed for the Atari VCS and Sears Video Arcade. The new Coleco system accepts all carts manufactured by other game companies for use on the Model 2600 Atari. “Gemini” lists for under $100, and comes packed with Coleco’s “Donkey Kong”, two controllers with both joysticks and paddles, and $25 worth of coupons good toward the purchase of other Coleco products.
The low-priced “Gemini” is also compatible with Coleco’s new module, the “Gemini Sound I Voice Module” which works with all VCS-type videogame systems to bring voice to home games.
Three controllers said to bring arcade-quality play into the home are on the way from Atari. “TrakBall” will be available in late Spring for the Atari 5200 and VCS 2600. The “Proline Joystick” for the VCS 2600, modeled after aerospace controllers, requires less hand movement for quick response. Its design conforms to the shape of gamers` hands more comfortably than previous sticks. It should be a very durable controller because of its solid metal shaft.
Atari didn’t forget the younger gamer. Researchers at that company found traditional sticks hard for small kids to use, so developed the “Atari Kid’s Controller”. A 5x7 in. keyboard holds 12 buttons, and each kids game has a pictorial overlay for the pad. Atari believes this makes it easier for young players to understand the relationship between the controller and the game.
Text from Videogaming Illustrated (Feb 83, page 10)
BACK AT THE RANCH . . . [Seems to have been written in December 1982]
All that talk last issue about stock analysts predicting gloom for the videogame industry has not apparently, caused Parker Brothers to lose any sleep.
The General Mills subsidiary said recently that they expected to generate in excess of two hundred million dollars worth of retail sales for its Atari-compatible software over the next two years.
This figure is based on the release of twenty titles by the end of 1984.
Parker Brothers certainly has had a phenomenal start with The Empire Strikes Back videogame: released in June [Jul 82], it has achieved over thirty million dollars in retail sales. That makes it one of the top grossing home videogames in history.
The other Parker Brothers videogames currently in release are Frogger, Amidar, and Spiderman. In addition to Jedi Arena, covered elsewhere in this issue, next month [January] you’ll be able to buy Super Cobra [delayed], with Reactor scheduled for the spring.
Apollo is doing extremely well for a small company amidst the titans, but President Pat Roper isn’t resting on his laurels.
The Texas-based company has a total of thirteen games on the market. all of them bearing the company’s new logo and, in the case of older games like Space Cavern, new package art.
“Increasingly limited shelf space and overall competition in the marketplace has created a need for our games packaging to be truly distinctive and yet to reflect a family look,” Roper said. At the same time, he wanted “a sophisticated image of the company to reflect the innovative, state-of-the-art games we are known for making.”
The company’s new logo features their name pierced by a lightning bolt.
Text from Videogaming Illustrated (Feb 83, pages 29 and 30)
Star Wars [Seems to have been written in December 1982]
As reported in this issue’s Eye On, sales of the first Star Wars videogame, The Empire Strikes Back, have been extraordinary. That game, of course, is based on the Battle of Hoth from the film, as rebel soldiers in snowspeeders shoot at the mammoth, lumbering ATATs (All Terrain Armored Transports) which are plodding toward their encampments.
There is every reason to believe that Parker Brothers will once again strike gold with next month’s [January] release of the second Star Wars cartridge, Jedi Arena [possibly delayed until Feb].
If playing Jedi Arena will be a treat, bringing the game to the Atari VCS has not been a picnic. The object of Jedi Arena is to strike at the Seeker, the floating ball from whose lightning-like discharges Luke Skywalker tried to defend himself while practicing with his light-saber in the first Star Wars.
This was always the concept of the game, though it went through several different versions before Parker Brothers came up with one that was both faithful to the film and offered excellent gameplay. The biggest problem was concocting an interesting Seeker scenario. Originally, the player’s goal was to blow it up. Now, closer to the scene in the film, the Seeker throws off sparks which the player must repel.
The third Star Wars game, tentatively titled Revenge of the Jedi, will be released in June [delayed], one month after the film.
What’s interesting about the third cartridge is that while the designers will be told what event from the film they must develop into a game, that’s all they will be permitted to know.
To say that the makers of Revenge of the Jedi are being secretive is the understatement of the decade. The fear of filmmakers engaged in expensive projects such as this one—the cost is in excess of $25,000,000—is that some unscrupulous producer will get wind of the plot and rush out a quick, lowbudget theatrical or TV film.
Text from InfoWorld (Feb 28, 83, page 10)
‘Twas a wintry day at the 17th annual Super Bowl in Pasadena, California [January 30, 1983]. All the elements of the well-known American pastime were on hand, and then some.
The bands marched with precision timing. The piercing blast of air horns signaled many a touchdown. And among the cheering throng, two beefsteak tomatoes sat stewing at the end zone with only one thought in mind: revenge.
Their picket signs said it all: “Beefsteak Tomatoes Demand Revenge.” “Was it revenge for the Redskins, who were about to take on the Miami Dolphins?” the fans questioned.
Unbeknownst to the public, the veggie duo was participating in a publicity stunt sponsored by Fox Video Games in celebration of its newest video escapade, “Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes.”
“The idea was to instantly pique the public’s interest and establish a kind of mascot for the game,” said Al Pepper, Fox’s vice-president of marketing.
Tomato model Jane Forelle said that, as inanimate objects, both of them remained impartial during the game. The experience was a positive one, she commented, except that people kept trying to squeeze her.
In the game, players build brick walls, trapping the lethal vegetables before they take over the world.
Fun, eh? Revenge will be available by the end of the month on the Atari 2600, 400 and 800 and on the VIC-20.
The game, which costs approximately $30, will join a host of other interesting titles, such as Worm War I, Deadly Duck and The Earth Dies Screaming.
The firm declined to say where the killer tomatoes may appear next, but company executives stressed that the tomatoes are actually harmless.
Fox Video Games, based in Santa Clara, California, is a subsidiary of 20th Century-Fox Films.
March 1983
March release according to Atari Age order form, catalog, back cover of V1n6, The Video Game Update, Arcade Express, Videogaming, and newspaper ads.
[Centipede was reviewed in the March 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
G-CO19743-76 REV. 2 — April 1983 — SPC Shorewood Packaging — There is a 2 on a tiny flap by itself.
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Apr 20, 83)
Arcade Express (Apr 24, 83 p7)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p44)
[4/16/83] Video Games (Jul 83)
[5/28/83] Video Games (Aug 83)
[6/25/83] Video Games (Sep 83)
[7/23/83] Video Games (Oct 83)
[8/20/83] Video Games (Nov 83)
[9/17/83] Video Games (Dec 83)
[10/17/83] Video Games (Jan 84)
[11/26/83] Video Games (Mar 83)
[1/21/84] Video Games (Apr 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede Pre-order $34.95 (Feb 27, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $27.95 (Mar 6, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede IN STOCK (Mar 10, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $29.95 (Mar 10, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $29.95 (Mar 11, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $34.95 (Mar 11, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $32.99 (Mar 11, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $32.95 (Mar 11, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $29.95 (Mar 16, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede IN STOCK (Mar 17, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $23.99 (Mar 17, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $28.95 (Mar 17, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede NOW IN STOCK (Mar 17, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $24.95 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $29.95 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $22.95 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $36 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $25 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $29.99 (Mar 21, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $28.88 (Mar 22, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $24.99 (Mar 24, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $29.95 (Mar 24, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $26.99 (Mar 24, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $29.95 (Mar 25, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $27.99 (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: Centіpede $29.97 (Mar 30, 83)
Here Comes Centіpede - Electronic Games (Apr 83)
Here Comes Centіpede - Video Games (May 83)
March 1983
Crazy Climber (Atari) ☹ ✔
March release according to Atari Age order form and page 3 of V1N5.
“Now available from The Atari Club! Not at any store! An exclusive Atari Club cartridge introduction!”
“It will be at least six months before Crazy Climber is sold at any store—but Atari Club members can get Crazy Climber in March by ordering today! Just $26.95.”
March 1983
Bermuda Triangle (Data Age) ≈ ✔
Best Guess using info from Electronics For Kids, “sneak peeks” from Electronic Fun (Mar 83 p17), and newspapers. Going by newspaper ads, it looks like Bermuda Triangle was available in some areas in February.
[Bermuda Triangle was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
First Use In Commerce Date: Dec 3, 82 - Filing Date: Jan 27, 83
114-007 — January 1983 — SPC Shorewood Packaging
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Feb 5, 83)
Bermuda Triangle is expected out shortly and is an underwater adventure game with artifacts to gather and squids and other denizens to avoid.
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Apr 29, 83)
In addition to Journey Escape, Data Age's 1983 releases available now are Bermuda Triangle and Frankenstein's Monster. Available possibly in May will be Mr. Bill's Neighborhood, based on Mr. Bill, the clay doll character who achieved fame on television's “Saturday Night Live.” At a later date an educational game, Smokey the Bear, designed to teach children the hazards of fire, will be offered. If these two games are as good as Data Age's first three releases this year, Atari players will have much to anticipate.
Video & Arcade Games (Fall 83 p57)
The Clone Game Challenge - Electronic Fun (Apr 83 p70)
J. Ray Dettling Interview - Electronic Fun (Jul 83 p83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $21.95 (Feb 17, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $24.88 (Feb 24, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $18.95 (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $23.95 (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $21.99 (Mar 18, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $21.97 (Mar 24, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $22.99 (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $23.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $7.99 (May 11, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $12.88 (May 20, 83)
Newspaper: Bеrmuda Trianglе $5.99 (Jun 9, 83)
Your First Mistake - Electronic Fun (Mar 83)
Your First Mistake - Electronic Fun (Apr 83)
Your First Mistake - Electronic Games (Apr 83)
Your First Mistake - Video Games (Apr 83)
Your First Mistake - Electronic Games (May 83)
March 1983
Flash Gordon (Fox, 20th Century) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Flash Gordon was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Arcade Express (Apr 10, 83 p7)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p55)
Radio Electronics (Sep 83 p12)
Newspaper: Flаsh Gоrdon $29.95 (Mar 17, 83)
Newspaper: Flаsh Gоrdon $21.99 (Mar 18, 83)
Newspaper: Flаsh Gоrdon $21.99 (Mar 24, 83)
Newspaper: Flаsh Gоrdon $21 (Apr 14, 83)
March 1983
Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes (Fox, 20th Century) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, InfoWorld and newspaper ads. Looks like the game was available in March without a doubt according to newspaper ads. I've only seen one ad so far in February and it had the wrong name.
[Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Beware of the Hot Tomato - Video Games (Jul 83 p12)
Game Names Out of Control - Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p12)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 9, 1983)
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Apr 20, 83)
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Apr 21, 83)
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p51)
Scary Videogames: Games That Go “Bump” in the Night - Electronic Games (Nov 83 p34)
Newspaper: Beеfsteak Tomatoеs $24.95 (Feb 27, 83)
Newspaper: Beеfsteak Tomatoеs $24.99 (Mar 18, 83)
Newspaper: Beеfsteak Tomatoеs $21.99 (Mar 24, 83)
Newspaper: Beеfsteak Tomatoеs $21.99 (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: Beеfsteak Tomatoеs $21 (Apr 14, 83)
March 1983
G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike (Parker Brothers) ✔
March release based on info from Billboard and newspaper ads. Most of the newspaper ads that I've found for G.I. Joe started in March. G.I. Joe was shipped in February according to The Video Game Update.
[G.I. Joe was reviewed in the April 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4, N5, N6 83)
Parker Brothers presents - TV Guide (Dec 4-10, 82)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe IN STOCK (Feb 27, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe IN STOCK (Mar 6, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $21.99 (Mar 7, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $24 (Mar 10, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $24.99 (Mar 18, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $24.99 (Mar 19, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $22.99 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $24.95 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $19.88 (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe NOW AVAILABLE (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $22.88 (Mar 31, 83)
Coming Soon - Electronic Games (Apr 83)
G.І. Jоe Challenge - Electronic Games (May 83)
Newspaper: GІ Jоe $7.95 (Aug 14, 83)
March 1983
Killer Satellites (Starpath/formerly Arcadia) ≈ ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Looks like the game might have been available in a few areas in late February.
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Mar 25, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (May 28, 83)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p53)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $12.88 (Feb 20, 83)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $14.95 (Mar 5, 83)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $12.95 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $12.88 (Mar 29, 83)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $12.88 (Apr 3, 83)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $11.53 (Apr 3, 83)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $14.95 (Apr 13, 83)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $12.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Kіller Satellіtes $12.95 (Jun 5, 83)
March 1983
Entombed (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
Video and Computer Gaming Illustrated (Jan 84 p63)
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Feb 25, 83)
Newspaper: Entоmbed $7.95 (Oct 20, 83)
Newspaper: Entоmbed $6.99 (Oct 27, 83)
Newspaper: Entоmbed $5.90 (Nov 2, 83)
Newspaper: Entоmbed $6.99 (Nov 9, 83)
Newspaper: Entоmbed $5.99 (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: Entоmbed $6.95 (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: Entоmbed $4.99 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Entоmbed $4.98 (Dec 18, 83)
March 1983
Piece O’ Cake (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
Newspaper: Piecе Cakе $5.90 (Nov 2, 83)
Newspaper: Piecе Cakе $6.95 (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: Piecе Cakе $6.95 (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: Piecе Cakе $4.99 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Piecе Cakе $4.98 (Dec 18, 83)
Newspaper: Piecе Cakе $6 (Dec 27, 83)
March 1983
Raft Rider (U.S. Games) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
Newspaper: Raft Rider by U.S. Games (Jul 3, 83)
Newspaper: Räft Rdr $7.95 (Oct 20, 83)
Newspaper: Räft Rdr $6.99 (Oct 27, 83)
Newspaper: Räft Rdr $5.90 (Nov 2, 83)
Newspaper: Räft Rdr $5.99 (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: Räft Rdr $6.95 (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: Räft Rdr $4.99 (Nov 23, 83)
March 1983
“Minimum Love” by Mac McAnally (Mar 5) YT 80%
“Swingin’” by John Anderson (Mar 5) YT
“Love My Way” by Psychedelic Furs (Mar 5) YT
“Escalator Of Life” by Robert Hazard (Mar 5) YT 65%
“Always Something There To Remind Me” by Naked Eyes (Mar 12) YT
“Straight From The Heart” by Bryan Adams (Mar 12) YT
“I Won’t Hold You Back” by Toto (Mar 12) YT
“Photograph” by Def Leppard (Mar 12) YT 60%
“Even Now” by Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band (Mar 12) YT
“Welcome To Heartlight” by Kenny Loggins (Mar 12) YT
“Walking In L.A.” by Missing Persons (Mar 12) YT
“Solitaire” by Laura Branigan (Mar 19) YT
“Mornin’” by Al Jarreau (Mar 19) YT 75%
“So Wrong” by Patrick Simmons (Mar 19) YT
“Goodnight Saigon” by Billy Joel (Mar 19) YT
“Mexican Radio” by Wall Of Voodoo (Mar 19) YT
“American Made” by Oak Ridge Boys (Mar 19) YT
“Let’s Dance” by David Bowie (Mar 26) YT 65%
“Stranger In My House” by Ronnie Milsap (Mar 26) YT 60%
“The One Thing” by INXS (Mar 26) YT
“I Couldn't Say No” by Robert Ellis Orrall with Carlene Carter (Mar 26) YT
March 1983
Spring Break (Mar 25) YT IMDb WP
The Outsiders (Mar 25) YT IMDb WP
March 1983
Text from Arcade Express (Mar 27, 83)
It’s time to play “Taps” for U.S. Games. The West Coast-based division of Quaker Oats first entered the videogame cartridge field more than 18 months ago as an independent operation under the Vidtec banner. At the time of its demise, U.S. Games represented both the work done by the original Vidtec and the efforts of a highly creative design team based at Fisher-Price (another Quaker division) in Buffalo, NY. A source close to the situation pinpoints the lack of a strong sales and marketing push behind the cartridges as the main reason for the failure.
The fate of the U.S. Games library of titles remains cloudy. A number of software publishers are expected to make bids for the company’s catalogue, especially the six-pack of cartridges U.S. Games unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show last January in Las Vegas.
Atari, Inc. is permanently eliminating 1700 jobs at its Sunnyvale, Ca. headquarters. The company is moving some of its production facilities to Hong Kong and Taiwan in an effort to cut costs.
This news comes on the heels of Warner Communications’ announcements that earnings fell 56% in the fourth quarter of 1982. Earlier statements from Atari officials indicated this was mostly caused by unexpected competition from other videogame software manufacturers.
That’s right, you heard it here first. Seems like almost everyone paid close attention to Super Bowl this year; here’s another promotion connected with the gridiron war. As part of a new promotional campaign for 20th Century Fox’s new release, “Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoe”, two giant tomatoes carrying picket signs attended Super Bowl XVII. “Revenge..” joins “Flash Gordon” as the company’s newest VCS-compatible software, bringing Fox’s catalog to a total of 11 titles. “Revenge..” features giant tomatoes turned killers, dropping saucy bombs. Players can only halt this assault by building brick walls around the deadly fruit. Sounds perfectly sensible to me!
Text from Leisure Time Electronics (Feb 83, page 24)
Strawberry Shortcake Musical Match-ups will be available in March . . . .
Text from The Video Game Update (Apr 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
March [compiled from Apr 83, Mar 83, and Jan 83 availability updates]
x - Centipede (Atari)
Entombed (U.S. Games)
Frankenstein’s Monster (Data Age) [delayed from bankruptcy]
Immies And Aggies (Zimag) [unreleased]
Intuition (Tigervision) [unreleased]
x - Killer Satellites (Starpath)
Kyphus (Apollo) [unreleased]
Piece O Cake (U.S. Games)
Pizza Chef (Zimag) [unreleased]
Polaris (Tigervision) [Supposed to be released in April according to other publications.]
Pompeii (Apollo) [unreleased]
Raft Rider (U.S. Games)
x - Shootin’ Gallery (Imagic)
Squoosh (Apollo) [unreleased]
x - Sub-Scan (Sega)
x - Tac-Scan (Sega)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
April 1983
Dolphin (Activision) ✔
April release according to catalog, Activisions and newspaper ads. Shipped in May or prior to May according to The Video Game Update.
[Dolphin was reviewed in the May 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Michael Blanchet (Jan 28, 83)
Dolphin, the premier effort from designer Matt Hubbard, is also scheduled for April release. Hubbard, an accomplished singer, songwriter and synthesizer player, has made sound an integral part of game play in Dolphin—without the aid of a voice synthesis module or sound effects generator.
First Audio Direction Game Lets Arcaders Play by Ear - Arcade Express (May 22, 83 p3)
Dolphin Alert - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p8)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 9, 83)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p55)
Sound in Video Games - Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p58)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $24.98 NEW (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $27.99 (Apr 26, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $21.98 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $23.95 (Apr 30, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $23.50 BRAND NEW (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $24.95 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $24.88 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin IN STOCK (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $24.99 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Dоlphin $24.95 (Apr 29, 83)
April 1983
Keystone Kapers (Activision) ✔
April release according to catalog, Activisions, and newspaper ads. Keystone Kapers was shipped in May or prior to May according to The Video Game Update.
[Keystone Kapers was reviewed in the May 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Keystone Kapers Lets Arcaders Katch the Krook - Arcade Express (May 8, 83 p4)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 2, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Aug 6, 83)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p42)
[6/25/83] Video Games (Sep 83)
[7/23/83] Video Games (Oct 83)
[8/20/83] Video Games (Nov 83)
[9/17/83] Video Games (Dec 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs $27.99 (Apr 26, 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs $27.95 (Apr 27, 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs $23.50 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs $24.95 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs $24.88 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs IN STOCK (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs $24.99 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs $24.95 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Kеystone Kapеrs $23.99 (May 6, 83)
April 1983
Oink! (Activision) ≈ ✔
April release according to info from Activisions, The Video Game Update, and newspaper ads. Looks like Oink! was available in late March in some areas according to newspaper ads.
Activision Expands Library to 23 Titles - Arcade Express (March 27, 83 p4)
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Mar 19, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $20.75 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $22.95 (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $23.99 (Mar 29, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $24.95 (Mar 31, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $24.99 (Apr 1, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $24.95 (Apr 3, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $23.95 (Apr 9, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $25.56 (Apr 9, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $24.97 (Apr 9, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $22.99 (Apr 13, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $23.99 (Apr 13, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $19.98 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $23.95 (Apr 16, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $21.99 (Apr 17, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $21.97 (Apr 20, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $21.95 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $24.99 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Oіnk $23.95 (Apr 29, 83)
April 1983
Smurf: Rescue In Gargamel’s Castle (Coleco) ≈ ✔
April release according to info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Looks like Smurf: RIGC was available in late March in some areas according to newspaper ads.
Electronic Games 1983 Software Encyclopedia (83 p30)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4, N5, N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC NOW AVAILABLE (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $27.99 (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $26 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $27.95 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $27.95 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $24.99 (Apr 20, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $28.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $27.95 (Apr 30, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $28.99 (May 8, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕmurf: RІGC $27.88 (May 17, 83)
April 1983
April release according to info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Looks like Zaxxon was available in late March in some areas according to newspaper ads.
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Jun 5, 83)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4, N5, N6 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $24.99 (Mar 24, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $29.95 (Mar 31, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $29.97 (Apr 6, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $29.99 (Apr 10, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $27.95 (Apr 13, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $26.95 (Apr 14, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $29.95 (Apr 14, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $27.95 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon NOW IN STOCK (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $28.75 (Apr 22, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $28.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $29.95 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $29.88 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $28.75 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Zаxxon $27.95 (Apr 30, 83)
April 1983
Frankenstein’s Monster (Data Age) ☹ ✔
This game was going to be released in March, but Data Age filed a bankruptcy petition right before the game was supposed to be released. According to the news items below, it looks like Frankenstein’s Monster started being sold some time in April. So far I can't find any newspaper ads until November when the game was marked way down.
[Frankenstein’s Monster was reviewed in the April 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
First Use In Commerce Date: Dec 3, 82 - Filing Date: Feb 9, 83
Conquering Frankenstein’s Monster - Videogaming (Jul 83 p26)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Feb 5, 83)
Frankenstein's Monster is expected in March [delayed by bankruptcy] and involves trying to wall off the monster before Frankie completes it, again avoiding various evils that come and go.
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Apr 29, 83)
In addition to Journey Escape, Data Age's 1983 releases available now [April] are Bermuda Triangle and Frankenstein's Monster. Available possibly in May will be Mr. Bill's Neighborhood, based on Mr. Bill, the clay doll character who achieved fame on television's “Saturday Night Live.” At a later date an educational game, Smokey the Bear, designed to teach children the hazards of fire, will be offered. If these two games are as good as Data Age's first three releases this year, Atari players will have much to anticipate.
Newspaper: Kathryn Harris (May 1, 83)
“Frankenstein's Monster” looked like a promising video game to Dealerscope, a trade publication used by retailers, when it was selected as the “game of the month” for the March issue. Instead of appearing on retailers' shelves, however, the Monster will be part of a federal bankruptcy proceeding later this week. The game's manufacturer, Data Age Inc., has filed a bankruptcy petition, seeking the court's permission to reorganize and continue its business, but its largest lender wants to have the company's assets liquidated.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (May 7, 83)
U.S. Games just went away on the decision of its parent company. Data Age can still try to operate, if it comes up with a reorganization plan acceptable to the bankruptcy court and the company's creditors.
It also will have to come up with a big game, something it didn't have, although it, like U.S. Games, may have had the potential makings of one. That would be Frankenstein's Monster, a good game from a company which had little experience with good games.
Data Age Files Chapter 11 - Arcade Express (May 8, 83 p1)
Data Age Files Chapter 11 - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p8)
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Feb 28, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 2, 83)
Newspaper: Data Age Game Developer (May 8, 83)
Another Dettling creation is “Frankenstein's Monster” in which the player tries to prevent the monster from coming to life by building a wall around it, avoiding spiders, ghosts and bats.
Newspaper: Industry Flops [CES Photo] (Jun 10, 83)
Newspaper: Industry Flops [Toy Store Photo] (Jun 18, 83)
Scary Videogames: Games That Go “Bump” in the Night - Electronic Games (Nov 83 p34)
Not Just Another Face in the Crowd - Video Games (Jun 83)
Newspaper: Frаnkensteins Mоnster $5.90 (Nov 2, 83)
Newspaper: Frаnkensteins Mоnster $5.88 (Nov 8, 83)
Newspaper: Frаnkensteins Mоnster $6 (Dec 27, 83)
April 1983
Best Guess using info from Video Games, The Video Game Update, and a bunch of newspaper ads from April 1983.
Fox Slashes Price on MASH - Arcade Express (Jul 31, 83 p3)
Newspaper: Captain Video (Oct 30, 83)
Fox Video-Games, the makers of the Atari 2600 version of M*A*S*H, has cut the retail price of that game in half, to $14.95. The company stated that concern over the current market glut of Atari 2600-compatible games was the reason for the price cut, although I suspect unexpectedly poor sales may be the real motive.
Electronic Games (Nov 83 p12)
The retail price for the Atari 2600 version of MASH is being reduced to $14.95, courtesy of Fox Video Games. Originally, the cartridge was priced at about $29.95.
According to Fox president, Frank O'Connell, retailer concern over the current market glut of VCS-compatible games was the reason cited for the decrease in price, but also went on to say that this shouldn't be interpreted as a future trend for the company or industry!
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Feb 2, 83)
Newspaper: Rick Vogt (Oct 1, 83)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p79)
Newspaper: MАSH $34.95 (Apr 12, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $29.99 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $24.97 (Apr 16, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $25.95 (Apr 17, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $29.99 (Apr 17, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $29.95 (Apr 20, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH New (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $29.88 (Apr 22, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $29.95 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $24.98 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $12.97 (Jun 30, 83)
Design the Best - Electronic Games (Jun 83)
Design the Best - Video Games (Jun 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $14.97 (Jul 27, 83)
Newspaper: MАSH $5.99 (Sep 22, 83)
April 1983
No Escape! (Imagic) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
Newspaper: Top 10 Video Games (Apr 18, 83)
Free Zircon Joystick - Arcade Express (May 8, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 9, 83)
Radio Electronics (Dec 83 p22)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p79)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4, N5, N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $29.95 (Apr 7, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $28 (Apr 10, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $27.95 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $21.98 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $22.97 (Apr 20, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $26.99 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe FREE JOYSTICK (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe ALL NEW (Apr 23, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $26.95 (Apr 27, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $24.95 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $21.99 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Nо Escаpe $24.99 (Apr 30, 83)
April 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. I haven't found any newspaper ads before April, so this entry has been moved to April.
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p53)
Newspaper: Shoоtin Gаllery $16.98 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Shoоtin Gаllery (Apr 23, 83)
Newspaper: Shoоtin Gаllery $19.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Shoоtin Gаllery $23.88 (May 3, 83)
Newspaper: Shoоtin Gаllery $16.98 (May 20, 83)
Newspaper: Shoоtin Gаllery $19.99 (May 29, 83)
April 1983
Sky Skipper (Parker Brothers) ✔
April release according to info from The Video Game Update, Videogaming, Book & Video Update, Video Games, Electronic Fun, STARLOG and newspaper ads.
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p53)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4, N6 83)
Parker Brothers presents - TV Guide (Dec 4-10, 82)
Newspaper: Skу Skіpper $19.98 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Skу Skіpper NEW! (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Skу Skіpper $27.95 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Skу Skіpper $22.99 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Skу Skіpper $24.95 (Apr 22, 83)
Newspaper: Skу Skіpper $21.98 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Skу Skіpper $20.95 (Apr 30, 83)
April 1983
Strawberry Shortcake Musical Match-Ups (PB) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, Billboard, Video Games, Videogaming, Leisure Time Electronics, Book & Video Update, and newspaper ads. This game was supposed to be released in March, but it wouldn't be the only game by Parker Brothers that was delayed.
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Apr 20, 83)
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p52)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p84)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4, N5, N6, N7 83)
Parker Brothers presents - TV Guide (Dec 4-10, 82)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke Poster (Mar 27, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $21.88 (Apr 3, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $24.95 (Apr 14, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $23.95 (Apr 14, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $24 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $19.98 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $27.95 (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke NEW (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $22.88 (Apr 17, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $22.99 (Apr 21, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $26.95 (Apr 22, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $21.95 (Apr 23, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $23.99 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Strаwberry Shortcаke $24.88 (Apr 30, 83)
April 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Looks like this game was available in late March in some areas.
Electronic Fun (May 83 p98)
. . . and Sega is already cutting back its releases from 15 to 12 (Tac-Scan and Sub-Scan, the first two, should already be out by the time you read this).
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Jul 10, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $27 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $27.95 (Apr 9, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $28.97 (Apr 12, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $24.99 (Apr 17, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $28.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $9.95 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $24.95 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $9.98 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $10.99 (May 22, 83)
Newspaper: Ѕub-Ѕcan $8.88 (May 27, 83)
April 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, Leisure Time Electronics, and newspaper ads. Looks like this game was available in late March in some areas.
Electronic Fun (May 83 p98)
. . . and Sega is already cutting back its releases from 15 to 12 (Tac-Scan and Sub-Scan, the first two, should already be out by the time you read this).
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Jul 10, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $27 (Mar 20, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $29.97 (Mar 30, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $27.95 (Apr 9, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $28.97 (Apr 12, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $24.99 (Apr 17, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $28.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $9.95 (Apr 28, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $24.95 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $9.98 (Apr 29, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $10.99 (May 22, 83)
Newspaper: Tаc-Scаn $8.88 (May 27, 83)
April 1983
Polaris (Tigervision) ✔
Best Guess using info from Arcade Express, Videogaming, and The Video Game Update. I've only found one newspaper ad from April so far.
[Polaris was reviewed in the April 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Arcade Express (Apr 24, 83 p7)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Polаris $23.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Polаris $21.99 (May 20, 83)
Newspaper: Polаris $20.99 (Jun 24, 83)
April 1983
Cosmic Corridor (Zimag) ✳
Best Guess. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
[Cosmic Corridor was reviewed in the March 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
The Video Game Update (May 83)
The first group of [Zimag] games has shipped; however, we have not been able to confirm which titles are actually out and available and whether their second batch is close to shipment. In checking several stores, it would appear that the Zimag games are very tough to find.
The Video Game Update (Jun 83)
Zimag has made the decision to exit the video and computer game business to return to the manufacture of blank video and audio tape. They have only released two or three games for the Atari 2600 and the same is true for the Atari 400/800.
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Jun 19, 83)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Jul 10, 83)
Both of the examples cited pale by comparison to the case of Zimag, a California audio and video tape manufacturer that in February announced plans to introduce more than a dozen Atari 2600 video games.
The games were on display at the toy fair in New York, complete with packaging. Unfortunately, they never made it beyond the show.
Several weeks ago, the company announced that it was dropping the entire line. The games apparently were not good enough for an intensely competitive marketplace.
Newspaper: Captain Video (Oct 30, 83)
Although some companies (Data Age and ZiMag, for example) have dropped out of the home video game race, it's not without good reason. The companies were too small; the games did not find a large enough audience and were simply not good enough to compete with the others. Face it, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
Newspaper: Zimag mentioned (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: Cоsmic Cоrridor $5.99 (Nov 19, 83)
April 1983
Best Guess. The earliest newspaper ad I've found so far was from April, so we know for sure that Dishaster was being sold in April. See the news under Cosmic Corridor for more information about Zimag.
[Dishaster was reviewed in the March 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Dіshaster $17.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Zimag mentioned (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: Dіshaster $5.99 (Nov 19, 83)
April 1983
I Want My Mommy (Zimag) ✳
Best Guess. The earliest newspaper ad I've found so far was from April, so we know for sure that I Want My Mommy was being sold in April. See the news under Cosmic Corridor for more information about Zimag.
[I Want My Mommy was reviewed in the March 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Game Names Out of Control - Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p12)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p53)
Newspaper: І Wаnt Mу Mommу $17.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Zimag mentioned (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: І Wаnt Mу Mommу $5.99 (Nov 19, 83)
April 1983
Best Guess. The earliest newspaper ad I've found so far was from April, so we know for sure that Tanks But No Tanks was being sold in April. See the news under Cosmic Corridor for more information about Zimag.
Newspaper: Tаnks But Nо Tаnks $17.99 (Apr 24, 83)
Newspaper: Zimag mentioned (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: Tаnks But Nо Tаnks $5.99 (Nov 19, 83)
April 1983
“Flashdance... What a Feeling” by Irene Cara (Apr 2) YT
“Rio” by Duran Duran (Apr 2) YT 70%
“Gimme All Your Lovin’” by ZZ Top (Apr 2) YT
“Love's Got A Line On You” by Scandal (Apr 2) YT
“I Melt With You” by Modern English (Apr 2) YT
“Overkill” by Men At Work (Apr 9) YT 80%
“My Love” by Lionel Richie (Apr 9) YT
“She’s A Beauty” by The Tubes (Apr 9) YT
“Electric Avenue” by Eddy Grant (Apr 16) YT 80%
“Time (Clock Of The Heart)” by Culture Club (Apr 16) YT 65%
“Never Gonna Let You Go” by Sergio Mendes (with Joe Pizzulo and Leza Miller) (Apr 16) YT
“Affair Of The Heart” by Rick Springfield (Apr 16) YT
“Faithfully” by Journey (Apr 16) YT
“Cool Places” by Sparks and Jane Wiedlin (Apr 16) YT
“I Eat Cannibals” by Total Coelo (Apr 16) YT
“I Love L.A.” by Randy Newman (Apr 16) YT [Bubbling Under Top 100]
“Too Shy” by Kajagoogoo (Apr 23) YT 75%
“All This Love” by DeBarge (Apr 23) YT 75%
“Don’t Let It End” by Styx (Apr 30) YT
“Family Man” by Daryl Hall & John Oates (Apr 30) YT
“That’s Love” by Jim Capaldi (Apr 30) YT
“Ricky” by Weird Al Yankovic (Apr 30) YT 60%
“Where Everybody Knows Your Name” by Gary Portnoy (Apr 30) YT
April 1983
Text from The Video Game Update (Apr 83)
...Imagic has made the decision not to introduce the 2600-compatible cartridge, SKY PATROL (also known as AERIAL ACE). Video Game Update applauds Imagic for not only testing the cartridge heavily and ADMITTING that it did not receive high enough consumer appeal, BUT they put out a Press Release indicating what they had done. Time and time again, other companies withdraw games before they reach the market, but never make an announcement, leaving everyone in the dark regarding the disappearance of an upcoming title.
Text from Arcade Express (Apr 24, 83)
The fur is flying again, this time between Parker Brothers and Atari. Parker filed an antitrust suit against Atari, claiming that Atari is trying to induce wholesale distributors of videogames not to sell any competing brands. The suit charges that Atari tried to sign contracts with certain videogame cassette distributors, offering 25% to 40% discounts on some games, but preventing them from selling products of any Atari competitors. Parker claims that $15 million of orders were cancelled in one month when Atari offered this contract to at least 26 wholesalers.
A temporary restraining order has been issued to halt Atari from entering any new contracts until the Court schedules a hearing. A spokeswoman for Atari says that company is in fact signing exclusive videogame distributor- ship agreements with certain dealers, but wouldn’t comment on specifics of the case until after the hearing.
Text from Videogaming Illustrated (Apr 83, pages 7 and 8)
Parker Brothers isn’t exactly resting on its laurels.
Encouraged by the combined sale of three million units of Frogger (accounting for two-thirds of that total) and The Empire Strikes Back, and consumer acceptance of Spider-man, Amidar, and the recently released Jedi Arena and Super Cobra [delayed], the company is looking, in the words of a spokesperson, to “carve out a leadership role in home entertainment videogames.”
They certainly have the clout to achieve that goal. A total of sixteen new games are going to be released this year, among them the following:
Tutankham: this Atari-compatible version of the Konami arcade attraction sends players through King Tut’s tomb in search of keys which will unlock vaults . . . chambers rumored to contain treasure as well as devious evil spirits which can only be repelled with a laser gun. For release this month [delayed].
Reactor: the Gottlieb arcade game, coming this month, is one in which players enter a nuclear reactor and fling subatomic particles at the control rods in an effort to shrink the core and prevent a meltdown. For the Atari 2600.
Sky Skipper: another Atari-compatible release for this month, based on Nintendo’s pre-Donkey Kong arcade hit. Players limn the roles of pilots, who drop bombs upon bands of giant gorillas; while the apes are stunned, the player must swoop down and rescue captive rabbits, kittens, turtles, and ducks.
Strawberry Shortcake Musical Match-ups: this is the first videogame designed expressly for young girls, ages four through eight. Seems as if the evil Purple Pieman has scrambled the bodies of four denizens of Strawberryland. The player must rebuild Strawberry Shortcake, Lime Chiffon. Blueberry Muffin. and Huckleberry Pie from the assortment of arms. legs, heads, and torsos Mr. Pieman has left behind. When the reconstruction is finished, the little ladies put on a mini-concert.
If the bodies are mismatched, there will not be a concert but a disharmonious series of sounds.
The Atari 2600 version will be out later this month, with editions for Intellivision and the Atari 5200 being readied for the fall.
. . . .
James Bond Agent 007: no more is known about this game than when Videogaming Illustrated first announced it in June of last year. The designers are still toying with scenarios, but will have the Atari- compatible game ready for July, coinciding with the simultaneous release of the Roger Moore Bond opus Octopussy and Sean Connery’s return to the fold in Never Say Never Again.
PUT A TIGER IN YOUR 2600 [Looks like this was written in February.]
In the meantime, undaunted by the glut of new games, Tigervision intends to claw away at a greater share of the 2600 market with more than just King Kong, Jawbreaker, Marauder, and Threshold. They’ve got some new videogames for your Atari VCS, as well as some exciting hand-held products.
On the VCS front, in addition to the recently released River Patrol and Springer, there are:
Miner 2049er: Bounty Bob is mining radioactive ore in the year 2049. His first task is to collect various articles left by previous adventurers, such as a pick, helmet, shoe, etc., while jumping over or slaying the deadly mutant organisms which pass by. After Bob has successfully staked a claim in one mine, he can move on to the next. Adding to play value is the fact that each of the mines has different trappings, including transporters, slides, and cannon. Coming next month.
Polaris: You’re a submarine commander trying to destroy enemy subs and aircraft while avoiding collision with depth charges, undersea channels, and the ocean floor. An April release. . . .
Text from Videogaming Illustrated (Apr 83, page 10)
For your 2600, you can look forward to the following:
Atari Video Cube, which is described as a twist-and-turn-the-cube game, ala Rubik, for TV it’s similar to the Radio Shack Color Cubes Pak pictured in our last issue.
[Wrong. Wasn’t released until May.]
Centipede, in which the arcade game finally becomes available for the 2600. You will note elsewhere in this issue that its cousin, Centipede for the 5200, was a big winner in our magazine’s first annual Vista Awards. (Centipede buffs will also be happy to hear that, even as you read these words, Atari’s arcade sequel Millipede is starting to set new records at your local game room.)
[Correct. Centipede was released in Mar.]
Galaxian, too, warps from the arcade to the 2600, having been available for several months now in its 5200 edition. (Galactic Invasion, an Astrocade version for its fading home unit, has been available for nearly eighteen months. It was licensed to Astrocade as part of a complicated agreement explained in our February issue.)
[Galaxian was released in Jun.]
Dukes of Hazzard makes the jump from CBS to VCS — and we do mean “jump,” since the object of the game is to move that famous TV car under, over, and through various objects.
[Wrong. The Dukes of Hazzard game was cancelled. The ratings for the CBS show didn’t really recover after the Coy and Vance debacle, so that could have had something to do with it.]
Yet two more arcade games head for home this month: Crazy Climber, in which you’ve got to get a lone figure to the top of a skyscraper using only open windows, and Atari’s own arcade smash Kangaroo.
[Wrong. Crazy Climber had an exclusive Atari Club introduction in March and Kangaroo was released in July.]
Finally there are three RealSports cartridges coming your way in April: Soccer, Tennis, and Basketball. The latter is different from Atari’s previous—and we thought pretty good—cartridge in that there’s a team playing rather than just a one-on-one game.
[Soccer & Tennis could be orderd by Atari Club members in Apr, but they weren't in stores until Jun. RealSports Basketball turned out to be an unreleased prototype.]
Now that you’re through that seven-cartridge month—not counting the 5200 releases, detailed below—you get a respite. There are only three games this month.
The first of them is the home version of Taito’s Jungle Hunt. This is, of course, the reworked safari game which is now at your local arcade, and not the Jungle King version enjoined by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., for allegedly infringing on their Tarzan character.
[Wrong. Wasn’t released until Jun/Jul.]
The other two games are the first of a proposed series of Sesame Street games for kids: Cookie Monster Munch and Grover’s Music Maker.
[Wrong. Cookie Monster Munch was released in Nov and Grover’s Music Maker turned out to be an unreleased prototype.]
Atari’s first shipment this month features the third game of their epic SwordQuest series, the monumental WaterWorld. It joins EarthWorld and FireWorld, already on the market, and will be followed in September by AirWorld, the last of the series. (Details of the entire saga and the extraordinary contest tied to their playing can be found in our last issue.)
[Wrong. Sold in Atari Age magazine in October, then later in stores.]
Finally Atari marks the mid-year by giving us the home version of its wonderful arcade game Dig-Dug.
[Wrong. Dig-Dug was released in October, not the middle of the year.]
Text from Videogaming Illustrated (Apr 83, page 77)
Also from Data Age Frankenstein’s Monster, to be released in March.
In Frankenstein’s Monster, the player must dodge vampire bats, spiders, and fireballs while gathering stones from a dark, dreary castle and heaping them around the monster. If the creature can accumulate enough energy and come to life, the player is monster-mashed.
Text from Video Games (Apr 83, page 16)
Journey Escape, has sold well since being introduced in January and will become the first TV-game ever converted into a quarter-eater.
. . . .
M*A*S*H fans will also benefit from the licensing trend. Twentieth Century- Fox’s M*A*S*H game will be introduced just as the award-winning TV series is ending its 11-year affair with American viewers. Beginning in April, fans will be able to manipulate a helicopter, avoid airborne enemies, pick up wounded soldiers, and perform surgery against the clock. The game will be made available for at least six game systems and computers. . . .
Text from The Video Game Update (May 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
x - M*A*S*H (Fox)
x - No Escape! (Imagic)
x - Oink! (Activision)
x - RealSports Soccer (Atari)
x - RealSports Tennis (Atari)
x - Sky Skipper (Parker Bros)
x - Smurf Rescue (Coleco)
x - Strawberry Shortcake (Parker Bros)
x - Zaxxon (Coleco)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from Leisure Time Electronics (Feb 83, page 22)
. . . Tac-Scan will be available for shipment in late April.
May 1983
Atari Video Cube (Atari) ☹ ✔
Best Guess based on the game being in the May/June issue of Atari Age magazine with no mention of the month and other games having June and July specifically mentioned as their release months on the order form.
Exclusive Atari Club introduction. “It will be at least six months before Atari Video Cube is sold at any store—it may never be released to the general public! But you can get in on the fun right now!”
Electronic Fun (Jul 83 p98)
New Atari Club release-to-members-only is Atari Cube—and believe it, you’ve never seen a game like this before.
Newspaper: Rubik's Cube $5.99 (Mar 31, 85)
Newspaper: Rubik's Cube $5.99 (Apr 7, 85)
May 1983
Enduro (Activision) ✔
May release according to a Flyer from Activision, The Video Game Update, Electronic Fun and newspaper ads. I found one newspaper ad from April, but the rest were from May. Maybe some rare areas had Enduro in April, but most people weren't able to buy Enduro until May.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (May 28, 83)
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (May 27, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (May 28, 83)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Aug 16, 83)
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p52)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p77)
[6/25/83] Video Games (Sep 83)
[7/23/83] Video Games (Oct 83)
[8/20/83] Video Games (Nov 83)
[9/17/83] Video Games (Dec 83)
[10/17/83] Video Games (Jan 84)
[11/12/83] Video Games (Feb 84)
[11/26/83] Video Games (Mar 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $24.98 NEW (Apr 15, 83)
Newspaper: GREAT GAMES (May 15, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $23.88 NEW (May 15, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $23.50 (May 19, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $24.88 (May 19, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $21.97 (May 19, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro (May 19, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $21.98 (May 20, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro (May 24, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro (May 26, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $24.95 (May 26, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $22.95 (May 26, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $22.50 (May 26, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $22.88 (May 29, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $27.96 (May 30, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $23 (May 31, 83)
Newspaper: Еnduro $24.95 (Jun 5, 83)
May 1983
Demolition Herby (Telesys) ≈ ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. Thanks to newspaper ads, we know without a doubt that Demolition Herby was available in May, so I'm sticking it in may until earlier ads are found.
[Demolition Herby was reviewed in the April 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Apr 8, 83)
Three new games to be released by May for the Atari VCS are Star Gunner (a fast action, space shoot-em-up), Ram-It (I haven't seen anything quite like it), and Demolition Herby. I think the title Ram-It inspired Demolition Herby. It is a cute car game that I'll write more about later.
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p51)
Newspaper: Dеmolition Hеrby $21.99 (May 8, 83)
Newspaper: Dеmolition Hеrby $21.99 (May 22, 83)
Newspaper: Dеmolition Hеrby $14.88 (May 30, 83)
Newspaper: Dеmolition Hеrby $6.99 (Oct 22, 83)
May 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. Thanks to newspaper ads, we know without a doubt that Ram It was available in May, so I'm sticking it in may until earlier ads are found.
[Ram It was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: “Its fourth game cartridge, Star Gunner, has just reached retail shelves, and two more are due this spring.” (Mar 16, 83)
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Apr 8, 83)
Three new games to be released by May for the Atari VCS are Star Gunner (a fast action, space shoot-em-up), Ram-It (I haven't seen anything quite like it), and Demolition Herby. I think the title Ram-It inspired Demolition Herby. It is a cute car game that I'll write more about later.
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Feb 27, 83)
Arcade Express (Feb 27, 83 p7)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p54)
Electronic Games 1983 Software Encyclopedia (83 p28)
Newspaper: Rаm Іt $14.88 (May 30, 83)
Newspaper: Rаm Іt $5.90 (Nov 2, 83)
May 1983
Stargunner (Telesys) ≈ ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and news from newspapers. According to one newspaper article, Stargunner was on store shelves before spring. Another article claimed the game would be available by May. Thanks to newspaper ads, we know without a doubt that Stargunner was available in May, so I'm sticking it in may until earlier ads are found.
[Stargunner was reviewed in the February 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: “Its fourth game cartridge, Star Gunner, has just reached retail shelves, and two more are due this spring.” (Mar 16, 83)
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Apr 8, 83)
Three new games to be released by May for the Atari VCS are Star Gunner (a fast action, space shoot-em-up), Ram-It (I haven't seen anything quite like it), and Demolition Herby. I think the title Ram-It inspired Demolition Herby. It is a cute car game that I'll write more about later.
Newspaper: Stargunner by Telesys (Jul 3, 83)
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p54)
Magic Alex - Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p32)
Newspaper: Stаrgunner $14.88 (May 30, 83)
Newspaper: Stаrgunner $6.99 (Oct 22, 83)
May 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, Arcade Express and newspaper ads.
Electronic Games (May 83 p30)
The next six months should bring Tigervision even greater glory with the release of the most eagerly-awaited title of the year, Miner 2049er in 2600 format, The classic Bill Hogue-designed program, which is being produced in at least 14 editions by different licensed publishers is the first 2600 game to show three fully-rendered scenario-playfields: the stair-step, the climb-and-slides and the transporter sequences. Each field offers new and interesting challenges and the graphics are more than worthy of the program being depicted.
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Nov 20, 83)
The Miner 2049er Story - Electronic Games (Aug 83 p26)
Discover a Goldmine - Electronic Games (Apr 83 p2)
Newspaper: Minеr 2049еr $29.95 (May 9, 83)
Newspaper: Minеr 2049еr $21.99 (May 20, 83)
Newspaper: Minеr 2049еr $24.95 (May 26, 83)
Newspaper: Minеr 2049еr NEW (May 28, 83)
Newspaper: Minеr 2049еr $22.99 (Jun 3, 83)
Help Bounty Bob - Electronic Games (Jun 83 p59)
Help Bounty Bob - Electronic Games (Jul 83 p19)
Help Bounty Bob - Electronic Games (Aug 83 p21)
Help Bounty Bob - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p17)
Help Bounty Bob - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p19)
May 1983
“Come Dancing” by The Kinks (May 7) YT
“Our House” by Madness (May 7) YT 90%
“I’m Still Standing” by Elton John (May 7) YT
“We Two” by Little River Band (May 7) YT
“The Closer You Get” by Alabama (May 7) YT
“Candy Girl” by New Edition (May 7) YT
“Bang The Drum All Day” by Todd Rundgren (May 7) YT
“Sweet Dreams” by Eurythmics (May 14) YT 75%
“Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You)” by A Flock Of Seagulls (May 14) YT
“Slipping Away” by Dave Edmunds (May 14) YT
“White Wedding” by Billy Idol (May 21) YT
“Theme From ‘Doctor Detroit’” by Devo (May 21) YT
“She Works Hard For The Money” by Donna Summer (May 28) YT
“Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’” by Michael Jackson (May 28) YT 90%
“(Keep Feeling) Fascination” by The Human League (May 28) YT 75%
“Baby Jane” by Rod Stewart (May 28) YT
“Saved By Zero” by The Fixx (May 28) YT
“The Celtic Soul Brothers” by Dexys Midnight Runners (May 28) YT
May 1983
Text from The Video Game Update (Jun 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
May [compiled from Jun 83 and Mar 83 availability updates]
x - Dolphin (Activision)
x - Enduro (Activision)
x - Flash Gordon (Fox)
Grovers Music Maker (Atari) [unreleased]
x - Keystone Kapers (Activision)
x - Miner 2049er (Tigervision)
Mr. Bill (Data Age) [unreleased]
Plaque Attack (Activision)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from The Video Game Update (May 83)
In January, Parker Bros, announced most of their plans for the entire year. In some aspects they have been on or ahead of schedule while other games are late. TUTANKHAM could be considered one of the late games; however, it was about ready to go when it was pulled back to “enhance”. They expect to have that game out this summer. SUPER COBRA and JAMES BOND 007 are among others that are way behind the schedule announced at the beginning of the year. On the other hand, they surprised everyone with the announcement of the shipment of Q*BERT in June for the 2600, August for Intellivision, and September for the 5200 and ColecoVision.
Text from Arcade Express (May 8, 83)
Unable to dispel retailer ennui generated by its initial group of releases, Data Age has filed for Chapter 11. The publisher made its entry with a lineup of five cartridges for the Atari 2600 during the 1983 gift-giving season. Although “Encounter at L-5” and, to a lesser extent, “Airlock” drew some praise from electronic gaming critics, overall reaction to programs such as “Bugs” and “Sssnake” was lukewarm. Subsequent to this disappointing start, Data Age published “Journey’s Escape” and “Frankenstein”, two considerably better titles, but the improvement may have come a little too late. Data Age has scored at least one notable coup during its short existence, however, by becoming the first home game company to sell a title (“Journey’s Escape”) to a coin-op manufacturer (Midway).
Data Age had announced the licensing of “Mr. Bill” for use as a video- game character, but the publisher had not revealed any concrete development plans at the time of the bankruptcy filing. The fate of this and other Data Age projects is still to be decided.
Imagic promises every gamer a free Zircon joystick when they return proof-of-purchase from the “No Escape” VCS-compatible game. “No Escape”, designed by Michael Greene, pits Jason against the Furies in the Temple of Aphrodite. Players must break through the temple’s roof to destroy the guard-Furies and escape on the winged horse Pegasus.
The joystick, valued at $15.95, is the highest premium ever offered in a single game promotion. This gourmet stick should make the adventure even more playable, as players try to destroy the Furies by throwing rocks at them, in eight levels of conflict.
You probably never would have guessed it, but Ottumwa, Iowa is the “Video Game Capitol of the World”. Iowa’s Governor Terry Branstad proclaimed Ottumwa the world’s hottest video gaming city in conjunction with the Amusement Game Manufacturer’s Assoc., and Atari. In a day of festivities, the Governor made the presentation to 0ttumwa’s Mayor Jerry Parker, and Walter Day, manager of the Twin Galaxies Arcade in Ottumwa, thanking them for “providing a forum for fun family entertainment.” The ceremony was capped by a joint St. Pat’s Day/Video Game Parade. Appearing in the celebration were Iowa Senators Charles Grassley and Roger Jepson, and Congressman Jim Leach, as well as Pac-Man himself. Congratulations to Ottumwa (home of MASH’s Radar O’Reilly) for knowing how to keep the home folks having fun!
The saturation of the coin-op market there are simply too many machines even for the expanding market has set off a wave of retrenchment in the area of new product development. At the industry’s recent AOE trade show, there were many fewer new games than at similar events over the last couple of years. Manufacturers are playing it conservative, a situation that’s not likely to change until the arcade operators and their distributors show more enthusiasm for risking capital on new entries.
The star of the 1983 AOE was Cinematronics’ laser disc adventure, “Dragon’s Lair”. Players control breathtakingly beautiful on-screen cartoon characters on a perilous journey through the rooms of a sinister castle.
Further evidence of the current coin-op trend is the increasing stress on convertible games. These allow the arcade owner to save dough by salvaging the reusable hardware of an old title as the housing for boards which turn the machine into an essentially new game. Data East’s success with “Burgertime” has greatly enhanced this idea’s appeal to many.
“Keystone Kapers”, the 25th Atari-compatible cartridge from Activision, pits Keystone Kop Kelly against Harry Hooligan in a chase through a 1920s department store. The on-screen “store security scanner” helps the player spot the closest elevator or escalator when Harry flees the floor on his way to the roof and escape. Keystone Kapers, reminiscent of the scatterbrained comic cops from early movies, was programmed by Garry Kitchen.
Packed with “Keystone Kapers” is a rub-and-win card, the first promotion of this type in videogaming. Rub the covered squares and catch three crooks in a row to qualify for one of the prizes which range from $5000 savings bonds, to portable radios, model airplanes, and 1500 beach balls. Even if you don’t win, you can still benefit from the Mystery Rebate. Covered squares across the bottom of the card list Activision titles that the company will honor with a rebate toward the purchase price.
Questar Controls has a $12.95 “Blaster” that converts the firing button on any joystick into a machine-gun trigger. The electronic, adjustable-speed switching device lets you get off from one to 20 shots per second. It doesn’t have to be plugged and unplugged each time you change games, since you can shut it off for games where rapid fire would be inappropriate. “Blaster!” fits the Atari 2600, Atari 4-8-1200 computers, Colecovision, and VIC-20. Write to Questar Controls, 670 N.W. Pennsylvania Ave., Chehalis, Was.98532.
Text from Arcade Express (May 22, 83)
Insomniac videophiles may soon have something else to watch besides those oh-so-incessant K-Tel record commercials on late-night television. Already a worldwide power in the record business, K-Tel has created the Xonox lable as the banner under which it will launch a videogame software publishing operation. Television ads in support of the first Xonox titles will begin breaking during late summer, with a full schedule of national TV planned to begin right after Labor Day.
Xonox will woo the allegiance of gamers with Double Enders, reversible cartridges with a completely different 8K game at each end. The two—game package will sell for the same or less than the traditional one-game cartridge.
Xonox will market three different Double Ender titles initially. These are “Spike’s Peak/Ghost Manor”, “Sir Lancelot the Jouster/Robin Hood”, and “Hercules vs. the Titans/Chuck Norris Superkicks”. All titles are said to feature particularly strong graphics, and many of the contests involve multiple play screens. The best known of the Xonox game designers is probably Stephen Beck, who authored “Save the Whales”, an upcoming entry from Fox Videogames.
Every dog has its day or so the proverb says—but it looks like the happy days of the dog-headed god Anubis are just about over, thanks to Charles Compton. The 30-year-old Santa Monica resident won $1000 for being the first in the nation to solve the mystery in “Riddle of the Sphinx”, a Bob Smith design published by Imagic. “Contest rules dictated that you not only correctly solve the riddle,” says Compton, “but have the most creative and intriguing answer.” Compton presented his answer on a 12-ft.-long scroll using authentic Egyptian hieroglyphics. A long-standing interest in Egyptology came in mighty handy in preparing his winning submission, Compton notes.
Text from Electronic Fun (May 83, page 28)
The Activision folks continue to do what they do best—develop and design original games. Watch for Oink!, a video game interpretation of the “big bad wolf and the three little pigs” fairy tale. Also on the way are Dolphin and Keystone Kapers. Dolphin designer Matthew Hubbard, an accomplished musician, has made sound an essential element of game play. In Kapers you’re a cop chasing a bewhiskered character, fresh from the hoosegow, through a three-story department store that is fraught with obstacles.
Due out in late spring are Placque Attack (a Steve Cartwright creation that sounds like a nightmare you’d have after a visit to the dentist), Enduro (a Turbo-like driving game), and Robotank, a first person contest that plays like Atari’s Battle Zone coin-op. All of these will be VCS compatible.
June 1983
April release according to Atari Age order form, page 3 of V1n6, and Videogaming. Maybe Atari Club members could actually get it in April and it wasn't delayed? Maybe it was kind of an unannounced Atari Club exclusive? According to The Video Game Update, Galaxian was shipped to stores in June. Adding to that, according to Atari Inside - Volume 11 (May/June 1983), Galaxian was released in June (see news section below). The odd thing is that the newspaper ads start in March and go down to June where Galaxian is coming soon and finally new and in stock. I'm guessing the ads before June were wishful thinking or confusion with the Atari 5200 version.
[Galaxian was reviewed in the May 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Atari Inside - Volume 11 (May/Jun 83 p2)
Beginning with the release of 2600 GALAXIAN cartridge in June, ATARI packaging will reflect a new arcade look loaded with impulse appeal and bursting with selling power!
Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p52)
Conquering Galaxian - Videogaming (Jul 83 p29)
[8/20/83] Video Games (Nov 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $22.95 (Mar 6, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $24.99 (Mar 18, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $24.88 (Mar 22, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $27.95 (Mar 25, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $24.88 (Apr 17, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $24.88 (Apr 27, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $24.88 (May 17, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $23.96 (May 18, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $23.96 (May 22, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian will not be in stock in time (May 22, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $25.46 (May 26, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian COMING SOON! (Jun 1, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $24.88 (Jun 5, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $26.99 NEW! (Jun 5, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian NOW IN STOCK (Jun 23, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $20.99 NEW (Jun 24, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $27.97 (Jun 30, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $23.99 NEW (Jul 20, 83)
Newspaper: Gаlaxian $23.88 (Jul 26, 83)
Here Comes Gаlaxian - Electronic Games (May 83)
Here Comes Gаlaxian - Video Games (Jun 83 p11)
June 1983
RealSports Soccer (Atari) ≈ ✔
April release according to Atari Age order form, catalog, page 11 of V1n6, Videogaming and The Video Game Update. Looks like Atari Club members were able to order the game in April, but stores didn't seem to get it until very late May or June.
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p81)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr $24.88 (May 28, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr (Jun 2, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr $24.88 (Jun 5, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr $26.99 (Jun 5, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr NOW IN STOCK (Jun 11, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr (Jun 12, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr $9.99 (Jul 14, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr $21.99 (Jul 20, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr $12.97 (Jul 20, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr $26.97 (Aug 31, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Soccеr $22.99 (Oct 15, 83)
June 1983
RealSports Tennis (Atari) ≈ ✔
April release according to Atari Age order form, catalog, page 11 of V1n6, Videogaming, and The Video Game Update. Looks like Atari Club members were able to order the game in April, but stores didn't seem to get it until very late May or June.
RealSports Tennis (Atari) vs. Tennis (Activision) - Video Games Player (Aug/Sep 83 p57)
Newspaper: RеalSports Tеnnis $24.95 (May 26, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Tеnnis $24.88 (May 28, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Tеnnis (Jun 2, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Tеnnis $26.99 (Jun 5, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Tеnnis NOW IN STOCK (Jun 11, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Tеnnis (Jun 12, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Tеnnis (Jun 24, 83)
Newspaper: RеalSports Tеnnis $26.97 (Aug 31, 83)
June 1983
Using info from The Video Game Update, Electronic Fun, and newspaper ads. There was a newspaper ad from May 20 with COMING SOON and the rest of the ads were in June.
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (May 23, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (May 28, 83)
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p52)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck COMING SOON (May 20, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $19.95 (Jun 4, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $19.99 (Jun 10, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $21.99 (Jun 12, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $29.95 (Jun 12, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $24.77 (Jun 17, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $21.99 (Jun 19, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $24.95 (Jun 19, 83
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $24.97 (Jun 23, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $24.88 (Jun 26, 83)
Newspaper: Plаque Attаck $24.95 (Jul 3, 83)
June 1983
London Blitz (Avalon Hill) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update.
[London Blitz was reviewed in the July 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Date of Publication: Jun 8, 83
Registration Date: Jul 19, 83
First Use In Commerce Date: May 18, 83 - Filing Date: Oct 14, 83
Newspaper: Mark Gallagher (Oct 16, 83)
FROM AVALON HILL, which has given the public some of the most complex and interesting board games around, and which, also has made some interesting computer games, comes the Avalon Hill Video Game company. Its first three efforts, all for the Atari 2600, are London Blitz, Wall Ball and Death Trap. I have high hopes (and high expectations) for this trio of games, and if I can get at least one, I'll be happy to share my findings with you.
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Jul 83 p5)
Wow! Super! Neat! - Electronic Games (Aug 83)
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p5)
“AH!” - Videogaming (Sep 83 p4)
Wow! Super! Neat! - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p5)
June 1983
Wall Ball (Avalon Hill) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update.
[Wall Ball was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Date of Publication: Jun 8, 83
Registration Date: Sep 20, 83
Newspaper: Mark Gallagher (Oct 16, 83)
FROM AVALON HILL, which has given the public some of the most complex and interesting board games around, and which, also has made some interesting computer games, comes the Avalon Hill Video Game company. Its first three efforts, all for the Atari 2600, are London Blitz, Wall Ball and Death Trap. I have high hopes (and high expectations) for this trio of games, and if I can get at least one, I'll be happy to share my findings with you.
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Jul 83 p5)
Wow! Super! Neat! - Electronic Games (Aug 83)
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p5)
“AH!” - Videogaming (Sep 83 p4)
Wow! Super! Neat! - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p5)
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Nov 83 p5)
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Dec 83 p5)
Newspaper: Wаll Bаll $19.97 (Dec 11, 83)
June 1983
Super Extreme Best Guess.
[Cakewalk was reviewed in the June 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
The Video Game Update (Jun 83)
In addition to the newly released VCS game, CAKEWALK (reviewed in this issue), two other games will be featured at the show. They are RUSH HOUR where you live out your wildest traffic jam fantasies as you smash and dodge your way through the traffic; and STRONGHOLD where you blast through the whirling force fields in space and destroy the lethal alien planet crawlers. By the way, MISSION OMEGA, which was announced in January, has been “put on a back shelf” so release of the game is uncertain.
Radio Electronics (Oct 83 p12)
June 1983
Solar Storm (Imagic) ✔
Using info from the catalog, Numb Thumb News and newspaper ads. Solar Storm popped up in newspaper ads in June. Also see this post at AtariAge.
[Solar Storm was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Jul 16, 83)
Newspaper: Phil Wiswell (Sep 4, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Oct 8, 83)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N5, N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Stоrm $25.50 (Jun 11, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Stоrm $29.95 (Jun 12, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Stоrm $19.97 (Jun 30, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Stоrm $11.95 (Jun 30, 83)
June 1983
Star Strike (M Network) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Star Strike was reviewed in the June 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Stаr Strіke $21.97 (Jun 12, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Strіke $4.99 (Jun 30, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Strіke $9.99 (Jul 20, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Strіke $12.44 (Aug 28, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Strіke $9.99 (Sep 22, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Strіke $9.88 (Nov 1, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Strіke $4.99 (Nov 30, 83)
June 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, The Video Game Update, Videogaming, Book & Video Update, Video Games, Electronic Fun, STARLOG and newspaper ads.
[Tutankham was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p86)
October 22, 1983 commercials Vol. 2 (The Love Boat)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N6, N7 83)
Parker Brothers presents - TV Guide (Dec 4-10, 82)
Newspaper: Tutаnkham COMING SOON (Jun 3, 83)
Newspaper: Tutаnkham $23.88 (Jun 26, 83)
Newspaper: Tutаnkham RENTAL (Jul 8, 83)
Newspaper: Tutаnkham $23.50 (Jul 9, 83)
Newspaper: Tutаnkham $23.50 (Jul 16, 83)
Newspaper: Tutаnkham $26.88 (Jul 26, 83)
Newspaper: Tutаnkham $26.97 (Jul 27, 83)
June 1983
The game was supposed to be released in March, but Psionic at AtariAge pointed out that the box wasn't printed until May 1983. Based on that and the ad from June 1983 with the game marked as NEW, this entry seems to belong in June.
Newspaper: Marilyn Beck (Feb 4, 83)
As if it weren't bad enough as a movie “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” will be hitting the home video market as a game March 1—along with the also-terrifying “Halloween.”
Newspaper: Greg Michetti (Jul 14, 83)
Bad Taste Dept: Wizard Video Games, makers of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, have released Halloween, another horror show take-off. Also available, at least in the U.S., is X-Man, an “adult” video game from Gamex for use on the Atari VCS.
Newspaper: Les Paul Robley (Jun 16, 83)
Newspaper: NEW Hаlloween $26.99 (Jun 10, 83)
Newspaper: Hаlloween IN STOCK NOW (Jul 3, 83)
June 1983
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Wizard Video) ✔
The game was supposed to be released in March, but Psionic at AtariAge pointed out that the box probably wasn't printed until May 1983. Based on that and the ad from June 1983 with the game marked as NEW, this entry seems to belong in June.
Newspaper: Marilyn Beck (Feb 4, 83)
As if it weren't bad enough as a movie “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” will be hitting the home video market as a game March 1—along with the also-terrifying “Halloween.”
Newspaper: Michael Schrage (Mar 20, 83)
Those with a taste for schlock horror should enjoy the latest release from Wizard Video Games: an Interactive version of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” in which the player assumes the role of video psychopath and gathers points by lopping the heads off of unfortunate figures that stray onscreen.
Newspaper: Greg Michetti (May 12, 82)
Can you believe this? An outfit called Wizard Video Games will soon be releasing a game entitled The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Your job is to decapitate as many people as you can before the saw runs out of fuel. Wizard has plans for more horror movie games.
Newspaper: Gaye LeBaron (Jun 14, 83)
BUT I MAY BE OUT of step, my idea of good fun incredibly outdated. The last word for today comes from a Wherehouse ad in a Big City newspaper, offering, at reduced price, a “Wizard” video game. And I quote: “Put aside your childish pastimes, stop eating dots and chasing ghosts! A ripping, revving chainsaw is at your command as you wear the leather mask of a madman! Your victims come face to face with a living nightmare as you wield the ultimate weapon—an unrelentless (?) chainsaw! Let your most wicked fantasies go wild!”
The name of the game is, of course, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Newspaper: Greg Michetti (Jul 14, 83)
Bad Taste Dept: Wizard Video Games, makers of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, have released Halloween, another horror show take-off. Also available, at least in the U.S., is X-Man, an “adult” video game from Gamex for use on the Atari VCS.
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Sep 9, 83)
Neither humor nor violence translate well to the game medium (witness past projects such as Fox's M*A*S*H and Wizard's Texas Chainsaw Massacre).
[If Texas Chainsaw Massacre was considered a past project in September, that means the game was released earlier in the year.]
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Jan 23, 83)
Newspaper: Les Paul Robley (Jun 16, 83)
Newspaper: NEW Chаinsaw Mаssacre $26.99 (Jun 10, 83)
Newspaper: Chаinsaw Mаssacre IN STOCK NOW (Jul 3, 83)
June 1983
“Every Breath You Take” by The Police (Jun 4) YT
“Maniac” by Michael Sembello (Jun 4) YT 90%
“Is There Something I Should Know” by Duran Duran (Jun 4) YT 75%
“Stand Back” by Stevie Nicks (Jun 4) YT
“China Girl” by David Bowie (Jun 4) YT
“Hot Girls In Love” by Loverboy (Jun 11) YT
“Cuts Like A Knife” by Bryan Adams (Jun 11) YT
“Rock Of Ages” by Def Leppard (Jun 11) YT
“Space Age Whiz Kids” by Joe Walsh (Jun 11) YT
“Take Me To Heart” by Quarterflash (Jun 18) YT
“The Border” by America (Jun 18) YT
“The Safety Dance” by Men Without Hats (Jun 25) YT 90%
“Puttin’ On The Ritz” by Taco (Jun 25) YT 90%
“Rock ‘N’ Roll Is King” by ELO (Jun 25) YT
“Dead Giveaway” by Shalamar (Jun 25) YT
“War Games” by Crosby, Stills and Nash (Jun 25) YT
June 1983
The Man with Two Brains (Jun 3) YT IMDb WP
Trading Places (Jun 8) YT IMDb WP
Superman III (Jun 17) YT IMDb WP
June 1983
Text from The Video Game Update (Jul 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
June [compiled from Jul 83 and May 83 availability updates]
Earth Dies Screaming (Fox)
x - Galaxian (Atari)
x - London Blitz (Avalon Hill)
Meltdown (Fox) [unreleased]
x - Robot Tank (Activision)
Spacemaster X-7 (Fox)
x - Solar Fox (CBS)
x - Star Strike (M Network)
x - Tutankham (Parker Bros)
x - Wall Ball (Avalon Hill)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from Arcade Express (Jun 19, 83)
CBS will release “Solar Fox” in June for the Atari 2600. Gamers must navigate a starship through solar cells, avoiding fireballs, in this home version of the Bally-Midway coin-op hit. Also scheduled for June [delayed] is “Tunnel Runner”, a unique mouse-eye-view trip through a maze. The player is lost in the tunnels and must find the doorway to the next maze while avoiding baddies. To help, there’s a special overview map to show his position and where the enemies lurk.
July 1983
Jungle Hunt (Atari) ≈ ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. June/July release according to Atari Age order form and page 15 of V2N1. According to newspaper ads, it look like Jungle Hunt was available in some areas in late June.
Atari Compendium has a General Radio newspaper ad that includes Jungle Hunt from July 21, 1983.
G-CO19743-88 REV. A — May 1983 — SPC Shorewood Packaging — There is a 2 on a tiny flap by itself.
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (May 27, 83)
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p54)
Radio Electronics (November 83 p14)
Conquering Jungle Hunt - Videogaming (Sep 83 p27)
[8/20/83] Video Games (Nov 83)
[9/17/83] Video Games (Dec 83)
[10/17/83] Video Games (Jan 84)
[11/12/83] Video Games (Feb 84)
[11/26/83] Video Games (Mar 83)
[1/21/84] Video Games (Apr 83)
September 24, 1983 commercials (Taken from Walt Disney)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $34.95 (Jun 23, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $29.95 ARRIVING SOON (Jul 2, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $26.77 (Jul 6, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $29.95 (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $24.95 (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $19.95 (Jul 10, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $28.49 (Jul 10, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $29.97 (Jul 16, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $29.99 (Jul 20, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $31.99 (Jul 20, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $26.88 (Jul 26, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt $28.78 (Jul 27, 83)
Newspaper: Junglе Нunt NEW (Jul 28, 83)
Atari Introduces - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p9)
July 1983
Using info from The Video Game Update, Atari Age order form, page 15 of V2N1 and newspaper ads. Kangaroo might have been available in late June in some areas.
[Kangaroo was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
G-CO19743-89 REV. A — July 1983 — AGI — There is a 1 on a tiny flap by itself.
BLIP (Aug 83 p14)
Next is a game that should have KANGAROO fans hopping for joy. The 5200 version of this arcade favorite will have four different screens. The 2600 game will have only two. Both of these games should also be available by the end of August.
Newspaper: Rick Vogt (Oct 22, 83)
Newspaper: Kаngaroo $34.95 (Jun 23, 83)
Newspaper: Kаngaroo $29.95 (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Kаngaroo $29.78 (Jul 27, 83)
Newspaper: Kаngaroo NEW (Jul 28, 83)
Newspaper: Kаngaroo $27.95 (Jul 30, 83)
Newspaper: Kаngaroo $26.95 (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: Kаngaroo $29.95 (Aug 14, 83)
Atari Introduces - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p9)
July/August 1983
Atari 2600 Trak-Ball Controller (Atari) ✔
July release according to Atari Age order form and back cover of V2N1. I haven't seen newspaper ads for it until August. So it looks like Atari Club members could order it in July and other people could buy it in August.
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $39.97 (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $39.97 (Aug 28, 83)
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $44.88 (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $49 (Oct 5, 83)
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $32.97 (Oct 30, 83)
Newspaper: $30 REBATE (Nov 3, 83)
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $46.92 (Dec 1, 83)
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $39.88 (Dec 14, 83)
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $42.95 (Dec 15, 83)
Newspaper: Trаk-Bаll $32.97 (Sep 20, 83)
July 1983
Robot Tank (Activision) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, Electronic Fun, and newspaper ads. An ad in late May said that Robot Tank was coming soon, then there were no ads until July, so this entry has been moved to July.
[Robot Tank was reviewed in the June 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Robot Tank was called Robotank or Robo-Tank in some newspapers.
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Jun 5, 83)
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Jun 20, 83)
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Jul 19, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Aug 20, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Nov 5, 83)
Video & Arcade Games (Fall 83 p66)
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p54)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 1983 p83)
[8/20/83] Video Games (Nov 83)
[9/17/83] Video Games (Dec 83)
[10/17/83] Video Games (Jan 84)
[11/12/83] Video Games (Feb 84)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk COMING SOON (May 20, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $27.95 (Jul 3, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $29.97 (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk NEW IN STOCK (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $23.50 (Jul 9, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk IN STOCK (Jul 10, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $25 (Jul 10, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $24.95 (Jul 14, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $23.50 (Jul 16, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $24.88 (Jul 17, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $20 (Jul 17, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $27.99 (Jul 22, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk $27.95 (Jul 31, 83)
Newspaper: Rоbot Tаnk IN STOCK (Jul 31, 83)
July 1983
Death Trap (Avalon Hill) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update.
Date of Publication: Jun 8, 83
Registration Date: Jul 19, 83
Newspaper: Mark Gallagher (Oct 16, 83)
FROM AVALON HILL, which has given the public some of the most complex and interesting board games around, and which, also has made some interesting computer games, comes the Avalon Hill Video Game company. Its first three efforts, all for the Atari 2600, are London Blitz, Wall Ball and Death Trap. I have high hopes (and high expectations) for this trio of games, and if I can get at least one, I'll be happy to share my findings with you.
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Jul 83 p5)
Wow! Super! Neat! - Electronic Games (Aug 83)
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p5)
“AH!” - Videogaming (Sep 83 p4)
Wow! Super! Neat! - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p5)
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Nov 83 p5)
“AH!” - Electronic Games (Dec 83 p5)
Newspaper: Deаth Trаp $19.97 (Dec 11, 83)
July 1983
Best Guess using info from The Logical Gamer and newspaper ads. Thanks to the rebate, we know this game was in stores before October.
[Blueprint was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Oct 23, 83)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p75)
Electronic Games (Oct 83 p51)
Purchase any of the following game cartridges between now and Oct. 15, 1983: SOLAR FOX, GORF, WIZARD OF WOR, BLUEPRINT.
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N5, N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Blueprіnt NEW (Jul 16, 83)
Newspaper: Blueprіnt $23.95 (Jul 30, 83)
Newspaper: Blueprіnt IN STOCK (Aug 4, 83)
Newspaper: Blueprіnt $12.99 AFTER REBATE (Aug 5, 83)
Newspaper: Blueprіnt (Sep 18, 83)
July 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, The Video Game Update, Arcade Express, and newspaper ads. Solar Fox didn't show up in newspaper ads until July, so this entry has been moved to July. Thanks to the rebate, we know this game was in stores before October.
[Solar Fox was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Solar Fox Makes Sunshine Pals - Electronic Fun (Dec 83 p12)
Electronic Games (Nov 84 p63)
CBS Videogames spent undisclosed amounts of time and money researching a new type of cartridge chip, which it dubbed the RAM-cram. These games contained resident memory housed within the cartridge itself, which added to memory already built into the machine to effectively double the 2600’s memory. After producing just two 8K games, Tunnel Runner and Solar Fox, CBS abandoned its entire videogame department to concentrate on producing computer software.
Electronic Games (Oct 83 p51)
Purchase any of the following game cartridges between now and Oct. 15, 1983: SOLAR FOX, GORF, WIZARD OF WOR, BLUEPRINT.
Video Games Player (Oct/Nov 83 p52)
More Than Meets the Eye - Video Games (Dec 83 p6)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N4, N5, N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Fоx COMING SOON (Apr 3, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Fоx NEW (Jul 16, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Fоx $27.95 (Jul 30, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Fоx $14.99 AFTER REBATE (Aug 5, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Fоx $20.48 (Aug 21, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Fоx $20.88 (Aug 26, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Fоx $28.88 (Sep 14, 83)
Newspaper: Sоlar Fоx (Sep 18, 83)
July 1983
Stronghold (CommaVid) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update.
[Stronghold was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Oct 8, 83)
July 1983
Bank Heist (Fox, 20th Century) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. The game was in one newspaper ad in May, nothing in June, and two ads in July that I can find so far, so it probably belongs in July.
[Bank Heist was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Bаnk Hеist $19.95 to $29.95 (May 2, 83)
Newspaper: Bаnk Hеist $7.99 (Jul 24, 83)
Newspaper: Bаnk Hеist $5.92 (Jul 24, 83)
July 1983
The Earth Dies Screaming (Fox, 20th Century) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. The Earth Dies Screaming was mentioned in a May newspaper ad as if it could already be purchased, but I can't find ads with prices until July. At least we know for sure that The Earth Dies Screaming was being sold in July.
[The Earth Dies Screaming was reviewed in the July 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Aug 20, 83)
Newspaper: Eаrth Diеs $19.95 to $29.95 (May 2, 83)
Newspaper: Eаrth Diеs $9.95 (Jul 21, 83)
Newspaper: Eаrth Diеs $5.92 (Jul 24, 83)
Newspaper: Eаrth Diеs $7.99 (Jul 24, 83)
Newspaper: Eаrth Diеs $12.99 (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: Eаrth Diеs $6.88 (Oct 18, 83)
Newspaper: Eаrth Diеs $6.88 (Dec 6, 83)
July 1983
Best Guess using info from newspaper ads and The Video Game Update. Going by newspaper ads, it looks like the game was available in late July or early August depending on the area.
[Porky’s was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: John Teets (Jun 2, 83)
In the Bad Taste Division, Fox Video Games will be taking the wraps off Porky's, a game based on the monster-grossing film of the same name. One wonders what connotations it will force on the word “joystick.”
Newspaper: Porky's (Aug 21, 83)
Newspaper: Pоrkys PLACE YOUR ADVANCED ORDER (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Pоrkys COMING SOON (Jul 27, 83)
Newspaper: Pоrkys $19.99 (Jul 27, 83)
Newspaper: Pоrkys IN STOCK (Aug 4, 83)
Newspaper: Pоrkys $19.95 (Aug 14, 83)
Newspaper: Pоrkys $19.95 (Aug 31, 83)
Newspaper: Pоrkys $22.95 (Sep 22, 83)
Newspaper: Pоrkys $19.99 (Sep 25, 83)
July 1983
Spacemaster X-7 (Fox, 20th Century) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Spacemaster X-7 was mentioned in a May newspaper ad as if it could already be purchased, but I can't find ads with prices until July. At least we know for sure that Spacemaster X-7 was being sold in July.
[Spacemaster X-7 was reviewed in the July 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: X-7 $19.95 to $29.95 (May 2, 83)
Newspaper: X-7 $9.95 (Jul 21, 83)
Newspaper: X-7 $5.92 (Jul 24, 83)
Newspaper: X-7 $7.99 (Jul 24, 83)
Newspaper: X-7 $12.99 (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: X-7 $6.88 (Oct 18, 83)
Newspaper: X-7 $6.88 (Dec 6, 83)
July 1983
BurgerTime (M Network) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[BurgerTime was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Jul 31, 83)
I reviewed the game on the Intellivision, but it is also available for the Atari 2600 and the Aquarius, Apple II, Apple II Plus, Apple IIe and IBM PC computers.
Newspaper: BurgеrTime $24.99 (Jul 9, 83)
Newspaper: BurgеrTime $29.97 (Jul 30, 83)
Newspaper: BurgеrTime $27.88 (Aug 4, 83)
Newspaper: BurgеrTime $27.99 (Aug 10, 83)
Newspaper: BurgеrTime $29.97 (Aug 14, 83)
Newspaper: BurgеrTime $22.99 (Aug 28, 83)
July 1983
Best Guess. There were newspaper ads all over the USA in July to order a free Kool-Aid Man cartridge. (125 Kool-Aid proof-of-purchase points OR 30 Kool-Aid proof-of-purchase points and $10.00.) Since people could order the game in July, this entry has been moved to July.
[Kool-Aid Man was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Koоl-Aіd Mаn (Jul 10, 83)
Newspaper: Koоl-Aіd Mаn (Jul 17, 83)
Newspaper: Koоl-Aіd Mаn (Jul 20, 83)
Newspaper: Koоl-Aіd Mаn (Jul 21, 83)
July 1983
Using info from The Video Game Update, The Video Game Update, and newspaper ads. Going by newspaper ads, it looks like Q*bert was available in late July.
[Q*bert was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Q*bert was called Q-bert in some newspapers.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Aug 20, 83)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Sep 25, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Oct 8, 83)
Q*bert Comes Home: A Catalog of Q*bert Merchandise - Electronic Games (Nov 83 p114)
Spin-Offs Jump to the Q*bert Challenge - Video Games (Mar 84 p28)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N5, N6, N7 83)
It’s Not Easy - Electronic Games (Jun 83 p41)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt COMING SOON (Jul 7, 83)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $32.88 (Jul 26, 83)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $34.99 (Jul 27, 83)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $34.97 (Jul 30, 83)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $28 (Jul 31, 83)
It’s Not Easy - Electronic Games (Jul 83 p41)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $29.99 (Aug 4, 83)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $33.50 (Aug 6, 83)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $28.95 (Aug 10, 83)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $32.99 (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: Q*bеrt $33.95 (Aug 14, 83)
July 1983
X-Man (Universal Gamex) ✔
Best Guess. This ‘adult’ video game was reviewed in the June 1983 issue of Videogaming, the June 1983 issue of Video Review, and advertised in the July 1983 issue of Videogaming. That magazine was probably the only way the average person even saw an ad for the game, so it's probably safe to put this entry in July.
Psionic at AtariAge added this information:
For what it's worth, the X-Man boxes were printed in January 1983, also by Bert-Co. However, the game was not reviewed by major gaming publications until June. I know @rolenta got his copy directly from Gamex, who I believe were present at the 1983 Summer CES held on June 5-8 in Chicago and probably debuted the game there.
Newspaper: Greg Michetti (Jul 14, 83)
Bad Taste Dept: Wizard Video Games, makers of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, have released Halloween, another horror show take-off. Also available, at least in the U.S., is X-Man, an “adult” video game from Gamex for use on the Atari VCS.
Newspaper: X-Man Mention (Jul 17, 83)
The magazine Videogaming and Computer Gaming Illustrated describes one adult game X-Man: The player, the article says, “must guide a mart through a maze avoiding the anatomy-abbreviating scissors, chomping teeth, and pincered crabs. When the player successfully reaches the center of the maze, the screen changes to a bedroom. In deference to our younger readers, the specifics cannot be discussed at length. Suffice to say that, in graphic detail, intimate goals must be achieved before time runs out.”.
Newspaper: X-Rated Video Games Bomb (Sep 22, 83)
But a new supplier, Select-A-Tape, says that its Gamex line has been selling well in its first few months on both coasts. The first Gamex game, X-Man, seems to have learned the lesson of Revenge. The game, a takeoff on Pac-Man, has a maze filled with castrating scissors and chattering teeth, which a male character must avoid as he runs toward the center where a voluptuous woman awaits him.
X-Rated Remarks - Videogaming (Sep 83 p54)
Uncensored Videogames - Videogaming (Oct 83 p19)
Here's the Adult Video Game With Arcade-Level Action - Videogaming (Jul 83 p66)
Newspaper: X-Man $29.95 (Nov 13, 83)
July 1983
“It’s A Mistake” by Men At Work (Jul 2) YT 65%
“I’ll Tumble 4 Ya” by Culture Club (Jul 2) YT 65%
“How Am I Supposed To Live Without You” by Laura Branigan (Jul 2) YT
“All Time High” by Rita Coolidge (Jul 2) YT
“Ewok Celebration” by Meco (Jul 2) YT
“Lawyers in Love” by Jackson Browne (Jul 9) YT
“Tonight, I Celebrate My Love” by Roberta Flack & Peabo Bryson (Jul 9) YT
“Human Touch” by Rick Springfield (Jul 9) YT
“After The Fall” by Journey (Jul 9) YT
“Fake Friends” by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (Jul 9) YT
“Total Eclipse Of The Heart” by Bonnie Tyler (Jul 16) YT
“Promises, Promises” by Naked Eyes (Jul 16) YT 95%
“Don’t You Get So Mad” by Jeffrey Osborne (Jul 16) YT 60%
“Legal Tender” by The B-52's (Jul 16) YT
“Human Nature” by Michael Jackson (Jul 23) YT 90%
“Lady Love Me (One More Time)” by George Benson (Jul 23) YT
“You’re Driving Me Out Of My Mind” by Little River Band (Jul 23) YT
“Sharp Dressed Man” by ZZ Top (Jul 23) YT [Related video: Hooked on Polkas.]
“Words (Don’t Come Easy)” by F. R. David (Jul 23) YT
“Shiny Shiny” by Haysi Fantayzee (Jul 23) YT 60% [Kate Garner, flat belly girl.]
“Tell Her About It” by Billy Joel (Jul 30) YT
“Making Love Out Of Nothing At All” by Air Supply (Jul 30) YT
“Burning Down The House” by Talking Heads (Jul 30) YT 78%
“Don’t Cry” by Asia (Jul 30) YT
“Far From Over” by Frank Stallone (Jul 30) YT
“You Belong To Me” by The Doobie Brothers (Jul 30) YT [Farewell Tour Version] YT [Studio]
July 1983
Text from The Video Game Update (Aug 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
July [compiled from Aug 83, Jul 83, and May 83 availability updates]
9 To 5 (Fox) [unreleased]
x - Bank Heist (Fox)
x - Blueprint (CBS)
Crackpots (Activision)
Death Trap (Avalon Hill)
Frogger (Starpath)
x - Jungle Hunt (Atari)
x - Kangaroo (Atari)
x - Moonsweeper (Imagic)
x - Porky’s (Fox)
Power Grip (Wico)
Proline Joystick (Atari)
Q*bert (Parker Bros)
Rabbit (Starpath) [Rabbit Transit]
Rush Hour (Commavid) [unreleased]
Save The Whales (Fox) [unreleased]
x - Solar Fox (CBS)
Stronghold (Commavid)
Turbo (Coleco) [unreleased]
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from Arcade Express (Jul 3, 83)
David Ruckert, Senior Vice President of Marketing for Atari’s Consumer Electronics Division, says the VCS market is continuing to thrive. The company spokesman made his remarks at a press conference at CES, saying that cartridge sales for the VCS were up 10% this April over a similar period last year. Ruckert estimates that 10% of all U.S. households will buy a VCS during the next year, to create an expanded market for software.
Atari unveiled plans for software for Texas Instrument’s TI 99/4A, Apple, IBM, VIC-20, and Commodore 64, as well as 28 new games for the VCS and Atari S200 systems, and nine titles for “The Graduate”, Atari’s add-on module that turns the VCS into a computer.
Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong, Jr. are scheduled to star in the new CBS Children’s Series, “Saturday Supercade”. The program produced by Ruby Spears features Mario, his brother Luigi, Pauline, and other characters from the Nintendo games. These heroes will face rolling barrels, swinging vines and snapping jaws in stories designed for the Saturday morning crowd. The series airs Saturday, September 17, at 8:30-9:30 EST, and 7:30-8:30 PST.
Text from Arcade Express (Jul 31, 83)
Daniel Risdon, a New York City filmmaker, is sueing Disney Productions and “Tron” screenwriter Steven Lisberger, charging copyright infringement. Risdon claims that “Tron” is based on the plot of a screenplay he wrote in 1977 named “Megalopolis, The Computer City”. According to the Manhattanite, he showed the script for “Megalopolis” to Lisberger, and he says “Tron” contained essential elements from that play,“disguised . . . within the formula plot.”
Risdon is asking for $14 million in damages, as his share of the profits from the movie and from sales of books published by Simon & Schuster and Ballantine Books.
“Dragon’s Lair”, the first coin-op videogame to commercially utilize laser disc technology to produce on-screen visuals, made its first appearance before the gaming public at a mammoth open house held by Reese Communications on June 21. Reese, which publishes Arcade Express, Electronic Games and Video, plus a host of other titles, recently moved into larger head- quarters a-top the Grumbacher Building in New York City.
Don Bluth, the animator who created this fresh gaming concept, was on hand to demonstrate the machine and answer questions from any of the more than 500 well-wishers who came to eat West Indian Food, listen to a steel band, play various videogames, and generally warm up Reese’s new home.
Fox Video Games is reducing the retail price for the Atari 2600 version of “MASH” to $14.95. The cartridge originally was priced at $29.95. Fox president Frank O’Connell cited retailer concern over the current market glut of VCS-compatible games as the reason for the decrease, but went on to say that this shouldn’t be interpreted as a trend for the company or industry.
Versions of “MASH” released later this year for ColecoVision, Atari and Commodore will be at premium pricing.
August 1983
Battlezone (Atari) ✔
August release according to Atari Age order form, The Video Game Update, and newspaper ads.
[Battlezone was reviewed in the September 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Nov 5, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $26.95 (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $26.95 (Aug 14, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone NOW AVAILABLE (Aug 24, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone 15% OFF (Aug 25, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $23.95 (Aug 28, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $23.88 (Aug 30, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $24.95 (Sep 1, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $29.95 (Sep 1, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone NEW (Sep 2, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $29.95 (Sep 5, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $23.88 (Sep 6, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $21.50 (Sep 10, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $32.88 (Sep 22, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone IN STOCK (Sep 22, 83)
Newspaper: Bаttlezone $22.99 (Oct 1, 83)
Which Player - Electronic Games (Dec 83 p47)
August 1983
Pole Position (Atari) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Pole Position was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Sep 25, 83)
[9/17/83] Video Games (Dec 83)
[10/17/83] Video Games (Jan 84)
[11/12/83] Video Games (Feb 84)
[11/26/83] Video Games (Mar 83)
[1/21/84] Video Games (Apr 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition IN STOCK (Jul 31, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition IN STOCK (Aug 4, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $26.88 (Aug 4, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $27.88 (Aug 4, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition JUST ARRIVED (Aug 7, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $24.88 (Aug 10, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $26.95 (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $29.95 (Aug 14, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition (Aug 19, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $29.88 (Aug 25, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition (Aug 27, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $26.99 (Aug 28, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $27.99 (Aug 28, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $27.88 (Aug 30, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $29.97 (Aug 31, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $27.95 (Aug 31, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition NEW (Sep 1, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $27.88 (Sep 6, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition NEW RELEASE (Sep 8, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $27.88 (Sep 13, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $30 (Oct 5, 83)
Newspaper: Pоle Pоsition $26.97 (Oct 30, 83)
August 1983
Crackpots (Activision) ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Crackpots was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
“enticing cartoon-style visuals” - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p28)
“the cutey Crackpots, is already available” - Electronic Games (Nov 83 p60)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Aug 16, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Aug 20, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots COMING NEXT WEEK (Jul 31, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots IN STOCK (Aug 5, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots $22.50 (Aug 6, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots $24.99 (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots $24.99 (Aug 14, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots $24.95 (Aug 14, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots $23.88 (Aug 27, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots $24.95 (Aug 31, 83)
Newspaper: Crаckpots $24.99 (Aug 31, 83)
August 1983
The Activision Decathlon (Activision) ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Decathlon was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Let Me Entertain You - Video Games (Oct 83 p30)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Aug 16, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Aug 20, 83)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p75)
[10/17/83] Video Games (Jan 84)
[11/12/83] Video Games (Feb 84)
[11/26/83] Video Games (Mar 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $22.99 (Aug 18, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $27.99 (Aug 21, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $27.88 (Aug 25, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon IN STOCK (Aug 25, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $27.88 (Aug 25, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $23.70 (Aug 26, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $23.88 (Aug 27, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon NEW (Aug 27, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $24.99 (Aug 28, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $24.99 (Aug 31, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $23.95 (Aug 31, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $27.99 (Aug 31, 83)
Newspaper: Decаthlon $24.95 (Sep 22, 83)
Bruce Jenner - Video Games (Oct 83)
Bruce Jenner - Electronic Games (Oct 83)
Bruce Jenner - Electronic Fun (Oct 83)
Bruce Jenner - Videogaming (Oct 83)
Newspaper: Group Ad (Jun 3, 84)
August 1983
Mogul Maniac (Amiga) ✔
[This game was packaged with the Amiga Joyboard foot controller.]
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Mogul Maniac was reviewed in the September 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Getting Physical: Video Games Go Aerobic - Video Games (Sep 83 p30)
Newspaper: Joyboard $39.67 (Aug 12, 83)
LOOK MA! NO HANDS! - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p13)
Newspaper: Joyboard $39.97 (Oct 10, 83)
Newspaper: Joyboard $39.97 (Dec 5, 83)
Newspaper: Joyboard $19.99 (Dec 14, 83)
Newspaper: Joyboard $19.99 (Dec 15, 83)
Newspaper: Joyboard $19.99 (Dec 21, 83)
Newspaper: Joyboard $8.97 (Nov 4, 84)
August 1983
August release according to catalog, Numb Thumb News, The Video Game Update, and newspaper ads. Going by newspaper ads, it looks like this game was available in late August in some areas and early September in other areas.
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Sep 18, 83)
Newspaper: Phil Wiswell (Oct 2, 83)
An Act of Creation: Rob Fulop Takes You Behind the Scenes - Video Games (Dec 83 p52)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N5, N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Fаthom IN STOCK (Aug 25, 83)
Newspaper: Fаthom $23.99 (Sep 1, 83)
Newspaper: Fаthom IN STOCK (Sep 1, 83)
Newspaper: Fаthom $24.95 (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: Fаthom $26.99 (Oct 5, 83)
Newspaper: Fаthom $24.97 (Oct 20, 83)
Newspaper: Fаthom $9.99 (Nov 30, 83)
August 1983
Moonsweeper (Imagic) ✔
Best Guess. July release according to catalog, Numb Thumb News, and The Video Game Update. But this entry has been moved to August since I can't find newspaper ads until the last day of July and the rest were in August and beyond.
[Moonsweeper was reviewed in the August 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Aug 20, 83)
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Aug 28, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Sep 24, 83)
Conquering Moоnsweeper - Videogaming (Nov 83 p34)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Moоnsweeper NEW RELEASE (Jul 31, 83)
Newspaper: Moоnsweeper $22.99 (Aug 18, 83)
Newspaper: Moоnsweeper $24.88 (Aug 25, 83)
Newspaper: Moоnsweeper IN STOCK (Aug 25, 83)
Newspaper: Moоnsweeper $23.99 (Aug 31, 83)
Come in - Video Games (Sep 83)
August 1983
Tooth Protectors (Johnson & Johnson) ✔
Available through mail order only ($9.95 and 3 proofs-of-purchase). The same ad was in newspapers all over the USA on August 7, 1983, so it looks like this entry belongs in August.
Newspaper: Toоth Prоtectors (Aug 7, 83)
Newspaper: Toоth Prоtectors (Aug 11, 83)
Newspaper: Toоth Prоtectors (Aug 24, 83)
August 1983
“True” by Spandau Ballet (Aug 6) YT
“(She’s) Sexy + 17” by Stray Cats (Aug 6) YT
“Holiday Road” by Lindsey Buckingham (Aug 6) YT 80%
“I Love Rocky Road” by Weird Al Yankovic (Aug 6) YT [Bubbling Under Top 100]
“High Time” by Styx (Aug 13) YT
“I Don’t Wanna Dance” by Eddy Grant (Aug 13) YT 60%
“Telefone (Long Distance Love Affair)” by Sheena Easton (Aug 20) YT
“Don’t Forget To Dance” by The Kinks (Aug 20) YT
“It Must Be Love” by Madness (Aug 20) YT
“Everyday I Write The Book” by Elvis Costello & The Attractions (Aug 20) YT
“Freak-A-Zoid” by Midnight Star (Aug 20) YT
“Do It Again/Billie Jean (Medley)” by Club House (Aug 20) YT
“Islands In The Stream” by Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton (Aug 27) YT
“King Of Pain” by The Police (Aug 27) YT 75%
“One Thing Leads To Another” by The Fixx (Aug 27) YT 95%
“What Am I Gonna Do (I'm So In Love With You)” by Rod Stewart (Aug 27) YT
“Solsbury Hill (Live)” by Peter Gabriel (Aug 27) YT
August 1983
Text from The Video Game Update (Sep 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
August [compiled from Sep 83 and Jul 83 availability updates]
x - Battlezone (Atari)
x - Burgertime (M Network)
x - Decathalon (Activision)
x - Fathom (Imagic)
Incredible Hulk (Parker Bros) [unreleased]
x - Joyboard (Amiga) [packaged with Mogul Maniac]
x - Pole Position (Atari)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from The Video Game Update (Aug 83)
* A new company on the horizon called SUNRISE SOFTWARE plans entry into the game and computer software field. Among those planned for Fall release are PROFESSOR SMYTHE’S MATHERCISE (cassette and disc for the Atari computers) which is an exercise in speed and accuracy in math; MAYAN MYSTERY (also for the Atari computers) which is a multi-screen adventure/shoot ‘em up; and NOAH AND THE ARK, a maze game designed for the Atari 2600. Sunrise tells us they also have plans for ColecoVision, TI 99/4A, and the Apple computers and hope to have additional games announced and available before Christmas.
* HES is packing a $5 check, good toward the purchase of any HesWare product, in all boxes of GRIDRUNNER, beginning August 1 and running through January, 1984.
* Parker Bros, has decided to put two titles on “hold”. They are INCREDIBLE HULK and LORD OF THE RINGS.
* Atari has put their newly announced VOICE RECOGNITION SYSTEM on “Hold” for the 2600.
* Fox Games has changed the title of an upcoming 2600-compatible title from “Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea” to CRASH DIVE, scheduled for release later this summer.
* Coleco has put a “hold” on its 2600-compatible version of TURBO. It has not been determined as to whether the title will eventually ship or whether it will be shelved.
* Datasoft has licensed CANYON CLIBER to Thorn EMI for translation into the TI99/4A format.
* Meanwhile, TI is busy picking up licensing deals. They have just picked up Broderbund’s huge success, CHOPLIFTER, and another hit, DAVID’S MIDNIGHT MAGIC, along with Sierra On-Line’s successful, JAWBREAKER. No release dates are set yet for the 99 4/A.
* Telesys has decided to leave the domestic market and is actively marketing its games, including new titles, overseas in the PAL format.
* Sirius Software has just released BUZZARD BAIT, an action game for the Apple II and IBM PC with a suggested retail of $39.95.
* Atari has just released the suggested list price on their 600XL computer coming this fall. It will be $199.00. (See our COMPUTER ENTERTAINER for complete comparison chart for the Atari computer line.)
* Roklan has formed a development division to adapt both new and existing Roklan software product for the IBM PC. The probable first title to be made available will be a game of Pool, RACK ‘EM UP!
* Sierra On-Line plans several titles for the IBM PC in the third and fourth quarter including JAWBREAKER, DARK CRYSTAL and LUNAR LEEPER.
. . . .
MYTHICON has entered the Atari VCS software field with a new approach. They will introduce three 4K VCS games at a RETAIL of $9.95 in packaging which will lend itself to being put into supermarkets, book stores, etc. The first games are STAR FOX, an ourter space game in which you must recover crystals while avoiding aliens, and FIRE FLY, a multi-screen space game in which you must help the good bugs rid the planet of evil creature-machines sent to destroy the cities. SORCERER casts you as a good Sorcerer who must destroy evil forces trying to destroy the planet.
Later his fall, they plan to work on 8K games for the VCS, also promised at a lower price point.
September 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. There are a couple August newspaper ads, but I'm not sure if they can be trusted.
[Mr. Do! was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Phil Wiswell (Oct 2, 83)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Oct 23, 83)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N7 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо $29.74 (Aug 14, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо $29.95 JUST ARRIVED (Sep 8, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо IN STOCK (Sep 22, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо NEW (Sep 23, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо NEW (Sep 24, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо NEW ARRIVAL (Sep 30, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо $26.95 (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо IN STOCK (Oct 2, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо $24.99 (Oct 5, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо $25 (Oct 6, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо $22.95 (Oct 7, 83)
Newspaper: Mг Dо $25.88 (Oct 25, 83)
September 1983
GameLine (Control Video Corporation) ≈ ✔
Best Guess based on newspaper ads. An August newspaper ad from Marshall Field's claimed that GameLine would be available on August 28, so maybe some people could buy it in late August, but most ads started in September.
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (May 29, 83)
Newspaper: Michael Schrage (May 6, 83)
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (May 15, 83)
Newspaper: Rawson Stovall (Oct 2, 83)
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Jun 16, 84)
During the last six months, Mattel unloaded its Intellivision system, Milton Bradley scrapped Vectrex and Control Video dropped its GameLine subscription service.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $69.95 on Aug 28 (Aug 18, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $59.95 (Sep 15, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $59.95 (Sep 16, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $59.95 (Sep 17, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine (Sep 26, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $59.95 (Sep 30, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $59 (Oct 23, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $59.95 (Nov 6, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $59.95 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $19.88 (Dec 8, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $19.99 (Dec 14, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $19.99 (Dec 17, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $19.99 (Dec 27, 83)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $29.88 (Jan 31, 84)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $15 (Feb 19, 84)
Newspaper: GаmeLine $59.95 (Feb 29, 84)
September 1983
Crash Dive (Fox, 20th Century) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. No useful newspaper ads found so far.
[Crash Dive was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Crаsh Dіve $9.95 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Crаsh Dіve $9.95 (Dec 12, 83)
September 1983
Death Star Battle (Parker Brothers) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Some newspaper ads start back as far as July, but most trustworthy ads seem to start in September.
[Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – Death Star Battle was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Jun 30, 84)
Parker Brothers presents - TV Guide (Dec 4-10, 82)
Zero Hour Approaching - Electronic Games (Jul 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle COMING SOON (Jul 23, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle (Aug 27, 83)
Zero Hour Approaching - Electronic Games (Aug 83)
Zero Hour Approaching - Electronic Fun (Aug 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $26.88 (Sep 6, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $34.95 (Sep 8, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle JUST IN (Sep 10, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $22.88 (Sep 22, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $24.95 (Sep 25, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $26.88 (Sep 25, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $29.99 (Sep 26, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $29.95 (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $26.88 (Oct 18, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $29.99 (Oct 20, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $24.95 (Oct 23, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $24.95 (Oct 26, 83)
Death Str Bttle Sweepstakes - Electronic Fun (Oct 83)
Death Star Battle Sweepstakes - Electronic Games (Oct 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $26.99 (Nov 2, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $19.95 (Nov 10, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $19.95 (Nov 10, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $24.99 (Nov 13, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $19.95 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $26.95 (Nov 25, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $29.97 (Nov 30, 83)
Deаth Stаr Bаttle Sweepstakes - Electronic Games (Nov 83)
Deаth Stаr Bаttle Sweepstakes - Electronic Fun (Nov 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $21.99 (Dec 5, 83)
Newspaper: Deаth Stаr Bаttle $24.99 (Dec 14, 83)
September 1983
Thunderground (Sega) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. I've found one newspaper ad so far and it was in early September.
[Thunderground was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Thundеrground $8.99 (Sep 4, 83)
September 1983
Rabbit Transit (Starpath/formerly Arcadia) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and news from Lou Hudson (see below).
[Rabbit Transit was reviewed in the September 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Sep 3, 83)
Rabbit Transit is due this month [Sep].
September 1983
Ghost Manor (Xonox) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Ghost Manor was reviewed in the September 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: K-Tel to Market Game Cartridges (Jul 8, 83)
K-Tel International, Inc., of Minnetonka said it will begin marketing video-game cartridges in September through its new Hopkins-based Xonox division.
That Number Again - Videogaming (Sep 83 p8)
K-TEL ENTERS VIDEOGAME FIELD - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p10)
Electronic Games (Oct 83 p32)
Although most of Xonox's games weren't ready for real testing when this issue of EG went to press, the early signs are most encouraging. The graphics are especially pleasing, giving the games a lighter, more charming appearance than most other titles for the 2600.
From Altruism to Avarice: Questing Games - Videogaming (Oct 83 p67)
Will Xonox Video Games Be K-Tel’s “Greatest Hits”? - Video Games (March 84 p32)
The New Double-Ender - Electronic Games (Jul 83 p9)
Double-Trouble - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p2)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk (Sep 11, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $22.95 (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $22.94 (Oct 23, 83)
Double-Trouble - Video Games (Oct 83 p2)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $24.95 (Nov 16, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $29.95 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $23.97 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $27.97 (Nov 29, 83)
September 1983
Spike’s Peak (Xonox) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Spike’s Peak was reviewed in the September 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: K-Tel to Market Game Cartridges (Jul 8, 83)
K-Tel International, Inc., of Minnetonka said it will begin marketing video-game cartridges in September through its new Hopkins-based Xonox division.
That Number Again - Videogaming (Sep 83 p8)
K-TEL ENTERS VIDEOGAME FIELD - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p10)
Electronic Games (Oct 83 p32)
Although most of Xonox's games weren't ready for real testing when this issue of EG went to press, the early signs are most encouraging. The graphics are especially pleasing, giving the games a lighter, more charming appearance than most other titles for the 2600.
From Altruism to Avarice: Questing Games - Videogaming (Oct 83 p67)
Will Xonox Video Games Be K-Tel’s “Greatest Hits”? - Video Games (March 84 p32)
The New Double-Ender - Electronic Games (Jul 83 p9)
Double-Trouble - Electronic Games (Sep 83 p2)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk (Sep 11, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $22.95 (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $22.94 (Oct 23, 83)
Double-Trouble - Video Games (Oct 83 p2)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $24.95 (Nov 16, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $29.95 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $23.97 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Ghоst Manоr & Spіkes Peаk $27.97 (Nov 29, 83)
September 1983
“Delirious” by Prince (Sep 3) YT
“Suddenly Last Summer” by The Motels (Sep 3) YT 65%
“This Time” by Bryan Adams (Sep 3) YT
“Foolin’” by Def Leppard (Sep 3) YT
“Unconditional Love” by Donna Summer (Sep 3) YT
“Heart & Soul” by Huey Lewis & The News (Sep 10) YT
“If Anyone Falls” by Stevie Nicks (Sep 10) YT
“Just Got Lucky” by JoBoxers (Sep 10) YT
“Everyday People” by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (Sep 10) YT
“Trouble In Paradise” by Al Jarreau (Sep 10) YT
“Rockit” by Herbie Hancock (Sep 10) YT 55%
“Dancing With Myself” by Billy Idol (Sep 10) YT [Bubbling Under Top 100]
“Break My Stride” by Matthew Wilder (Sep 17) YT 95%
“All Night Long (All Night)” by Lionel Richie (Sep 17) YT
“Cum On Feel The Noize” by Quiet Riot (Sep 17) YT 52%
“Modern Love” by David Bowie (Sep 17) YT 90%
“Love Is A Stranger” by Eurythmics (Sep 17) YT 60%
“Dr. Heckyll & Mr. Jive” by Men At Work (Sep 17) YT 60%
“Old Time Rock & Roll” by Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band (Sep 17) YT
“Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel (Sep 24) YT 55%
“Love Is A Battlefield” by Pat Benatar (Sep 24) YT 51%
“Major Tom (Coming Home)” by Peter Schilling (Sep 24) YT 75%
“Send Her My Love” by Journey (Sep 24) YT 62%
“Automatic Man” by Michael Sembello (Sep 24) YT 65%
September 1983
Strange Invaders (Sep 16) YT IMDb WP
Educating Rita (Sep 21) YT IMDb WP
September 1983
We Got It Made NBC (Sept. 8) YT IMDb WP
Webster ABC (Sept. 16) YT IMDb WP
Hardcastle & McCormick ABC (Sep 18) YT IMDb WP
AfterMASH CBS (Sep 26) YT IMDb WP
September 1983
Text from The Logical Gamer (Sep 83, page 1)
CBS Electronics announced the July release of BLUEPRINT, a unique memory and action game for the Atari 2600. The new game cartridge is based on the Bally Midway arcade hit. . . .
Text from Electronic Fun (Sep 83, page 38)
[Looks like they got some things wrong here.]
Atari appears to be leading the pack right now, with no less than 28 new titles coming out for Atari game systems by the end of the year. Scheduled for release on VCS carts in September are two arcade chart toppers, Pole Position and Battlezone. Also coming out this month will be Atari’s adaptation of the movie Krull featuring three different skill levels in which you can take the roles of the film’s major characters, and Donald Duck’s Speedboat, an obstacle course that also stars Donald’s nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie.
October and November appear to be the big months for 2600 releases. Along with three new arcade translations—Dig Dug, Joust and Moon Patrol—Atari will bring out seven new games based on characters from Walt Disney films and Sesame Street: Cookie Monster Munch, Alpha Beam (with Sesame Street’s Ernie), Big Bird’s Egg Catch, Miss Piggy’s Wedding, Pigs in Space, Dumbo’s Flying Circus and Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
Text from The Video Game Update (Oct 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
September [compiled from Oct 83, Sep 83, Aug 83, and Jul 83 availability updates]
Crash Dive (Fox)
Donald Duck Speedboat (Atari) [unreleased]
x - Donkey Kong Jr. (Coleco)
x - Kool & Pitcher Man (M Network) [Kool-Aid Man]
Lord Of The Rings (Parker Bros) [unreleased]
Mad-Netter (Computer Magic) [unreleased]
x - Mr Do (Coleco)
Pogoman (Computer Magic) [unreleased]
x - Popeye (Parker Bros)
Quick Step (Imagic)
x - Spike’s Peak/Ghost Manor (Xonox)
Super Cobra (Parker Bros)
Surfs Up (Amiga) [unreleased]
x - Thunderground (Sega)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
October 1983
October release according to page 8 of Atari Age V2N3, The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Dig Dug was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Dіg Dug NEW (Oct 7, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $27.99 (Oct 13, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $27.88 (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $28.88 (Oct 19, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $29.95 (Oct 23, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $24.99 (Oct 26, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $28.88 (Oct 26, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $29.99 (Oct 26, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $24.95 (Oct 27, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $26.99 (Oct 27, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug NOW IN STOCK (Oct 28, 83)
Newspaper: Dіg Dug $29.88 (Nov 1, 83)
Which is the best way - Electronic Games (Dec 83 p49)
October 1983
October release according to page 9 of Atari Age V2N3.
Exclusive Atari Club introduction. “It will be at least six months before Gravitar is sold at any store—it may never be released to the general public! But you can get in on the Masters excitement right now!”
October 1983
September release according to Atari Age order form and page 5 of V2N2, but newspaper ads didn't start until October. Maybe Atari Club members could get the game in September? The projected release date for Krull was November according to The Video Game Update.
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Oct 29, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull NEW (Oct 14, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull (Oct 21, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull (Oct 22, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull $24.95 (Oct 23, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull $23.95 (Oct 26, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull (Oct 29, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull $22.99 (Nov 3, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull $19 (Nov 10, 83)
Newspaper: Кrull $19.99 (Dec 5, 83)
October 1983
SwordQuest WaterWorld (Atari) ☹ ✔
October release according to page 9 of AA V2N3. I can't find any credible newspaper ads for SwordQuest WaterWorld, so after it was sold to Atari Club members, I'm guessing it was dumped on the market without any company caring enough to include it in any ads.
October 1983
Frostbite (Activision) ✔
October release according to Activisions, The Video Game Update, and newspaper ads.
[Frostbite was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Nov 16, 83)
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p77)
Spin-Offs Jump to the Q*bert Challenge - Video Games (Mar 84 p28)
Newspaper: Frоstbite NEW (Oct 7, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite NEW (Oct 14, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite NEWEST RELEASE (Oct 17, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite (Oct 22, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite $24.95 (Oct 23, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite NEWEST RELEASE (Oct 25, 1983)
Newspaper: Frоstbite $21.97 (Oct 27, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite $23 (Nov 4, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite $29.95 (Nov 10, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite $24.99 (Nov 10, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite $23.88 (Nov 12, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite $31.95 (Nov 13, 83)
Newspaper: Frоstbite $24.95 (Nov 13, 83)
October 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Bradlees apologized for manufacturer's shipping delays in early September, then some ads had “IN STOCK” and “JUST ARRIVED” in early October, so I'm guessing that most stores didn't get the game until October.
[Donkey Kong Junior was reviewed in the September 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Oct 1, 83)
Newspaper: Phil Wiswell (Oct 2, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr COMING SOON (Aug 10, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $29.74 (Aug 14, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $24.99 (Aug 28, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $24.99 (Sep 1, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr NOT AVAILABLE (Sep 3, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr DID NOT ARRIVE (Sep 25, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr IN STOCK (Oct 2, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $25 (Oct 6, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr JUST ARRIVED (Oct 6, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $22.95 (Oct 7, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $29.97 (Oct 9, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $29.95 (Oct 9, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $26.99 (Oct 20, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $24.97 (Oct 20, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $25.88 (Oct 25, 83)
Newspaper: Dоnkey Kоng Jr $28.88 (Oct 26, 83)
October 1983
Red Sea Crossing (Inspirational Video Concepts) ???
Super Extreme Best Guess. This game was not available in stores. It could be ordered for $34.95. The earliest ad for the game found so far was in Christianity Today Volume 27, No. 15 (Oct 7, 83 p51).
October 1983
Spitfire Attack (Milton Bradley) ✔
[This game came with the Power Arcade Flight Commander controller.]
Best Guess based on newspaper ads.
Eye On - Videogaming (Dec 83 p48)
Creative Computing (Sep 83 p76)
In Control - Electronic Games (Jul 84 p66)
Getting a Handle On Your Game - Video Games (Apr 84 p38)
1983 Atari 2600 Flight Commander Control Joysticks Commercial
Newspaper: Flight Commander $39.95 (Oct 6, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $39.99 (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $34.99 (Oct 22, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $34.92 (Oct 22, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $34.99 (Oct 28, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $29.97 (Nov 6, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $32.88 (Nov 15, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $34.99 (Nov 20, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $34.92 (Nov 21, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $32.97 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $34.96 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $32.99 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Flight Commander $34.97 (Dec 5, 83)
October 1983
Survival Run (Milton Bradley) ✔
[This game came with the Power Arcade Cosmic Commander controller.]
Best Guess based on newspaper ads.
Eye On - Videogaming (Dec 83 p48)
Wouldn't You Like To Fly… - Computer Games (Apr 84 p11)
Creative Computing (Sep 83 p76)
In Control - Electronic Games (Jul 84 p66)
Getting a Handle On Your Game - Video Games (Apr 84 p38)
1983 Atari 2600 Flight Commander Control Joysticks Commercial
See Spitfire Attack newspaper ads.
October 1983
Extreme Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and a newspaper ad.
The Video Game Update (Aug 83)
Newspaper: Fіre Flу $9.95 (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Fіre Flу $7.88 (Dec 12, 83)
October 1983
Extreme Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and a newspaper ad.
The Video Game Update (Aug 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerer $9.95 (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerer $7.88 (Dec 12, 83)
October 1983
Extreme Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and a newspaper ad.
The Video Game Update (Aug 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Fоx $9.95 (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Fоx $7.88 (Dec 12, 83)
October 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Popeye was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Jun 30, 84)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N6, N7 83)
Newspaper: Popеye COMING SOON (Jul 27, 83)
Ya Can’t Be Wimpy - Electronic Games (Aug 83)
Newspaper: Popеye IN STOCK (Oct 2, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $34.95 (Oct 6, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye IN STOCK (Oct 7, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $28.95 (Oct 9, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $29.88 (Oct 13, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $25.88 (Oct 13, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye NEW (Oct 14, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $27.95 (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $32.88 (Oct 18, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $32.88 (Oct 20, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $34.99 (Oct 20, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye NEW (Oct 22, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $32.95 (Oct 23, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $29.99 (Nov 2, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $32.88 (Nov 8, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $29.77 (Nov 9, 83)
Newspaper: Popеye $29.95 (Nov 10, 83)
Ya Can’t Be Wimpy - Video Games (Nov 83)
October 1983
Super Cobra (Parker Brothers) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, The Video Game Update, and newspaper ads.
[Super Cobra was reviewed in the September 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Book of Atari Software (Winter Supplement 83 p85)
Parker Brothers presents - TV Guide (Dec 4-10, 82)
Newspaper: Supеr Cоbra $24.99 (Oct 22, 83)
Newspaper: Supеr Cоbra $24.95 (Oct 23, 83)
Newspaper: Supеr Cоbra $29.77 (Nov 9, 83)
Newspaper: Supеr Cоbra $24.88 (Nov 3, 83)
Newspaper: Supеr Cоbra $29.77 (Nov 9, 83)
Newspaper: Supеr Cоbra $29.95 (Nov 10, 83)
Newspaper: Supеr Cоbra $29.95 (Nov 10, 83)
October 1983
Chase The Chuck Wagon (Ralston Purina) ✔
Best Guess. Available through mail order only ($12.95 and proof of purchase). There were newspaper ads all over the USA on October 16 (and only one I've found so far on October 15). Since people could order the game starting in October, this entry has been moved to October.
There were 46 matches when searching for “Chuck Wagon” “atari 2600” “MAIL-IN CERTIFICATE” and these were the locations: Florida (6), California (4), Pennsylvania (3), Kentucky (2), North Carolina (2), Ohio (2), South Carolina (2), Tennessee (2), Wisconsin (2), Alabama (1), Arizona (1), Connecticut (1), Georgia (1), Iowa (1), Illinois (1), Indiana (1), Kansas (1), Louisiana(1), Massachusetts (1), Maryland (1), Maine (1), Michigan (1), Missouri (1), Mississippi (1), Montana (1), New Jersey (1), New Mexico (1), Texas (1), Washington (1), Wyoming (1).
Newspaper: CTCW [Bangor, Maine] (Oct 15, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Memphis, Tennessee] (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Winston-Salem, North Carolina] (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Tulsa, Oklahoma] (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Buffalo, New York] (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Roanoke, Virginia] (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Buffalo, New York] (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Modesto, California] (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Omaha, Nebraska] (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: CTCW [Green Bay, Wisconsin] (Oct 16, 83)
October 1983
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Sega) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Star Trek was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Sep 16, 83)
November 5, 1983 commercials (Solid Gold)
Christmas 1983 Commercial Block December 23, 1983 p2 (Friday Night Videos)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $19.99 (Oct 13, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk NEW (Oct 14, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk (Oct 23, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk (Nov 13, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $19.99 (Nov 13, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $21.88 (Nov 15, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $21.99 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $21.88 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $24.97 (Nov 29, 83)
These instructions - Electronic Games (Nov 83 p51)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk SEGA (Dec 6, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk (Dec 9, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $24.97 (Dec 11, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $22.95 (Dec 12, 83)
Newspaper: Stаr Trеk $24.97 (Dec 25, 83)
October 1983
Glib (Selchow & Righter) ???
Super Extreme Best Guess.
[Glib was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
The Video Game Update (Nov 83)
In our October issue, we reported that the Atari 2600-compatible word game, GLIB, would not work in some Atari 2600 units. We’re happy to report that the problem has been solved by the manufacturer. If you have a problem with the picture rolling in this game, Qualtronic Devices, Inc. (120 W. Main St., Smithtown, NY 11787) will fix your cartridge.
October 1983
The Official Frogger (Starpath/formerly Arcadia) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and when the game was reviewed.
[The Official Frogger was reviewed in the October 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Official Frogger $29.99 (Jan 27, 84)
October 1983
Party Mix (Starpath/formerly Arcadia) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update.
[Party Mix was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
October 1983
“Ain’t Nobody” by Rufus & Chaka Khan (Oct 1) YT
“Mirror Man” by Human League (Oct 1) YT 55%
“Rock It Out” by Pia Zadora (Oct 5) YT [Bubbling Under Top 100]
“Talking In Your Sleep” by The Romantics (Oct 8) YT 65%
“P.Y.T.” by Michael Jackson (Oct 8) YT 75%
“On The Dark Side” by John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band (Oct 8) YT
“Time Will Reveal” by DeBarge (Oct 15) YT 65%
“Stay With Me Tonight” by Jeffrey Osborne (Oct 15) YT
“Say Say Say” by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson (Oct 15) YT 90%
“Crumblin’ Down” by John Cougar Mellencamp (Oct 15) YT
“Souls” by Rick Springfield (Oct 15) YT
“Invisible Hands” by Kim Carnes (Oct 15) YT
“Church Of The Poison Mind” by Culture Club (Oct 22) YT
“Why Me?” by Irene Cara (Oct 22) YT
“In A Big Country” by Big Country (Oct 22) YT 95%
“When The Lights Go Out” by Naked Eyes (Oct 22) YT 85%
“I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues” by Elton John (Oct 29) YT
“Holiday” by Madonna (Oct 29) YT
“Say It Isn’t So” by Hall & Oates (Oct 29) YT 75%
“I Won’t Stand In Your Way” by Stray Cats (Oct 29) YT
“What’s New” by Linda Ronstadt (Oct 29) YT
“No One Can Love You More Than Me” by Melissa Manchester (Oct 29) YT
October 1983
Nolan Bushnell allowed to make video games again (October 1).
Text from The Video Game Update (Nov 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
October [compiled from Nov 83, Oct 83, Sep 83, and Aug 83 availability updates]
Cosmic Commander Power Arcade (Milton Bradley)
x - Deathstar Battle (Parker Bros)
x - Dig Dug (Atari)
Dr. Seuss One Fish-Voice (Coleco) [unreleased]
Dumbo’s Flying Circus (Atari) [unreleased]
Fall Guy (Fox) [unreleased]
Flight Commander Power Arcade (Milton Bradley)
x - Frostbite (Activision)
Joust (Atari)
x - Laser Gates (Imagic)
Moon Patrol (Atari)
Off Your Rocker (Amiga) [unreleased]
x - Party Mix (Starpath)
Power Lord (Odyssey) [unreleased (Power Lords by Probe 2000)]
Pressure Cooker (Activision)
Pursuit Of Pink Panther (Odyssey) [unreleased (working title was Adventures of the Pink Panther)]
Rocky & Bullwinkle (M Network) [unreleased]
Sac Alert (Amiga) [unreleased]
Sky Blazer (Broderbund) [unreleased]
Springer (Tigervision)
x - Star Trek (Sega)
Surf’s Up (Amiga) [unreleased]
Sweat (Starpath) [unreleased]
Time Pilot (Coleco)
Trackball (Atari)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from The Video Game Update (Oct 83)
Mythicon has begun “test” shipments of their $9.95 games (Star Fox, Firefly, and Sorcerer.) However, in contacting the company for review copies, we were told there are none available at this time. A representative of the company indicated they are not soliciting reviews until they have an advertising push on the product. Because campaigns are not a criteria for our reviewing product, we find that unsatisfactory; and, if we are able to find the product in a store, we will purchase it for review. If a company is excited about their product, it seems to us they would be looking for press coverage!
November 1983
Alpha Beam with Ernie (Atari) ✔
September release according to page 10 of AA V2N3, but it was delayed according to the news below. Alpha Beam with Ernie was shipped in November according to The Video Game Update.
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Nov 6, 83)
And at least one wise soul at Atari headquarters observed that there wasn't much point in putting out a special children's game controller (with fist-sized buttons and plastic overlay screens instead of a stick) if there was only one Muppet character game ready to release with it. “We felt that situation would just cause consumer dissatisfaction” says an Atari spokesperson. Three fun 'n' educational VCS games codeveloped with the Children's Computer Workshop “Cookie Monster's Mash,” “Big Bird's Egg Catch” and “Alpha Beam” (an alphabet shoot-out) should be showing up on shelves this month. All work with the new controller.
Then coming next month for the small fry—and usable with any VCS joystick and game—are “Pigs In Space” (a Muppet parody of “Space Invaders”), “Snoopy and the Red Baron” and “The Sorcerer's Apprentice,” a beautifully animated game in which Mickey Mouse tries to corral some brooms wielding water buckets.
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $21.95 (Nov 18, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $24.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $24.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $24.99 (Nov 25, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $24.99 (Nov 26, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $26.99 (Nov 28, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $24.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $27.99 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $24.99 (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $26.95 (Dec 11, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $24.97 (Dec 15, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $25 (Dec 16, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm (Dec 22, 83)
Newspaper: Alphа Beаm $19 (Dec 23, 83)
November 1983
Big Bird’s Egg Catch (Atari) ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Big Bird’s Egg Catch was reviewed in the December 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Nov 6, 83)
And at least one wise soul at Atari headquarters observed that there wasn't much point in putting out a special children's game controller (with fist-sized buttons and plastic overlay screens instead of a stick) if there was only one Muppet character game ready to release with it. “We felt that situation would just cause consumer dissatisfaction” says an Atari spokesperson. Three fun 'n' educational VCS games codeveloped with the Children's Computer Workshop “Cookie Monster's Mash,” “Big Bird's Egg Catch” and “Alpha Beam” (an alphabet shoot-out) should be showing up on shelves this month. All work with the new controller.
Then coming next month for the small fry—and usable with any VCS joystick and game—are “Pigs In Space” (a Muppet parody of “Space Invaders”), “Snoopy and the Red Baron” and “The Sorcerer's Apprentice,” a beautifully animated game in which Mickey Mouse tries to corral some brooms wielding water buckets.
New Sesame Street Games Unveiled - Atari Age V1N5 (Jan/Feb 83 p11)
Young at Heart - Video Games (May 84 p30)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $24.95 (Nov 17, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $19 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $24.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $24.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $24.99 (Nov 25, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $26.99 (Nov 28, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $24.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $27.99 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $24.99 (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd (Dec 8, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $26.95 (Dec 11, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $24.97 (Dec 15, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $25 (Dec 16, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd (Dec 22, 83)
Newspaper: Bіg Bіrd $19 (Dec 23, 83)
November 1983
Cookie Monster Munch (Atari) ✔
Using info from The Video Game Update and ads.
Newspaper: Steve Stecklow (Jun 1, 83)
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Nov 6, 83)
And at least one wise soul at Atari headquarters observed that there wasn't much point in putting out a special children's game controller (with fist-sized buttons and plastic overlay screens instead of a stick) if there was only one Muppet character game ready to release with it. “We felt that situation would just cause consumer dissatisfaction” says an Atari spokesperson. Three fun 'n' educational VCS games codeveloped with the Children's Computer Workshop “Cookie Monster's Mash,” “Big Bird's Egg Catch” and “Alpha Beam” (an alphabet shoot-out) should be showing up on shelves this month. All work with the new controller.
Then coming next month for the small fry—and usable with any VCS joystick and game—are “Pigs In Space” (a Muppet parody of “Space Invaders”), “Snoopy and the Red Baron” and “The Sorcerer's Apprentice,” a beautifully animated game in which Mickey Mouse tries to corral some brooms wielding water buckets.
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $21.95 (Nov 18, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $24.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $24.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $24.99 (Nov 25, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $24.99 (Nov 26, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $26.99 (Nov 28, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $24.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $27.99 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $24.99 (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $26.95 (Dec 11, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $24.97 (Dec 15, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $25 (Dec 16, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster (Dec 22, 83)
Newspaper: Coоkie Mоnster $19 (Dec 23, 83)
November 1983
October release according to page 8 of V2N3 and The Video Game Update, but most newspaper ads were in November. It's possible that some areas had the game in late October.
[Joust was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Sep 26, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 21, 84)
Newspaper: Jоust AVAILABLE SOON (Oct 16, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust NEW (Oct 28, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust (Oct 29, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $26.95 (Oct 30, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $29.88 (Nov 1, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $22.99 (Nov 3, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust IN STOCK (Nov 4, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $27.88 (Nov 15, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $25.88 (Nov 16, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $29.95 (Nov 17, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $26.99 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $24.99 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $26.88 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $29.95 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $34.95 (Nov 25, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $26.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Jоust $29.88 (Dec 1, 83)
November 1983
Moon Patrol (Atari) ≈ ✔
October release according to page 9 of V2N3 and The Video Game Update. Moon Patrol might have been available in some areas in late October, but most newspaper ads were in November.
[Moon Patrol was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl NEW (Oct 28, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl (Oct 29, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $31.95 (Nov 2, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $22.99 (Nov 3, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $24.88 (Nov 3, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $29.95 (Nov 17, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $20.95 (Nov 18, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $19 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $26.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $27.88 (Nov 16, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $29.99 (Nov 19, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $28.88 (Nov 20, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $27.88 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $29.95 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $27.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Moоn Patrоl $29.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Which player - Electronic Games (Dec 83 p51)
Which player - Video Games (Dec 83)
November 1983
Pigs in Space (Atari) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. So far I've only found one newspaper ad in late November and only one in December.
[Pigs in Space was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Nov 6, 83)
And at least one wise soul at Atari headquarters observed that there wasn't much point in putting out a special children's game controller (with fist-sized buttons and plastic overlay screens instead of a stick) if there was only one Muppet character game ready to release with it. “We felt that situation would just cause consumer dissatisfaction” says an Atari spokesperson. Three fun 'n' educational VCS games codeveloped with the Children's Computer Workshop “Cookie Monster's Mash,” “Big Bird's Egg Catch” and “Alpha Beam” (an alphabet shoot-out) should be showing up on shelves this month. All work with the new controller.
Then coming next month for the small fry—and usable with any VCS joystick and game—are “Pigs In Space” (a Muppet parody of “Space Invaders”), “Snoopy and the Red Baron” and “The Sorcerer's Apprentice,” a beautifully animated game in which Mickey Mouse tries to corral some brooms wielding water buckets.
Newspaper: Pіgs Spаce $26.99 (Nov 28, 83)
Newspaper: Pіgs Spаce $24.95 (Dec 18, 83)
November 1983
Snoopy and the Red Baron (Atari) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Snoopy and the Red Baron was reviewed in the December 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Nov 6, 83)
And at least one wise soul at Atari headquarters observed that there wasn't much point in putting out a special children's game controller (with fist-sized buttons and plastic overlay screens instead of a stick) if there was only one Muppet character game ready to release with it. “We felt that situation would just cause consumer dissatisfaction” says an Atari spokesperson. Three fun 'n' educational VCS games codeveloped with the Children's Computer Workshop “Cookie Monster's Mash,” “Big Bird's Egg Catch” and “Alpha Beam” (an alphabet shoot-out) should be showing up on shelves this month. All work with the new controller.
Then coming next month for the small fry—and usable with any VCS joystick and game—are “Pigs In Space” (a Muppet parody of “Space Invaders”), “Snoopy and the Red Baron” and “The Sorcerer's Apprentice,” a beautifully animated game in which Mickey Mouse tries to corral some brooms wielding water buckets.
Newspaper: Snoоpy $26.99 (Nov 28, 83)
Newspaper: Snoоpy $23.99 (Dec 21, 83)
November 1983
Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Atari) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update, the news from Jonathan Takiff below, and newspaper ads. Sorcerer’s Apprentice was supposed to be released in October according to page 10 of V2N3.
[Sorcerer’s Apprentice was reviewed in the January 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Jonathan Takiff (Nov 6, 83)
And at least one wise soul at Atari headquarters observed that there wasn't much point in putting out a special children's game controller (with fist-sized buttons and plastic overlay screens instead of a stick) if there was only one Muppet character game ready to release with it. “We felt that situation would just cause consumer dissatisfaction” says an Atari spokesperson. Three fun 'n' educational VCS games codeveloped with the Children's Computer Workshop “Cookie Monster's Mash,” “Big Bird's Egg Catch” and “Alpha Beam” (an alphabet shoot-out) should be showing up on shelves this month. All work with the new controller.
Then coming next month for the small fry—and usable with any VCS joystick and game—are “Pigs In Space” (a Muppet parody of “Space Invaders”), “Snoopy and the Red Baron” and “The Sorcerer's Apprentice,” a beautifully animated game in which Mickey Mouse tries to corral some brooms wielding water buckets.
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $24.95 (Nov 17, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $24.99 (Nov 26, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $26.99 (Nov 28, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $24.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $21.97 (Dec 1, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $27.99 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $24.99 (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $24.99 (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $25.95 (Dec 11, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $26.95 (Dec 11, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $24.95 (Dec 15, 83)
Newspaper: Sоrcerers Apprentіce $25 (Dec 16, 83)
November 1983
Pressure Cooker (Activision) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Pressure Cooker was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Nov 30, 83)
Video and Computer Gaming Illustrated (Jan 84 p12)
Newspaper: Prеssure Cookеr $29.95 (Nov 10, 83)
Newspaper: Prеssure Cookеr NOW IN STOCK (Nov 17, 83)
Newspaper: Prеssure Cookеr $22.88 NEW (Nov 18, 83)
Newspaper: Prеssure Cookеr $26.97 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Prеssure Cookеr $29.95 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Prеssure Cookеr $24.99 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Prеssure Cookеr $27.97 (Nov 30, 83)
November 1983
Mountain King (CBS Electronics) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Mountain King was reviewed in the December 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Joe Saltzman (Nov 16, 83)
Newspaper: Mountaіn Kіng $22 (Nov 4, 83)
Newspaper: Mountaіn Kіng $22 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Mountaіn Kіng $19.95 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Mountaіn Kіng $24.99 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: CBS MAGIC COUPON! (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Mountaіn Kіng (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Mountaіn Kіng $22.97 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Mountaіn Kіng $27.99 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Mountaіn Kіng $21.88 (Dec 4, 83)
Let the Music - Electronic Games (Dec 83)
Let the Music - Video Games (Dec 83)
You've Got From Now 'Til the End of This Page to Become Mountain King - Electronic Games (Jun 83)
November 1983
Omega Race (CBS Electronics) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Omega Race was reviewed in the December 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Omеga Racе $19.95 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Omеga Racе (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: CBS MAGIC COUPON! (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Omеga Racе $22.97 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Omеga Racе $21.99 (Dec 5, 83)
Newspaper: Omеga Racе $27.99 (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Omеga Racе $25.95 (Dec 11, 83)
Newspaper: Omеga Racе $29.97 (Dec 25, 83)
November 1983
Tunnel Runner (CBS Electronics) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Tunnel Runner was supposed to be released in June, but it was delayed.
[Tunnel Runner was reviewed in the January 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
CBS Pulls an Inside Job - Videogaming (Jun 83 p7)
Lou Abbagnaro, director of engineering, CBS Games - Videogaming (Jul 83 p75)
More Memory Perks Up Videogame Cartridges - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p26)
Videogaming (Nov 83 p6)
CBS Electronics is delaying release of their Ram Plus games Wings and Tunnel Runner.
Electronic Games (Nov 84 p64)
After producing just two 8K games, Tunnel Runner and Solar Fox, CBS abandoned its entire videogame department to concentrate on producing computer software.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Mar 17, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Mar 17, 84)
Hang on - Electronic Games (Aug 83)
Newspaper: Tunnеl Runnеr $22 (Nov 4, 83)
Newspaper: Tunnеl Runnеr $22 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: CBS MAGIC COUPON! (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Tunnеl Runnеr $24.99 (Dec 1, 83)
Newspaper: Tunnеl Runnеr $27.99 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Tunnеl Runnеr $21.88 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Tunnеl Runnеr $24.95 (Dec 11, 83)
Newspaper: Tunnеl Runnеr $29.97 (Dec 25, 83)
November 1983
With Smurfs Save the Day (Coleco) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
Newspaper: Kіd Vіd $53.88 (Nov 4, 83)
Newspaper: Kіd Vіd $62.95 (Nov 10, 83)
Newspaper: Kіd Vіd $59.97 (Nov 15, 83)
Newspaper: Kіd Vіd $59.97 (Nov 24, 83)
November 1983
Time Pilot (Coleco) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Time Pilot was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Tіme Pіlot $23.95 (Oct 30, 83)
Newspaper: Tіme Pіlot $24.88 (Nov 3, 83)
Newspaper: Tіme Pіlot $24.99 (Nov 13, 83)
Newspaper: Tіme Pіlot $26.88 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Tіme Pіlot $26.99 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Tіme Pіlot $23.88 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Tіme Pіlot $23.97 (Nov 30, 83)
November 1983
Boing! (First Star Software) ???
Extreme Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update. Boing! was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter. Boing! was marked as being shipped in January 1984 in the February 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter, so I don’t know what that’s about.
The Video Game Update (Oct 83)
First Star Software, who brought you Astrochase, are preparing their Fall releases for several systems. In their first entry in the 2600 market, they will release BOING!, where you are a bubble, bouncing around a playfield of 36 multicolored squares. You must jump on each square to ‘turn it on’, while obstacles try and stop you. First Star is promising first rate quality when your bubble is popped by The Pin, etc. The game will feature 6 levels of 5 ‘waves’ each and 6 musical themes.
The Logical Gamer (Nov/Dec 83 p3)
This new VCS game should already be available for play on your 2600 VCS, at a suggested retail price of $21.95.
Spin-Offs Jump to the Q*bert Challenge - Video Games (Mar 84 p28)
First, The Good News - Electronic Games (Nov 83)
First, The Good News - Electronic Fun (Nov 83)
First, The Good News - Electronic Games (Dec 83)
November 1983
Laser Gates (Imagic) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Laser Gates was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N7 83)
Newspaper: Lasеr Gatеs $24.99 (Nov 13, 83)
Newspaper: Lasеr Gatеs $24.99 (Nov 13, 83)
Newspaper: Lasеr Gatеs $27.99 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Lasеr Gatеs DID NOT ARRIVE (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Lasеr Gatеs $24.99 (Dec 23, 83)
Newspaper: Lasеr Gatеs $7.99 (Dec 25, 83)
November 1983
Quick Step (Imagic) ≈ ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads. Quick Step was in Sears ads in very late October. The rest of the ads started in November. It's possible that some people could buy Quick Step in October.
Working title was Hop To It.
Newspaper: Phil Wiswell (Oct 2, 83)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Jun 30, 84)
Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (N7 83)
Newspaper: Quіck Stеp DID NOT ARRIVE (Sep 25, 83)
Newspaper: Quіck Stеp (Oct 29, 83)
Newspaper: Quіck Stеp $22.99 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Quіck Stеp $18.99 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Quіck Stеp $9.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Quіck Stеp $15.99 (Dec 4, 83)
November 1983
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (Sega) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Buck Rogers was reviewed in the December 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Apr 7, 84)
December 2, 1983 MEGA BLOCK COMMERCIALS (Friday Night Videos)
Newspaper: Buсk Rоgers $21.99 (Nov 20, 83)
Newspaper: Buсk Rоgers $19.97 (Nov 24, 83)
Newspaper: Buсk Rоgers $24.97 (Nov 29, 83)
Newspaper: Buсk Rоgers $21.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Buсk Rоgers $22.95 (Dec 12, 83)
December 1983
Congo Bongo (Sega) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo $21.88 (Nov 15, 83)
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo $19.95 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo $24.99 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo $19.99 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo AVAILABLE (Dec 6, 83)
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo $22.88 (Dec 8, 83)
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo $22.95 (Dec 12, 83)
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo $22.99 (Dec 18, 83)
Newspaper: Cоngo Bоngo $21.99 (Dec 23, 83)
You’ll Die Laughing - Electronic Games (Dec 83)
You’ll Die Laughing - Electronic Fun (Dec 83)
November 1983
The Music Machine (Sparrow) ≈ ✔
Best Guess based on newspaper ads. Two ads (ad 1, ad 2) from a Christian store in October claimed that the game would arrive in November, but the same store had an ad in late October as if it was already in stock, so it's possible that some people could buy The Music Machine in late October. I'll leave this entry in November until more information is found.
Back in 1986 my sister had to sing songs from The Music Machine record with a bunch of other little kids on stage when she was in kindergarten at a Christian school. She had to dress up like a grandmother.
Newspaper: Bible Games (Apr 30, 83)
Newspaper: From Concerts to Games (Jan 15, 84)
Newspaper: Musіc Machіne Nov Delivery at Hallljh Sqre (Oct 7, 83)
Newspaper: Musіc Machіne Coming Nov at Hallljh Sqre (Oct 21, 83)
Newspaper: Musіc Machіne at Hallljh Sqre (Oct 28, 83)
Newspaper: Musіc Machіne at Fresno Bible Hse (Nov 17, 83)
Newspaper: Musіc Machіne at Westrn Bible Stre (Dec 8, 83)
Newspaper: Musіc Machіne at Hallljh Sqre (Dec 13, 83)
Newspaper: Musіc Machіne at Westrn Bible Stre (Dec 19, 83)
November 1983
Survival Island (Starpath/formerly Arcadia) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update.
November 1983
Sword of Saros (Starpath/formerly Arcadia) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update.
November 1983
Artillery Duel (Xonox) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Artillery Duel was reviewed in the January 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Will Xonox Video Games Be K-Tel’s “Greatest Hits”? - Video Games (March 84 p32)
Double-Trouble - Electronic Games (Sep 83) [mentioned]
Double-Trouble - Video Games (Oct 83) [mentioned]
Newspaper: Chuсk Norrіs & Artillеry Duеl $24.95 (Nov 16, 83)
Newspaper: Chuсk Norrіs & Artillеry Duеl $27.97 (Nov 29, 83)
Double-Trouble - Electronic Games (Nov 83) [mentioned]
Independent Testing - Electronic Games (Dec 83) [mentioned]
Newspaper: Chuсk Norrіs & Artillеry Duеl $29.95 (Jan 13, 83)
November 1983
Chuck Norris Superkicks (Xonox) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Chuck Norris Superkicks was reviewed in the January 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
From Altruism to Avarice: Questing Games - Videogaming (Oct 83 p67)
Will Xonox Video Games Be K-Tel’s “Greatest Hits”? - Video Games (March 84 p32)
Double-Trouble - Electronic Games (Sep 83) [mentioned]
Double-Trouble - Video Games (Oct 83) [mentioned]
Newspaper: Chuсk Norrіs & Artillеry Duеl $24.95 (Nov 16, 83)
Newspaper: Chuсk Norrіs & Artillеry Duеl $27.97 (Nov 29, 83)
Double-Trouble - Electronic Games (Nov 83) [mentioned]
Independent Testing - Electronic Games (Dec 83) [mentioned]
Newspaper: Chuсk Norrіs & Artillеry Duеl $29.95 (Jan 13, 83)
November 1983
“Owner Of A Lonely Heart” by Yes (Nov 5) YT [Related video: Hooked on Polkas.]
“Joanna ” by Kool & The Gang (Nov 5) YT
“Twist Of Fate” by Olivia Newton-John (Nov 5) YT
“Union Of The Snake” by Duran Duran (Nov 5) YT 65%
“Synchronicity II” by The Police (Nov 5) YT 65%
“Let The Music Play” by Shannon (Nov 12) YT
“I Still Can’t Get Over Loving You” by Ray Parker, Jr. (Nov 12) YT
“If I'd Been The One” by 38 Special (Nov 12) YT
“Send Me An Angel” by Real Life (Nov 12) YT
“Lick It Up” by KISS (Nov 12) YT
“Read ‘Em And Weep” by Barry Manilow (Nov 19) YT
“Gold” by Spandau Ballet (Nov 19) YT
“In The Mood” by Robert Plant (Nov 19) YT
“That’s All!” by Genesis (Nov 26) YT
“Running With The Night” by Lionel Richie (Nov 26) YT
“The Politics Of Dancing” by Re-flex (Nov 26) YT
“The Sign Of Fire” by The Fixx (Nov 26) YT
“This Must Be The Place (Naïve Melody)” by Talking Heads (Nov 26) YT
November 1983
Text from The Video Game Update (Dec 83)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
November [compiled from Dec 83, Nov 83, Oct 83 and Aug 83 availability updates]
x - Alpha Beam (Atari)
x - Big Bird Egg Catch (Atari)
Boing! (First Star) [shown as being shipped in Jan 84 in the Feb 84 issue]
x - Buck Rogers (Sega)
Bump N Jump (M Network)
x - Chuck Norris Karate (Xonox) [double-ender with Artillery Duel]
x - Cookie Monster Munch (Atari) [marked as shipped in Nov and Dec 83]
Ewok Adventure (Parker Bros) [unreleased]
x - Krull (Atari)
Miss Piggy’s Wedding (Atari) [unreleased]
Pigs In Space (Atari)
Power Play 1 (Amiga) [unreleased]
Power Play 2 (Amiga) [unreleased]
Power Play 3 (Amiga) [unreleased]
x - Snoopy & Red Baron (Atari)
x - Space Shuttle (Activision)
Survival Island (Starpath)
Sword Of Saros (Starpath)
x - Voice Module W/Smurf (Coleco)
Wing War (Imagic) [unreleased in the USA (only released in Europe)]
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Text from The Video Game Update (Nov 83)
In speaking with Parker Bros., we’ve been told that the previously announced James Bond 007 has gone back to the designers for a redevelopment and should be unveiled in its new form at the Winter CES in January. As a result, the game, in all formats, will be delayed until sometime in the first half of 1984.
Text from Electronic Games (Jan 84, page 8)
By now, the only people who believe the Atari 2600 is a toy are those who haven’t seen Activision’s Space Shuttle: A Journey into Space. Released last November, Space Shuttle is the most innovative and exciting game/simulation to have ever come out for the VCS.
December 1983
Mario Bros. (Atari) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
Mario Bros. Is Coming - Atari Age V2N3 (Sep/Oct 83 p14)
Newspaper: Mariо Brоs $27.95 (Dec 25, 83)
Newspaper: Mariо Brоs $19.95 (Dec 25, 83)
Newspaper: Mariо Brоs $29.95 (Dec 29, 83)
Newspaper: Mariо Brоs $24.88 (Jan 5, 84)
December 1983
Space Shuttle - A Journey Into Space (Activision) ✔
November release according to Activisions, Electronic Games, and The Video Game Update, but it doesn't show up in newspaper ads in a trustworthy way until December.
[Space Shuttle - A Journey Into Space was reviewed in the November 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Newspaper: Michael Blanchet (Dec 14, 83)
Newspaper: Mark Gallagher (Apr 1, 84)
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Mar 3, 84)
Newspaper: Copely News Service (Jun 21, 84)
Newspaper: Lifelong ‘Space Nut’ Creates Complicated Video Game (Dec 4, 83)
Steve Kitchen’s Amazing Space Shuttle Simulation - Electronic Fun (Feb 84 p56)
Profile: Steve Kitchen - Videogaming (Jan 84 p25)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $24.99 (Nov 23, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $26.99 (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе DID NOT ARRIVE (Nov 27, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $29.97 (Dec 25, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $26 (Dec 1, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $23.79 (Dec 1, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $29.99 (Dec 4, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $27.99 (Dec 7, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $24.99 (Dec 9, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $26.99 (Dec 18, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $29.97 (Dec 18, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $24.99 (Dec 19, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $29.97 (Dec 25, 83)
Newspaper: Spаce Shuttlе $25.99 (Dec 26, 83)
December 1983
Subterranea (Imagic) ???
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update.
[Subterranea was reviewed in the January 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Working title was Tarantula.
Newspaper: Lou Hudson (Jun 30, 84)
December 1983
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
[Bump ’n’ Jump was reviewed in the February 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.]
Coming soon - Electronic Games (Oct 83 p11)
Newspaper: Bumр Jumр $24.99 (Dec 8, 83)
Newspaper: Bumр Jumр $28.88 (Dec 8, 83)
Newspaper: Bumр Jumр DID NOT ARRIVE (Dec 8, 83)
Newspaper: Bumр Jumр $24.99 (Dec 23, 83)
Newspaper: Bumр Jumр $19.71 (Jan 5, 84)
December 1983
The Power of He-Man (M Network) ✔
Best Guess using info from The Video Game Update and newspaper ads.
Newspaper: Mastеrs Univеrse $24.99 (Nov 30, 83)
Newspaper: Mastеrs Univеrse $24.99 (Dec 8, 83)
Newspaper: Mastеrs Univеrse $19.95 (Dec 25, 83)
Introducing Mastеrs - Electronic Games (Dec 83)
The Power of Hе-Mаn - Atari Force (Mar 84)
Newspaper: Mastеrs Univеrse $26.88 (Nov 16, 84)
December 1983
“Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club (Dec 3) YT 60%
“The Curly Shuffle” by Jump ‘N The Saddle (Dec 3) YT 55%
“Remember The Nights” by The Motels (Dec 3) YT 55%
“Rappin' Rodney” by Rodney Dangerfield (Dec 3) YT
“99 Luftballons” by Nena (Dec 10) YT 75% [Related video: Hooked on Polkas.]
“Pink Houses” by John Cougar Mellencamp (Dec 10) YT
“Think Of Laura” by Christopher Cross (Dec 10) YT 60%
“Yah Mo B There” by James Ingram & Michael McDonald (Dec 10) YT
“Almost Over You” by Sheena Easton (Dec 10) YT
“Girls Just Want To Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper (Dec 17) YT 80%
“An Innocent Man” by Billy Joel (Dec 17) YT
“Middle Of The Road” by The Pretenders (Dec 17) YT
“Give It Up” by KC (Dec 24) YT
“So Bad” by Paul McCartney (Dec 24) YT
December 1983
Automan ABC (Dec 15) YT IMDb WP
Network television premiere of Michael Jackson’s Thriller video on Friday Night Videos. NBC (Dec 23) YT IMDb WP [Thriller] WP [FNV]
December 1983
Text from Videogaming (Dec 83, page 49)
Judging from the mail we’ve been receiving since we opened shop last year, the most eagerly awaited game ever is Parker Brothers’ Incredible Hulk for the 2600 and ColecoVision. Forget it, gang. Parker Brothers just announced that they are canceling the game, along with the James Bond train-hopping 007 game.
We long ago gave up on that company’s projected Lord of the Rings game.
Text from Video Games (Mar 84, page 28)
This was Parker Brothers’ first release of Q*bert in any format. And given the limited graphics and memory capabilities of the VCS, Parker Brothers did a pretty good job. The game has been out for quite a while, and has been reviewed in these pages in months past.
Text from The Video Game Update (Jan 84)
Availability Update
(Based on projected release dates by manufacturers. May change without notice.)
December [compiled from Jan 84, Dec 83, Nov 83, and Oct 83 availability updates]
x - Congo Bongo (Sega)
x - Cookie Monster Munch (Atari) [Marked as shipped in November and December 1983]
Glacier Patrol (Sunrise) [unreleased]
x - Mario Bros. (Atari)
M*A*S*H 2 (Fox) [unreleased]
x - Masters of the Universe (M Network)
x - Mountain King (CBS)
x - Omega Race (CBS)
Snowplow (Sunrise) [unreleased]
x - Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Atari)
Subterranea (Imagic)
x - Tunnel Runner (CBS)
Note: Any program noted with an “x” indicates it has shipped prior to our going to print. May not be in national distribution yet, however.
Need a Month
??? 1983
The web site says that the NTSC version of the game was probably only sold in Canada.
??? 1983
Gauntlet (Answer Software) ???
According to AtariAge, Gauntlet was only available through mail order (direct from the company). The April 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter said “Answer Software plans entry into the 2600-compatible cartridge area sometime later this Spring or Summer.”
??? 1983
Malagai (Answer Software) ???
The April 1983 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter said “Answer Software plans entry into the 2600-compatible cartridge area sometime later this Spring or Summer.”
Creative Computing (Apr 83 p34)
??? 1983
Marked as new in the autumn 1983 issue of TV Gamer Magazine [GB], so the game was probably available by September.
??? 1983
Great Escape (Bomb) ???
Marked as new in the autumn 1983 issue of TV Gamer Magazine [GB], so the game was probably available by September in the USA.
??? 1983
Wall-Defender (Bomb) ???
Marked as new in the autumn 1983 issue of TV Gamer Magazine [GB], so the game was probably available by September.
??? 1983
Marked as new in the autumn 1983 issue of TV Gamer Magazine [GB], so the game was probably available by September.
??? 1983
Video Jogger (Exus) ???
Included with Foot Craz Activity Pad.
Newspaper: Exus Games (Oct 4, 83)
??? 1983
Video Reflex (Exus) ???
Included with Foot Craz Activity Pad.
Newspaper: Exus Games (Oct 4, 83)
??? 1983
Marine Wars (Konami) ???
Haven't found much about the game.
??? 1983
Strategy X (Konami) ???
Haven't found much about the game.
??? 1983
Dice Puzzle (Panda) ???
Dice Puzzle was reviewed in the February 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.
Newspaper: Dice Puzzle $3.99 (Jun 1, 84)
??? 1983
Exocet was reviewed in the February 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.
Newspaper: Exocet $3.99 (Jun 1, 84)
??? 1983
Scuba Diver (Panda) ???
Scuba Diver was reviewed in the February 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.
Newspaper: Scuba Diver $3.99 (Jun 1, 84)
??? 1983
Seahawk was reviewed in the February 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.
Newspaper: Seahawk $3.99 (Jun 1, 84)
??? 1983
Stuntman was reviewed in the February 1984 issue of The Video Game Update newsletter.
Newspaper: Stuntman $3.99 (Jun 1, 84)
??? 1983
Bachelorette Party (PlayAround) ???
One side of a 2 in 1 ‘adult’ cartridge.
Gender-reversed version of Bachelor Party.
Newspaper: X-Rated Adult Video Games (Jan 18, 83)
Newspaper: Playaround/Mystique and more (Jan 26, 83)
Custer Loses Again - Vidiot (Apr/May 83 p8)
??? 1983
Burning Desire (PlayAround) ???
One side of a 2 in 1 ‘adult’ cartridge.
Gender-reversed version of Jungle Fever.
Newspaper: X-Rated Adult Video Games (Jan 18, 83)
Newspaper: Playaround/Mystique and more (Jan 26, 83)
Custer Loses Again - Vidiot (Apr/May 83 p8)
??? 1983
Cathouse Blues (PlayAround) ???
One side of a 2 in 1 ‘adult’ cartridge.
Gender-reversed version of Gigolo.
Newspaper: X-Rated Adult Video Games (Jan 18, 83)
Newspaper: Playaround/Mystique and more (Jan 26, 83)
Custer Loses Again - Vidiot (Apr/May 83 p8)
??? 1983
Gigolo (PlayAround) ???
One side of a 2 in 1 ‘adult’ cartridge.
Gender-reversed version of Cathouse Blues.
Newspaper: X-Rated Adult Video Games (Jan 18, 83)
Newspaper: Playaround/Mystique and more (Jan 26, 83)
Custer Loses Again - Vidiot (Apr/May 83 p8)
??? 1983
Jungle Fever (PlayAround) ???
One side of a 2 in 1 ‘adult’ cartridge.
Gender-reversed version of Burning Desire.
Newspaper: X-Rated Adult Video Games (Jan 18, 83)
Newspaper: Playaround/Mystique and more (Jan 26, 83)
Custer Loses Again - Vidiot (Apr/May 83 p8)
??? 1983
Knight on the Town (PlayAround) ???
One side of a 2 in 1 ‘adult’ cartridge.
Gender-reversed version of Lady in Wading.
Newspaper: X-Rated Adult Video Games (Jan 18, 83)
Newspaper: Playaround/Mystique and more (Jan 26, 83)
Custer Loses Again - Vidiot (Apr/May 83 p8)
??? 1983
Lady in Wading (PlayAround) ???
One side of a 2 in 1 ‘adult’ cartridge.
Gender-reversed version of Knight on the Town.
Newspaper: X-Rated Adult Video Games (Jan 18, 83)
Newspaper: Playaround/Mystique and more (Jan 26, 83)
Custer Loses Again - Vidiot (Apr/May 83 p8)
??? 1983
Philly Flasher (PlayAround) ???
One side of a 2 in 1 ‘adult’ cartridge.
Gender-reversed version of Beat’Em & Eat’Em.
Newspaper: X-Rated Adult Video Games (Jan 18, 83)
Newspaper: Playaround/Mystique and more (Jan 26, 83)
Custer Loses Again - Vidiot (Apr/May 83 p8)
??? 1983
Bumper Bash (Spectravideo) ???
Mostly sold in Canada and supposedly through Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (Columbia House).
??? 1983
Mangia’ (Spectravideo) ???
Mostly sold in Canada and through Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (Columbia House).
??? 1983
Master Builder (Spectravideo) ???
We know for sure that it was sold through Columbia Video Game Club Magazine (Columbia House).
Creative Computing (Apr 83 p24)
Information Compiled From the Following Sources
The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers
Atari History Museum (Atari Historical Society)
Rock on the Net: The Ark Weekly Top 40 Archives
WP: List of Years in Television
My family’s calendars from 1982 and 1983. We wrote down almost everything back then.
The Billboard Book of Top 40 hits (5th Edition) by Joel Whitburn
The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network TV Shows (5th Edition) by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh
Book & Video Update newsletter
I'm a money magnet. Good things happen to me. I get things done. I'm happy. I'm healthy. I'm smart. I'm creative. I'm a nice person. I'm successful. I'm good with money. I'm honest. I'm trustworthy. I'm responsible. I'm wise. I'm easygoing. I'm clear-minded. I'm sober. I'm calm. I'm thankful. I'm satisfied. I'm forgiving. I'm confident. I'm kind. I'm considerate. I'm likeable. I'm friendly. I'm loving. I'm loveable. I'm joyful. I'm playful. I'm full of energy. I'm fun to be around. I'm a good friend. I'm eternal. I'm powerful. I'm a being of light. I'm a spirit wearing a body.
Did you know that Trump's rushed Operation Warp Speed rona jab has less than one percent overall benefit? Some people call it the depopulation jab and it has many possible horrible side effects (depending on the lot number, concentration, and if it was kept cold). Remember when many Democrats were against Trump's Operation Warp Speed depopulation jab, then they quickly changed their minds when Biden flip-flopped and started pushing it?
Some brainwashed rona jab cultists claim that there are no victims of the jab, but person after person will post what the jab did to them, a friend, or a family member on web sites such as Facebook and they'll be lucky if they don't get banned soon after. Posting the truth is “misinformation” don't you know. Awakened sheep might turn into lions, so powerful people will do just about anything to keep the sheep from waking up.
Check out these videos:
If You Got the COVID Shot and Aren't Injured, This May Be Why
Thought Experiment: What Happens After the Jab?
The Truth About Polio and Vaccines
What Is Causing the Mysterious Self-Assembling Non-Organic Clots and Sudden Deaths?
Take a look at my page about the famous demonized medicines called The H Word and Beyond. You might also want to look at my page called Zinc and Quercetin. My sister and I have been taking zinc and quercetin since the summer of 2020 in the hopes that they would scare away the flu and other viruses (or at least make them less severe). Here's one more page to check out: My Sister's Experiences With COVID-19.
Some people appear to have a mental illness because they have a vitamin B deficiency. For example, the wife of a guy I used to chat with online had severe mood swings which seemed to be caused by food allergies or intolerances. She would became irrational, obnoxious, throw tantrums, and generally act like she had a mental illness. The horrid behavior stopped after she started taking a vitamin B complex. I've been taking Jarrow B-Right (#ad) for many years. It makes me much easier to live with. I wonder how many people with schizophrenia and other mental mental illnesses could be helped by taking a B complex once or twice a day with meals (depending on their weight)?
Unfermented soy is bad! “When she stopped eating soy, the mental problems went away.” Fermented soy doesn't bother me, but the various versions of unfermented soy (soy flour, soybean oil, and so on) that are used in all kinds of products these days causes a negative mental health reaction in me that a vitamin B complex can't tame. The sinister encroachment of soy has made the careful reading of ingredients a necessity.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that unfermented soy is the main reason why so many soy-sucking Democrats in the USA seem to be constantly angry and have a tendency to be violent when hearing words or reading signs that they don't agree with. If I unknowingly eat something with unfermented soy in it, I get irritable, angry, and feel like breaking things, so it's not the placebo effect. Scientists in the future will probably find out that unfermented soy can make people angry. We already know that food sensitivities cause mood changes. It took me over a decade to figure out that unfermented soy was affecting my mood. What if millions of people are having a similar reaction to soy and don't even know it? Some people eat it and drink it every day.
I started taking AyaLife (99% Pure CBD oil) as needed in April of 2020. So far it's the only thing that helps my mood when I've mistakenly eaten something that contains soy. AyaLife is THC-free (non-psychoactive) and is made in the USA. I also put a couple dropper fulls under my tongue before leaving the house or if I just need to calm down.
It's supposedly common knowledge that constantly angry Antifa-types basically live on soy products. What would happen if they stopped eating and drinking soy sludge and also took a B complex every day? Would a significant number of them become less angry? Would AyaLife CBD oil also help?
If you are overweight, have type II diabetes, or are worried about the condition of your heart, check out the videos by Ken D Berry, William Davis, and Ivor Cummins. It seems that most people should avoid wheat, not just those who have a wheat allergy or celiac disease. Check out these books: Undoctored (#ad), Wheat Belly (#ad), and Eat Rich, Live Long (#ad).
Negative ions are good for us. You might want to avoid positive ion generators and ozone generators. A plain old air cleaner is better than nothing, but one that produces negative ions makes the air in a room fresher and easier for me to breathe. It also helps to brighten my mood.
Never litter. Toss it in the trash or take it home. Do not throw it on the ground. Also remember that good people clean up after themselves at home, out in public, at a campsite and so on. Leave it better than you found it.
Climate Change Cash Grab = Bad
Seems like more people than ever finally care about water, land, and air pollution, but the climate change cash grab scam is designed to put more of your money into the bank accounts of greedy politicians. Those power-hungry schemers try to trick us with bad data and lies about overpopulation while pretending to be caring do-gooders. Trying to eliminate pollution is a good thing, but the carbon footprint of the average law-abiding human right now is actually making the planet greener instead of killing it.
Eliminating farms and ranches, eating bugs, getting locked down in 15-minute cities, owning nothing, using digital currency (with expiration dates) that is tied to your social credit score, and paying higher taxes will not make things better and “save the Earth.” All that stuff is part of an agenda that has nothing to do with making the world a better place for the average person. It's all about control, depopulation, and making things better for the ultra-rich. They just want enough peasants left alive to keep things running smoothly.
Watch these two videos for more information:
Charlie Robinson had some good advice about waking up normies (see the link to the video below). He said instead of verbally unloading or being nasty or acting like a bully, ask the person a question. Being nice and asking a question will help the person actually think about the subject.
Interesting videos:
Charlie Robinson Talks About the Best Way to Wake Up Normies
View this page and any external web sites at your own risk. I am not responsible for any possible spiritual, emotional, physical, financial or any other damage to you, your friends, family, ancestors, or descendants in the past, present, or future, living or dead, in this dimension or any other.
If reading this page opens a time vortex back to 1983, the good news is that I’ve heard there are infinite timelines and you can’t do any damage to the timeline you came from. The bad news is that you can’t return to your original timeline in the future, so enter the time vortex at your own risk.